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[Tech News] Interesting technology

Not exactly.   This is not quite as bad as it looks at first.  It 
is not for multitouch, it is for a specific gesture.  This patent 
will not hold up, but it was easy to file.

It is also a broad claim specefically about how to scale with two 
or more fingers (not how to do general stuff with two or more fingers).

For example, this patent would not stop you from:

- Making a multitouch piano (you could play chords)
- Using two fingers to press and zoom.
- Using all your fingers to to make the page move around


If you hate one patent, you have to hate all patents.
The patent I still want to see expire is text caret/mouse cursor 
proximity.  Hide the mouse cursor when the text caret is close and 
save people from a little RSI and increase some keyboarding productivity. 
 Why Apple gets to claim that and a judge hasn't struck it down for 
health reasons is beyond me.  It's not like it isn't non-obvious 
It is not that a Judge as not struck it down (unless you know of 
a case), but it might be that no one wants to fight with Apple, even 
if they think they are going to win.  A patent is the right to fight, 
not the right to win.
Reichart - you know, when Jobs returned to Apple, I thought that 
cool things are going to happen. And those things happened and Apple 
is real inovator. But then the company is starting to do "strange" 
things. I know they are trying to defend their know-how, their business. 
But some actions should be weighted. E.g. their limitation of OS-X 
apps on iPhone, now this patent. More and more developers are upset. 
And I think that they might loose more than actually gain. E.g. this 
one patent issue, when you read osnews.com comments, those comments 
are very negative for Apple.
Besides that, I am not sure they were really first? Is it called 
a "prior act" or something like that? Look e.g. at www.perceptivepixel.com 
- it was here before iphone ...
I'm a little confused by your view of this, Apple has been filing 
about 1 patent every week since they started!
And, developers are not who thier market is.
You are looking for "Prior art", and you will need to prove that.
So are you saying, that only target group is consumers? I thought 
that you also need satisfied group of developers. It will be interesting 
to see, how it clashes with www.gesturetek.com for example ...
why are you bashing apple? you can get great hardware from them, 
os is free you can install anything opensource on it, on the iphone 
any apple developer working for apple on the iphone has it jailbroken, 
they could stop cydia et all today, they don't.. there is this feeling 
lately that they are getting the new M$, my thought is they are just 
trying to protect their business from big dogs doing 0 innovations. 
Tell me one thing, what would be  a world without apple? everybody 
will be using winoze 95.5.123 ...
Will - and you are typical fan boy, sorry.
at least, on my mac I can work, all my friends on m$ spend their 
time updating this and that, disussic about the best antivirus, antispyware, 
anti.. anti-getting work done!
I'm big fan of Steve Jobs, yes!
Please get your facts traight. Apple = mainly USA. Before iPhone, 
there was 0.x% penetration of Apple computers here in CZ. I was very 
long in amiga community, to know what is healthy community factor, 
what is zealotry, and what is plain fanatism. When I can see ppl 
going crazy about one-company-boss keynote, applauding things like 
adding icon here or there (because not everytime there is some real 
news worth of such event), sane person has to say him/herself - WTF? 
see what Gil Amelio & co ahve done in 2 years without Steve?
I am not downplaying what Apple did. They are maybe the only real 
innovator in last few years ... starting with ipods, continuing with 
other "i"s .... But - that does not mean I don't follow company policy. 
Corporate scene sucks sometimes, but I always openly say, what I 
don't like. Guys at Microsoft CZ know it, but - we are both sides 
open - some things can't be changed easily, some things can be changed. 
And some Apple's actions don't read well on some developer's books.
people are not applauding a new great icon put here or there, they 
are applouding a man who did contribute to bringing computer world 
forward.. now I 'm a big fan of Obama too, soon he will sign the 
Kyoto protocol and this will bring a better world to all of us
Stating that without Apple we would be in Win9x era is a bit - wrong 
imo :-)
