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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

I have pretty steep requirements for the remark caching engine, but 
I'm gearing it towards long-term file caching, I was defering any 
RAM cache to a later date... funny how you pop up with such a thing 
right now :-)
I'd need a /time refinement returning what the date of the cache 
entry is for sure.  cause many cache conditions are time based in 
is that something which can be added to your service?
if so, I'd be very tempted to use it pretty soon. within a week probably.
can be done easly, source is in your hand , do whatever you want 
with it, sorry I have no time this week and I see no use of timestamps 
in rsp usage, but if I get at least one more same request I will 
add it 8)
also I'm wondering if compression should be an option, for small 
values it is an overhead..
it would be very usefull for me... the cache engine may actually 
cache the whole page if some cache keywords are at the top and bottom 
of a page
ahh, ok, I saw it the other way round... it always caches in it current 
(after looking quickly at the source)
the cache service check for the expiration itself
in remark there is no need for an expiration... the whole engine 
knows if something has been refreshed, based on your conditions.
you give it a time to live and a block if its expired, the block 
get executed and cache updated
I'm not going to compete with remark, but I'll be gladd to look at 
it once you release it 8)
ah that's a nifty idea. :-)
I want to use anything that is out there... your service is a low-level 
construct I can surely leverage... I'll probably add a few refinements 
to it when I finish the caching engine... right now I'm dealing in 
other  lower-level remark internals.
(self modifying parse rules which adapt while parsing the file... 
a lot of fun :-)
the kind of stuff I'will never understand.. 8P
hehe... its taken me years of practice to get at this point.  I'm 
not a "natural" parse guy.
I wonder if this scenario makes sense.
Instead of having a complicated cheyenne/rugby hybrid ... we just 
use the rsp engine.   When the first client starts up, it uploads 
all the necessary sources for the functions it needs.  cheyenne then 
makes all these functions available to its worker processes ( perhaps 
storing the sources in its virtual disk cache ...
Subsquent clients can then use these functions via rsp ..
that lead to a enormous security problem no ?
Not if you secure the client.
Getting an error trying to get php running with cheyenne.

Works fine on xp pro but on mt win server 2003 box I get a dialog 
saying "apppication is configed incorrectly. Reinstall may fix..."

(I get this when I try to run php from the php icon. In xp pro I 
would get the dos box indicating that is was running) 

I know its nothing to do with cheyenne but has anyone seen this...
php is not installed
and if you run php from the command line?
same dialog error
I tried a differnent version...teh "thread safe" The previos was 
"Non thread safe". Neither worked...
Some security thing going on?
Got it...I guess 5.3 does not run on win server 2003...Had to use 
Thanks Graham..
Has anyone made any tool yet that would process cheyennes logs and 
create some usage statistics? even if very simple ones (I removed 
statcounter because I have full https now, but now after I released 
it I would want to see more detailed and realtime stats (basically 
to just see who came in and visited what pages) than google analytics
hm.. maybe I will need to solve that on nginx level because cheyenne 
will show me localhost as IP for each request
Right, in your case nginx logs are more appropriate if you need IP 
stats. Cheyenne logs are in Common Log Format, so you can use any 
tool that works with Apache's logs.
I am making tool to parse them .. I need just some realtime overview 
, nothing fancy ...
would it be possible to log POST data (truncated if too long) on 
cheyenne maybe .. I would like to make a parser that would warn me 
of common hacking attempts by looking at log
like xss, sql, command line ..
( I need this for cebelca.bit where security is extra important )
It's possible, but you need to add code for that in mod-static/logging 
handler. Also note that writting data on disk is a performance killer, 
so you need to implement some form of memory buffering to keep good 
server performances.
If security is a big concern, I would rather use a C-based filter 
proxy or an IDS tool like Snort (requires careful configuration to 
avoid too much false alarms).
I know for snort but I don't know exactly what it does, I imagined 
it's detects intrusion on many ports (or is it http specific??) so 
it seemed like an owerkill and too complex for what I need ... the 
only port open is 433 , and which only 80 redirects to 433 . Everything 
else is closed by iptables, (on both, 80 and 443 is nginx and behind 
it cehyenne)
(I am using AIDE for detecting file changes btw)
It's more that I want to observer the http traffic for things I set-up 
.. but a lot of data is in the POST-s ... could I use your regular 
logging and just add the post string ... if it would be longer than 
X chars I would truncate it.
but I don't want to nag you too much , because again I am not sure 
if I shouldn't try to do this on nginx side for this specific website
ha basically format is the same between nginx and cheyenne so the 
same parser parses cheyenne too (only cheyenne doesn't have referrer)
this is good then I can really make it a little more usefull and 
use it on all my projects .. if you need something like it tell me, 
(it's still very simple)
It produces this for now (but I will turn it to JSON and then I can 
render it with javascript/html in many ways) days / ip / requests

DAY: 19-Oct-2009
   20:22:37 ; GET ; /manage/invoices-sent.rsp ; -
   20:22:37 ; GET ; /manage/sign-in.rsp ; -

   20:22:39 ; POST ; /manage/sign-in.rsp ; https://www.cebelca.biz/manage/sign-in.rsp

   20:22:39 ; GET ; /manage/invoices-sent.rsp ; https://www.cebelca.biz/manage/sign-in.rsp
   22:11:19 ; GET ; / ; -
   22:11:21 ; GET ; / ; -
   23:21:23 ; GET ; /contact.rsp ; -
   23:21:25 ; GET ; /contact.rsp ; -
DAY: 20-Oct-2009
   00:20:52 ; GET ; / ; -
   00:20:54 ; GET ; / ; -
Btw, you can also set an iptable rule to log those POST requests.
I didn't know that, but I was thinking if I could set loging at firewall 
level, thanks!
is there any way I could get pretty url-s with cheyenne?
like with rewrite module in apache .. I would need to map www.url.com/country/city/place 
to get params for example, or somehow get that directly so that some 
rsp would be called for all such folders and I could parse the url 
to get the data