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World: r3wp

[!Liquid] any questions about liquid dataflow core.

Nope, it's C (or maybe C++, I forget). He prototyped it in REBOL 
then went native for speed/scale.
its not my engine, and am not at liberty for now... it will become 
public at some point though, its not my code, so I'm under NDA.
Ah, too bad. Still, sounds fun :)
The engine will use liquid's flexible interpreted messaging overlayed 
on the other graph engine which I will use for scalability in sheer 
volume of connections and nodes I can allocate.  just a portion of 
the tree usually needs to be in RAM at any given time, and in fact, 
parts of processing tree can now reside on different computers since 
the graph engine is refered to... it should be quite fun to use.

this will be tied in to the OpenGL and scream core scene-description 
engine as one cohesive toolset.

in this system, the binary nodes will actually be optional and should 
be invisible when used from the rebol application's point of view.