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[AGG] to discus new Rebol/View with AGG

well My svg engine is working and got trouble only with matrix calulations 
due to an odd bug in the adapted version. Next i don't like the way 
my SVG works  I wish to be able to do it  in plain parse way (My 
method in not really elegant but it works fine  in most cases SVG 
is an XML file so the XML data is converted to REBOL  objects using 
parse and then i process those objects to convert into draw/Agg instructions). 
That was the fastest way i found at that time since what was important 
to me was the result not the beauty of the processing way.
to tell you the truth parse gives me powerfull head haches  ^^ so 
if i can't use it I don't use it ... I know that's bad !!
http://shadwolf.free.fr/svg-demo-shad06.ris the lastest version 
of my SVG engine. Well in fact parse gives me head haches only when 
i have to parse XML  datas ...
since someone was enough kind to write a XML2object script why not 
reusing it for such a purpose  ^^
what i like too is that once you get the conversion to draw dialect 
 done you can keep simply the draw instructions instead of the SVG 
ones  ^^
i done a  guitare notes easy learning  rebol script  using that SVG 
engine (to save some time) http://shadwolf.free.fr/guitare-manche.zip
that show how you can input an svg image and use it to draw on top 
of it  using AGG (we can imagine too animation displaying too etc...)
Nice guitar notes script :)
yeah really cool  :-)
thank you  ^^
Agg spawns some interesting projects:

Cross GL - slovak library allowing some interesting things - http://www.crossgl.com/index.html

Fog GFX library - CPU instruction optimised AGG "add-on"? library 
from Czech author (author of AsmBlit and BlitJIT)
From the CrossGL perspective, application demonstrates:

•	 	 Interactions with Hit Testing (buttons) at any angle and scale

What is missing in our AGG implementation, capturing events from 
gobs (?)  embedded in a draw design.
my R2 Glob engine does it  ;-)
so its something you can build using current engines.
but it should come out of the box... I agree.
I've been lobbying to have individual control over each draw element 
by word reference for years... it would make it so much easier to 
build all graphics apps.
and we could extract data FROM the AGG image, like vertice points 
and stuff like that.
CureCode it :-)
yeah .... events applyed directly on draw elements or draw able to 
"map" and show directly other graphical organised video layers who 
be so awsome that way from example what is rendered on sub engine 
external like opengl one could then be applyed to a regular vid area 

In one hand you will have an easy way to interface events and on 
the other hand you can map rendering any kind of sub rendering
the idea so far is to be able to show anything using a draw pipeline 
and using events definition native in VID since it's the most accurate 
way so far to manage events.
the idea is to allow then any kind of visual layer to get an embeded 
acces to a VID  window and it's content. we go one stop further then.
(could be video, or 3D animation etc...) AGG will be just the entring 
gate and link for those contents
not having to separate the external graphical library from the main 
graphical library is what all the other widgets library are doing 
for example QT, wxWindows, TK, Gtk+ have all their own plugin and 
related object to embed a sub layer to their own window compositing 
on text without the size of each character you can't simulated a 
realistic text motionning. This works greatly with fixed font but 
fixed fonts are not supported on all OSes and they are pretty borring.... 

fixed font system forbid de coders to propose a font selector to 
their users in their programs one of  the feature all the common 
text editor have.
maybe a way to solve this and introducing in the area something new 
could be to map directly events t o draw  text idiom. the way you 
create one and for all a event handler you apply it to the text idiom 
 and any time you use i t in your draw definition then the event 
mapping is avaible.
maxim already said that  about linking external grphical library 
result using image! data type


when Carl adds a few little image! enhancements to the extension 

API, I should be able to use a rebol image! as the interface to get 

the OpenGL render into rebol, using R3 view.  If memcopy works, then 
it should be VERY fast ( a few hundred images/second AFAICT)

yes Geomol did, but the limitations of R2 can't make it native... 

meaning, you don't have access to the binary part of the data and 
use it directly within normal datatypes.

the goal is to have an OpenGL gob :-)
so i'm glod to be the only freaks around  ^^
yes as you say... an 3D gob using external render should be doable, 
either OpenGL or other engine.
using freetype library directly is also something which would be 
nice, allowing us to wrap fonts into our applications directly.
very important for games, for example.
yeah or drawing non image based texts ... most of the time in game 
text are all fuzzy small et because of the distance with using AGG 
to draw the text on top of your opengl embeded to VID layer you could 
at no cost  get a stable way to display them
and that will go one step further than using GLUT wich is a very 
minimalistic windows manager
Freetype isn't that great in countries with software patents.
(Glut task is to display and receive events but that's all) ViD has 
a better way to compose window content
what is the problem with freetype?
brianH ... you know the law ... lol  no laws ever forbiden people 
to use their brains as they wanted
Most decent hinting algorithms are patented. Open source typography 
libraries are required to suck unless someone pays the licensing 
fees. Patent law does in fact prevent you from using ideas, legally 
- that is how patents work.
I know patents suck.
and simulating flat things in a 3D environement as an impact in overall 
performances of the 3D engine I like the idea to give the 2D  task 
of the GUI to the appropriated 2D library and keeping 3D full ressources 
for the 3D content  and it make the showing more beautyfull too
Freetype has a compile setting where the patented algorithms aren't 
used - and then it looks terrible.
(don't forget that in vid you could do semi transparent widgets relatively 
easyly wich is not the case in glut  for example...)
BrianH yeah mpeg2 was pattented and what it ends too ? the endustry 
was fed up with it and found 2 new ways to do the tast better without 
having to pay royal ties (HD DVD and blue ray)
I'm reading about it... but freetype 2 has another render which doesn't 
use the algorythm... actually the patent is extremely specific allowing 
people to ignore it properly.
not even mentionning the appearance of DivX mpeg 4 and all it's derivated 
which are patent free
The royalties are higher for HD DVD and Bluray, and are held by the 
same patent holders as the MPEG group.
its only in using the byte code directly which is patented, it seems. 
 so you can convert the font metrics and render them other ways... 
which is what freetype 2 does  :-)
DivX (aka MPEG4) is patented too, by the MPEG group.
For that matter, DivX (the company) also holds patents that the makers 
of DVD players that support it have to license.
XviD is illegal (where I live) unless you pay the license fees, as 
is X264 and VLC.