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[Rebol/Flash dialect] content related to Rebol/Flash dialect

Movieclip.prototype.fade: func[speed][
	this.speed: speed
	this.f_index: this._alpha
	if this.f_index >= 100 [ this.fade_by: 0 - this.speed]
	if this.f_index <= 0   [ this.fade_by: this.speed]
	this._alpha: this._alpha + this.fade_by;
Movieclip.prototype.fade: func[speed][
	this.speed: speed
	tellTarget this [
		f_index: _alpha
		if f_index >= 100 [ fade_by: 0 - speed]
		if f_index <= 0   [ fade_by: speed]
		_alpha: _alpha + fade_by
You're too good. So how then do you use this?
Oldes, making some progress thanks to your help. There is one example 
with soem embedded rebol code (the arc example). Is there a way to 
have rebol do some processing then expose what it does to flash? 
I want to write a function in rebol to take a string and create a 
block of characters which I then want to pass to flash. 

For example, I can hardcode a_block: ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"] but I 
would rather send the string "hello" to a function and have it generate 
that block then pass it to flash. It seems that what I do within 
a "rebol [ ]" block is hidden from flash.
First of all, I must say, that there are two main parts of the dialect, 
one which are related to making shapes and sprites in the timelines 
(processed by rswf/tag-rules) and actions (in doAction and DoInitAction 
tags and as a part of Actions subtag in placing sprites and in button 
events) - This is processed by rswf/actions-parser
you can use Rebol tag to do any Rebol evaluation, but it does not 
return anything, it's not meant to use something like:   spr_mysprite: 
rebol [some code]
but you may use:  rebol [  rswf/compile load rejoin [{spr_} spritename 
{: sprite shp_someshape}]]
but in Actions you can use:  now: rebol [ rejoin [ a_block " " now]]
(will test it if it's working like that, I'm not using it:)
yes, it's working:-))
doAction [
	info: rebol [now]

 info: reform [(rebol [rejoin ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"]]) "now is:" info]
But it's not working well with blocks, so now if you want to create 
varaible with block during compilation, you should use:
doAction [
	rebol [
		myRebolBlock: ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"] ;this is Rebol's variable
		rswf/compile-actions compose/only [info: (myRebolBlock)]
Thanks Oldes, I will try that. The dialect and AS are becoming clearer 
now with all the info you have given me. I look forward to writing 
lots of cool things. Thanks for the hint about the two main parts. 
I wondered how they were connected as most of the AS tutorial have 
you create something with the GUI then add the AS part.
Worked great! Is there any way to pass AS vars to a rebol block? 
You must think I'm crazy but this is an amazing piece of coding and 
I am determined to use it. I'm curious but when you created your 
work for the incredible web pages you've done, did you make libraries 
or are they basically one large script?
How you want to pass AS vars to Rebol? Once you compile the RSWF 
dialect file, you have Flash which has nothing to do with Rebol. 
But you can connect Flash and Rebol using various ways (, getUrl, 
loadVariables or  XMLsocket connections). When I do some bigger projects, 
I do not use one file, but rather more files conected together using 
"include" or "require" tags.
You know that is true. I hadn't thought of that.
I also use import-swf tag to get SWF graphics into my projects (when 
I don't want to load the SWFs using loadMovie)
I'm going to start a new website project and am excited about designing 
some stuff. If I could only make the cool things you do...
As for my passing VARS to AS, I see now that I'll have to write something 
in AS completely if I want to accomplish what I thought would be 
a neat function.
I'm going to study your sites for more great ideas! Thanks for your 
help. After all ths time RSWF is coming alive for me. I realize though 
that one has to have artistic talent. You obviously do. Thanks again.
You may see that I have to close the functions into parenthesis
And here is new example again: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=155
 using precompiled tweening prototype
Oldes, do you have an eample that could create and embed a swf on 
the fly  ie: via cgi?
I would not use something like that. Why? You can have everything 
And it's easy, you just run rswf and call MAKE-SWF and print the 
result (probably would have to remove some warnings which are printed 
when I run make-swf)
that's can be done just setting print: prin: none
I'm thinking about generating on the fly
By the way .. i like the title of "to see stupid chinese wathing 
atomic bomb explosion"   those chinese... crack me up..
hm, it's not so funny, they were really watching atomic explosion. 
And probably were not so stupid, just the leaders who forced them 
do such a experiments.
just found that the movies for this example http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=116
were missing - in the movie in the middle are czech soldiers on acid 
and the rest are the same chinese soldiers preparing to watch atomic 
framTo tweening: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=159
Organic window: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=160
Thanks Oldes. I will check those out.
I've added an experiment with the Flash's security model http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=161
(there is added new tag so update your rswf dialect from the page) 
I'm not sure if it's working, but it should because it produces the 
same thing as this Macromedia's tool http://www.macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html#lcu
Love that elasticboy. That's funny.
Oldes, all very good examples. Thanks.
[unknown: 9]
I got to see a demo of this product : www.Lazlosystems.com which 
is a language that spews out both Flash and JavaScript. (and they 
look the same).
I've just updated the dialect to be able override the default settings 
for maximum recursion depth and ActionScript time-out: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=162
james: the elasticboy is not my flash file! it's just a test if it's 
possible to download movie from other domain.
Yes, but it's still funny. Keep up th egood work.
I'm just looking what's new with Flash 8.5 (beta) http://labs.macromedia.com
ech, for the first look I don't like it. For example this card game 
(Klondike) http://www.darronschall.com/playground/klondike3.swfhas 
(bytes) And don't see any reason, why it requires Flash 8.5  - it 
can be done in Flash 4
And you must have a Flex Builder which has 112MB = must be all the 
industrial standards so huge?
Hm, ActionScript 3.0 has new datatype - unsigned integer
New site made in Rebol/Flash dialect:   http://bonboniere.miss3.cz/