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[Parse] Discussion of PARSE dialect

It uses a format file, it is very strict, but no chance to set a 
quote char for fields.
Native formats runs well if you export from one SQL server and import 
from other.
I figure it might be worth it (for me at some point) to do some test 
exports in native format in order to reverse-engineer the format, 
then write some code to generate that format ourselves. I have to 
do a lot of work with SQL Server, so it seems inevitable that such 
a tool will be useful at some point, or at least the knowledge gained 
in the process of writing it.
The biggest problem would be the different datatypes for different 
versions of SQL Server, if there is no good documentation for the 
native format. But BCP does the job quite well. I CALL it when necessary 
and try to FIND if any error output. 

There is XML format files as well, easier to understand but no functional 
differencies betwenn non-XML format files.
I'm working with SQL Server for a long time, if anything I can help 
or test for you, feel free to ask if you need.
Any one knows how do I find rebolek's R2E2 - REBOL Regular Expressions 
This link is dead I think http://bolek.techno.cz/reb/regex.r

I saw it on http://www.rebol.org/documentation.r?script=regset.r
Endo, I will try to find newest version and let you know. But do 
not expect it to translate every regular expession.
Thank you, I don't need an exact regexp library, but would be nice 
to have some regexp functionality.