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World: r3wp


Seems to be better.  But what is final result expected ?

>> do %test-framework.r

Script: "Test-framework" Version: none Date: 19-Nov-2010/15:00:45+1:00

Script: "Line number" Version: none Date: 1-Nov-2010/14:21:20+1:00
Script: "Catch-any" Version: none Date: 3-Nov-2010/4:58:46+1:00
== make object! [
    log-file: none
    log: make function! [[report [block!]][
        write/append log-file to binary! rejoin report
    skipped: none
    test-failures: none
    crashes: none
    dialect-failures: none
    succeeded: none
    failures: none
    exceptions: make object! [
        return: "return/exit out of the test code"
        error: "error was caused in the test code"
        break: "break or continue out of the test code"
        throw: "throw out of the test code"
nve, the test framework runs roughly 4000+ tests and reports the 
results. See the "testing & tools" group for more details.
I tried to use SciTe editor to run a simple gui script: rebol [] 
 do %r3-gui.r3 view [button]
What I got in the output pane is: REBOL 3.0 A110 2-Nov-2010/3:56:20
handler added
but no window appeared
running the same script from command console: "r3.exe testgui.r3" 
works just fine. It opens a new console window with the same output 
" REBOL 3.0 A110 2-Nov-2010/3:56:20 handler added" and another window 
showing the button
In Scite, I configured the command Go (F5) as:

so nothing different here
Maybe anyone has a tip how to fix this, I know this is SciTe problem, 
but I wonder whether other editor has the same problem. Thanks!
Add this to your configuration, and you will be able to use Ctrl-5 
to run rebol3. Change the path as needed.

command.5.$(file.patterns.rebol)="C:\usr\local\rebol3\r3.exe" "$(FilePath)"
Cool! Thanks a lot Edgar! I really appreciate this.
Could style browser be updated too? It basically crashes with any 
click I tried to the style's list-box ...
The same occurs here, so we'll have to wait for Bolek to fix it.
Pekr, that's list-box (text-list) style problem. This style is currently 
updated to support more columns than one (called text-table) and 
text-list will be only sub-case of text-table.

The new distribution channel may bring problems like this for regural 
users, at least before BETA is reached. Some developers prefer to 
put changes to SVN only when everything is ready, other developers 
prefer to push changes more often, it might temporarily broke functionality, 
but  it's much more crash-proof strategy.

It's a question to debate if every submit should be a release, or 
if only some special versions should be released, with first option, 
you will get latest release, that may be broken because of we're 
still in alfa-phase, with second option you will get more or less 
working release, but you're definitly going to complain that it's 
not updated too often (even if my estimate of 1-2x week is hit.)
fails for me on any test of mine with  
** Script error: path styl/faced is not valid for none! type
where can I find the style browser for that gui?
thx andreas
i just try it and it gives me that >> do %style-browser.r3

Script: "R3 GUI Style Browser" Version: $Id: style-browser.r3 1220 
2010-11-26 13
:18:02Z cyphre $ Date: none
** Script error: guie has no value
** Where: catch either either -apply- do
** Near: catch/quit either var [[do/next data var]] [data]
anybody got the same problem ?
xavier - see my previous message and Rebolek's explanation. My take 
is,that it sould be adapted to release, or ppl will find GUI highly 
non-working ...
Thy psychological trick is, that ppl will consider any such visual 
tool being a demo ... the one expecting to work. Prior R3 demo was 
nice app, pity it is not included with the releases anymore ...
The trick in communications is to keep reminding those people that 
this is alpha work in progress and that if they want something that 
works, now, they have to go look somewhere else.
Otherwise, the only option is to shut down completely and not do 
any development work in the open, but only in invisible elitist circles. 
We all know how well that approach has served REBOL in the past.
Prior R3 demo was nice app

, from what I believe, that app served the same purpose as the style-browser. 
Having Carl's R3 GUI being more limited, it could be considered more 
bug free than the current version, thus made a better impression.
well, it did not show single styles. It more showed whole topics, 
so you could see the whole forms with various styles, their setting, 
resetting, etc.  And yes, it was about the impression. I'll wait 
for style-browser fixes - the truth is, that it was never bug free 
style-browser fixes - the truth is, that it was never bug free

 - the style browser does not have any relevant bugs. the styles have 
 bugs. that's the point of the style browser.
whatever ... this is just playing with words, and I think it does 
not matter, as it is not a big deal (btw - when I found the bug, 
I reported it). My observation though is, that ppl naturally expect 
some visual demo or something like that - being it a former demo, 
or a style-browser - it does not matter. So - hopefully when things 
turn more stable, we could ask Carl to link R3 console demo function 
to launch a style browser?
this is just playing with words, and I think it does not matter

 - sorry, I think you don't understand the importance of the style 
 browser as a *testing* tool rather than as something to show off 

If we blamed the style browser for the bugs, we'd never finish the 
GUI. I really mean that style browser bugs are irrelevant. Any more 
development on it would be to make testing more thorough. At this 
stage, it's important to build the programs as we want to see them 
working, and if they don't, the underpinnings are to blame and should 
be change to accommodate the needs. That is what's going on now.

We publish the style browser to help users get the quickest possible 
overview of the styles as they are right now, crashing or not. Showing 
off is too early.

It should be possible to have the style browser as part of the demos.
A RETURN keyword poll.

