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the image and css files where not done by me, and although i had 
some suspects while uploading them to rebol.org i didn't want to 
change everything just for that :) i can add a zip file to the package 
if you need me to.
the images can also be downloaded from qtask.com/images/qwiki/
note that the script still works without them. you'll just miss them 
when viewing the html result in the browser if you used anything 
that needs them (rounded boxes for e.g.)
DideC -- thanks......I see the problem with 1.3.2 too.  Let me get 
back to you.
qml-ed not there
 -- No reason it should have vanished. That's strange.

Meanwhile, repack-core.r should do the job of downloading it for 
Don't bother, I have loaded qml-ed already, wihtout changing the 
dir, and moving files manually after.

(I had the same error  than volker, but solved it by unchecking the 
images files in repack and downloaded only "template.html")

qml-ed not there
 -- How often is the Rebol index files rebuilded ?
Gald you got it downloaded in the end.
The indexes are close to real time.

It is possible for the owner of a package like qmr-ed to make it 
unavailable while they are updating it. maybe that happened this 
i didn't change the availability of the package.
btw, if you have suggestions, please let me know. i'll be working 
a bit more on it on monday.
I am in the process of updating repack.
so far glayout (much better version) is able to open the same core 
without issues.  am doing download tests to be sure the code itself 
still works... hoping nothing changed within the lds service library...
sunanda I am getting an error from the server itself!  

whenever I press download, it starts the download (shows the green 
xfer data on the bottom, and then pops up an error:  here is the 
error as reported by LDS:

make object! [
    status: [100 20 "bad cgi data"]
    data: none
    diagnostics: [9003 9003 9.8084E-2]
    supply-date: 15-Sep-2006/1:03:41

have any idea where that is comming from?  I try to check it out 
from the code I have... but its been sooo long, A nudge on your part 
will help me get this working much faster IMHO!
well, I did all I can, for some reason, the same code under 1.2.10 
and 1.3.2 does not seem to request the same data on the server (I 
I am investigating further...
pow!  all fixed  :-)  just need to let slim  build the new release 
from all the included files and we are set !  I will also be doing 
just a little bit of cleanup within GLayout to reduce the size of 
the final single-file app...
Thanks Maxim,

I'll try to get the new version up and live in a few days -- I'm 
pretty busy myself right now.
everyone, its all working now... sorry if we forgot to notify the 
new version uses slick new version of GLayout which has gfx partly 
based on Henrik tests which he supplied a few weeks ago...
as usuall, type the following in a rebol console to open up the tool.

do http://www.rebol.org/library/public/repack.r

also note that I put a lot of effort in optimizing the file's final 
size, including a lot of hacking out, removing comments, compressing, 
etc... its now a much smaller download.
We are glad to announce that a newer version of the rebol.org package 
downloader is now available for people using REBOL|view 1.3.2

as usuall, type the following in a rebol console to open up the tool. 
it now adapts to version automatically
<pre>do http://www.rebol.org/library/public/repack.r</pre>

also note that I put a lot of effort in optimizing the file's final 
size, including a lot of hacking out, removing comments, compressing, 
etc... its now a much smaller download.
This version uses a slick 
new version of GLayout which has gfx largely based on Henrik's tests 
which he supplied a few weeks ago...
Thanks for doing that Maxim!
my pleasure... only strange that my last post ended up  here... it 
was a copy/paste of info in this group meant for another group.. 
Glayout is LGPL.   What does that mean for any script using Glayout??
that you can use it without your tool being confined to GPL.  any 
changes to bring to GLayout must be made available on demand.
unless you include GLayout *within* your script, in which case, your 
app is now GPL.  but I'll be happy to give people non LGPL versions 
if they really need it  (if they ask nicely  ;-)
So, if you are happy to give people non LGPL .. why not release as 
BSD or something else?
cause I'm a control freak  ;-)
I have been thinking about it.
(aren't we in the wrong group?  ;-)
Basically my experience is that anything that has the word GPL in 
it does not get used.
If you want to promote your glayout .. you need to change the license 
.  See rebgui's license.
unless it also has the letters mysql  ;-)
LGPL does not impede useage by forcing your apps to become open source.
I'm not sure people know the difference between the lesser GPL and 
http://www.rebol.net/article/0243.html<--- some interesting points 
regarding GPL here.
downloader: Download DIR should be create if it doesn't exist.
talking about newer repack.r?
the file browser allows you to create dirs... although I admit auto-creation 
of typed paths in the field is a good idea (maybe with a little req 
asking for confirmation)
is it possible to have scripts editable by anyone?
without owners, or with more than one?
I am starting to wonder if there is now more collaboration in the 
community, such that we could start compending libs of utility funcs, 
instead of separating them in tens or hundreds of separate files.
using official REBOL style guide and wrapping every lib within a 
CTX object and possibly an extra function which exposes the words, 
instead of forcing them directly using 'set.
maybe officializing a naming convention so they have a distinct name, 
making them easy to identify by peers.
maxim, a script wiki?
something like  lib-org-whatever.r   ?
yeah sort of
rebol.org has everything needed to manage it, including documentation, 
forums, users, excellent indexing on google (thanks to carefull work 
by sunanda).
and its pretty bot defensive  :-)  meaning there is little chance 
our work will be defaced.
http-tools is a good example.  I have some stuff, you have some stuff, 
there is A LOT of it here and there.
it would become public domain, meaning you relinquish rights to what 
you submit, unless someone wants to organize a rebol source foundation, 
and then we can have the foundation be the authorised copyright owner 
of the peer-reviewed libs.
I have advocated for this years ago... before rebol.org became organized 
by sunanda and team