Yes, exactly, today I thought about forming BS-Apple group here :-)
I have other friends that have hardware that can only run Vista and 
Vista crash a lot, they would be mouch happy If only they could install 
win98 on their laptop
btw, I'm no big fan of corporations and globalization either 8))
Noone sane enough would like to install W98 on their laptop :-) There 
is no older windows than W2K, anything older is not Windows, it is 
a mistake in computer era :-)
you meant TecNews -Apple ;-)
No - BS here on Altme is used for Belief System
Well, wrong group anyway ... I just might conclude, that I don't 
like patent system, which imo is twisted here or there anyway and 
imo stops innovation, and that is something I can agree to.
I hope to meat you at next RebDev conference and continue this discussion 
with some beer ;-)
I can=I can't
Beer? Then globalised one - e.g. Buddweiser or Haineken ... we can 
drink beer and swear how bad this world globalisation is :-)
and we here, what we want is RebolOS on great hardware, that is next 
evolution step in computer era 8)
Carl is a hero too, taking his time to make something great having 
us wanting releases.. and I suspect saying no to big players wanting 
to buy him and RT
The patents that Apple have been filing over various devices like 
the iPhone have not helped them one bit in order to gain control 
over the markets they sit in. The iPhone doesn't get its attention, 
because it's patented. They say there's now going to be a patent 
case between Palm and Apple, due to Palms new very iPhone-like device, 
but I think the only ones who will gain from this, is the pocketbooks 
of the lawyers on both sides. If anything, Palm could face serious 
damage in a time where Apple needs an iPhone competitor to keep them 
on their toes.
As much as I like Apple, I don't want them to have a monopoly on 
things due to patents and courtcases, but because they make truly 
great products.
The Apple fanboys are totally crazy is evident from the MacWheel 
parody by The Onion. I read tons of articles how good idea it is 
before they found that it's just a humour.
The patent system is IMO a dinosaur and will fail anyway. I have 
11 patents. Lessons learned: Don't spend time on  filing patents, 
make the product, push yourself far ahead of competitors and always 
make better products.
What would be appropriate group to discuss project related stuff? 
I mean - aproach, management, attitude, etc. I think one of my project 
is heading the direction I am not pleased with (mainly attitude wise). 
I thought about Oportunity group, but don't want to steal the thunder 
for guys seeking real oportunities. And no group like Marketing, 
project management is here. Well, maybe chat is enough, as I am not 
sure, there is much interest in such topics? I think that Robert 
and Reichart could greatly contribute ...
Back on topic now.
like the comparison between singularities and toilets ...
Was watching that doco about  Aubrey de Gray .. the voice over wonders 
.. will he ever become as famous as Madonna !!
I'm guessing he's in competition with Methuselah to see who can grow 
the longer beard.

From the mailing list. This is pretty interesting.
One of my friends has used Ubiquity for a while now.  He definiely 
likes it - but it doesn't work well with Vimperator, so I can't really 
use it in Firefox.
nothing special, but now every magazine will talk about it, and it 
will become the next big thing. That is how many things became popular 
in the past :-)
I've been using it for a while - I thought the same as you, Petr, 
but once you use it you can see that there is a bit more to it
the thing that maybe isn't clear when you first hear about it is 
how it can make use of the context of what you're browsing or what 
you've selected, in what you can write on the command line
they plan on making it work out of the browser too
AdrianS: the thing is, that this news was posted to some of rebol 
worlds some few weeks ago, by me :-) I am well aware of what it means, 
or might mean. I know it is interesting, but it is also how things 
should be, for many many years. This is one of those small things, 
which can turn into something bigger. With a bit of luck though - 
sometimes media choose one thing, and make it become the next big 
thing. E.g. look like Ruby got popular because of Rails, a killer 
app. I wish R3 some killer app too :-)
For what it is worth, Palm CEO mentions that there's a few apps that 
he would like to be launched with Pre.

Epocrates, a medical app is one of them.



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