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[Web] Everything web development related


From your posting on the Rebol-France BB, it looks as though the 
formattng of your AddHandler declarations in your httpd.conf file 
are not correct.

I use these:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .r

#Following entry added to enable Magic!
AddHandler magic .rhtml
Action magic /magic/cgi-bin/magic.cgi
The Script Alias I use for Magic! is

 ScriptAlias /magic/cgi-bin/ "/Users/peter/Sites/magic/cgi-bin/"
Thanks Peter, I'll give those suggestions a try..
Dunno if this group is appropriate, but we don't have marketing related 
one. Does anyone use some advanced web access analytics to improve 
We have basic Google tools, but we were suggested ClickTracks (now 
LyrisHQ). Other product might be NetMonitor ... any experience here?
I now use Piwik. Free and Ok.
Has anyone written a web-shopping cart system using Rebol? So a simple 
CGI api to add/remove stuff to a shopping cart? Felxible enough so 
that it can be integrated with existing web-pages and shopping cart 
content can be forward to different check-out system?
[unknown: 5]
Robert I don't know of any and ask this same question long ago which 
is why I came up with the idea of Rcommerce which would be a REBOL 
based solution similiar to oscommerce.  Many here were vocal about 
it not being something that anyone would trust so I let it the idea 
I do have experience using oscommerce and it worked very well but 
again not a REBOL solution but is at least an open source solution.
Robert, if you just going to forward your items to another check-out-system 
then I thing that is something rather simply to implement via REBOL 
and CGI.  It is when you want to use REBOL to handle the check-out 
system also with the interface to the payment gateway system is where 
I think many people had reservations about using a REBOL solution.
Yes, I know oscommerce (or xtcommerce which is IIRC a fork). I use 
Rapidweaver for Web-Pages so I would like to integrate all this.

The problem I have is, that all these shop system push you to use 
their layout engine etc. There is none I know, that just does the 
non-gui backend part.
[unknown: 5]
Well that was my main problem.  I didn't like the layouts they presented 
either.  In fact this is one reason why I got out of the business. 
 It was costing me to much manual efforts to do the updating and 
I didn't have the time.
I had 14,000+ items on sale and couldn't put another 6000 plus that 
I wanted to put online.  And of the ones I did have online, I didn't 
have my best distributers content and pricing.
I used an oscommerce customer package that I payed for from a service 
which populated my distributers content.  they didn't support all 
my distributors which left me doing a lot of work.
I used Authorized.net as my payment gateway.  That was the plus side 
as Authorized.net is excellent.
I made the mistake of enabling my entire inventory on Shopzilla once. 
 Needless to say I had a LOT of traffic to mysite.  I had a lot of 
order but I had my competative pricing on and ended up losing money 
in advertising costs because of it.
Now, I'm a lot smarter ;-)
Ok, thanks for all this input. I will think about this a bit and 
see where to go. For me an online-shop system has to be made of independent 
Layout: Use what you like.

Item presentation: Dead simple integration into existing pages. No 
frills, simple to change.
Shopping Cart: Provides simple API that can be called via CGI
Payment Forwarding: Plug-Ins where to route the payment process
[unknown: 5]
The last two are pretty much what Oscommerce does now.
Some other packaged coupled with oscommerce do the others you listed. 
 There is no reason that REBOL can't do the same.
From the dark ages long gone; 

did not Ralph Roberts a shopping system in Rebol for his book Rebol 
for Dummies ?
[unknown: 5]
I don't know as I never read it.
Only book I had on REBOL was the Official Guide Book and they used 
my review for rebolpress.com back in the day.
Nor did i read it. But I think I remember something like that.
Anyone know how to view a website you are are self hosting. I know 
you can view it using localhost but I want to use the url. I remember 
reading somewhere that it was possible but I can not find it now. 
Something about the DNS...
In case its not clear...I'm running the hhtp server on the same machine 
that i want ot view the site with.
hhtp =http
this is a guess,  http://domainName/virtualFolderPath
do you have a domain name assigned to your computer? if it is then 
you can access it as anybody else ... I am not sure I understand 
... if you have a virtual host set and you want to test if it works 
(and are on windos) you can add www.yourdomain.com  to hosts file 
in winnt/system32/drivers
If you are on windows, check c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 
I'm using dyndns as I have a dynamic ip. 

If i type my url into the browser from a macine outside my local 
network I get my web page. If I do it from within my local network 
(even on a different machine) I can't not get through to the page 
"Cannot display webpage" error.

It's not just http. I'm accessing a mysql server too with the same 
problem resulting. 

I know I can use "localhost but I would need to change my code everytime 
I'm using it locally.
I was going to use a linux server...I' may switch back to windows 
Oldes, That worked on my windows box. Thanks alot!

Anyone know how that works on a linux box?
amacleod - isn't there /etc/hosts file? Maybe you could put it there? 
Generally, I use DNS based technique, pointing particular name to 
the particular IP. Even more interesting situation is, when you want 
to redirect public server IP to the internal IP on local network 
Any recommendations for a domain registration service?
I use the ones where I have the hosting, don't use godaddy , I sometimes 
go check domains at register.com
sitelutions.com, configure everything via web interface, cheap. since 
many years never had a problem.
Thanks Janko & TomBon
I've used directnic for a long time. No problems that I can recall, 
but my needs have been very simple.
Thanks Robert & Gregg.
I went with sitelutions.com. So far so good. (My needs are probably 
much simpler than yours, Gregg).
I have small tag editing tool for one portal, but something has changed. 
Few of subsites now are full of iaccute strings. I wonder when and 
how it happened, if during hand editing of some html files, but is 
there any easy way of how to decode it back to Czech codepage? I 
just checked, and all files have correct headers specifying charset=windows-1250. 
Or could it be some internal header problem? (BOM, Unicode related?)
btw - browser displays (escapes) it correctly. But our REBOL tool 
just parses it, and puts it into fields, so I need to decode it back 
Has anybody wriitten a "flush" function that sends data back to the 
browser before the CGI script has finished running?
that would be a good trick
shouldn't you just spawn another process to do the work and then 