The RETURN keyword is used in groups (Hgroup, Vgroup) to signal the 
end of line/column. Panels, however, neither need nor can use RETURN 
as a keyword. There is a question, whether the RETURN keyword in 
panel specifications should be:

a) silently ignored
b) considered an error
beginners will probably be irritated at b), but b) makes the most 
sense to me right now.
As far as I am concerned, I am slightly in favour of the b), which 
makes the starting score A:B=0:2
b) -- also gives you the option to add a meaningful RETURN for panels 
later on.
b) for the reasons Andreas said.
It may be helpful to put a warning in the style browser GUI
This is not a demo, this is a style browser, just like the label 
Browser still sounds like a working utility. It could mention that 
it's for testing the styles and they are currently expected not to 
I used to develop a Chinese Font Engine in R2 using Win32 API GetGlyphOutline(). 
Now I am trying to do it again in R3, but this time I will get the 
glyth data from OpenType font files directly. Basically, I can read 
the Glyph data now, However, when the glyth has zero contour, my 
OpenType font format parser got error. The OpenType Spec offered 
by Microsoft is not clear to me on this.... Hope I can solve this 
problem soon. I cannot wait to see Chinese Characters in My R3 GUI. 
You could use FreeType to parse the OpenType fonts
FreeType? I'll check it out.
Jerry, the R3 stuff we have uses Freetype and should be able to handle 
I know that, Robert. I just can't wait. :-)
So, the current state of the RETURN keyword poll is A:B = 0:4
A show face user poll:

We decided to introduce a face attribute allowing to implement the 
following show states of a child face of a panel (or, eventually, 
other container):

1) the face is visible and it resizes/repositions together with its 
parent panel

2) the face is invisible, but it resizes/repositions together with 
its parent panel, reserving the appropriate amount of empty space 
for itself

3) the face is invisible, it does not resize/reposition itself together 
with its parent panel, the positions of other faces in the panel 
aren't influenced by the presence of the face

4) the face is visible, it does not resize/reposition itself together 
with its parent panel, the positions of other faces in the panel 
aren't influenced by the presence of the face

Possible implementations:


Define a new SHOW? facet (you may indicate your preference to use 
a different attribute name, if you like), which could be set to one 
of the following four REBOL words, corresponding to the above defined 
face show states:


(you may indicate your preference to use different words, if you 


*The user can to determine the show state of the face by examining 
just one attribute, the SHOW? attribute.

*When using an appropriate function, the user will be able to change 
the show state of a face by evaluating a

    SHOW-FACE state



*Data are not normalized, seen from a data-related point of view 
- if a user sets the FACE/GOB/SIZE value inappropriately (e.g. if 
FACE/GOB/SIZE is 0x0, while the SHOW? attribute is set to FIXED, 
or, if the FACE/GOB/SIZE is non 0x0, while the SHOW? attribute is 
set to HIDDEN), the state he obtains will not be consistent.

*Speed - since it is necessary to test which of the four variants 
has been chosen, we need to use four tests in resizing code, i.e. 
the code becomes slower.

*More complicated code - it is necessary to take care the state is 
consistent, which may require more complicated code, maintaining 
state consistency.

*Documentation - the users need to be aware, that not all changes 
produce consistent state.


Since the invisibility of faces is already implemented by setting 
the FACE/GOB/SIZE value to 0x0, we need to implement only an attribute 
telling, whether the face resizes/repositions with its parent. A 
RESIZES? attribute (you may indicate your preference to use a different 
name of this attribute) is used for the purpose in this variant, 
possible values will be TRUE and FALSE.


*Normalized data - all four possible state combinations are meaningful, 
and consistent.

*Speed - when needing to test whether the face needs resizing, only 
the RESIZES? attribute needs to be checked.
*Code simplicity

*Documentation - the user does not need to memorize the possible 


*The user does not have the SHOW-FACE function, but, if required, 
it can be implemented easily, it can even use the keywords mentioned 
in the A variant, just translate the state to respect the B implementation.

*The user will not find the keywords in the face data, but it does 
not look like a disadvantage one should be afraid of.

So, please, indicate your preferences for the show state implementation. 
As far as I am concerned, I am strongly in favour of B, so the initial 
score of the show face poll is:

A:B = 0:1
Due to the fact, that the B) variant was not known in this wording 
to either Cyphre or Bolek, I kindly ask both to participate in the 
poll as well. Thanks.
And, as another poll question: do you find all four alternatives 
useful, or would you prefer to use just some of them?
I'm mostly interested how the possible initialization willw work. 
If I understand your B variant it could look like this:

button "test" options [resizes?: true]	;same as VISIBLE
button 0x0 "test" options [resizes?: true]	;same as HIDDEN
button 0x0 "test" options [resizes?: false]	;same as IGNORED

button 20x20 "test" options [resizes?: false gob-offset: 5x5]	;same 

is that what you meant?
hmm, regarding your question: the VISIBLE is OK. The initialization 
of HIDDEN is probably not, since 0x0 sets up the INIT-SIZE, which 
is needed for resizing, i.e. it should be nonzero even for HIDDEN, 
I guess
I'm not saying is should be same as above. I'm just trying to find 
out the layout dialect based initialization for all the 'modes' so 
it is easy to use for people. I understand the SHOW-FACE function 
is not a problem to use in both variants once the layout is already 
'running'. I worry about the init part though...
Initialization is hard: for a FIXED face we still don't have a way 
how to specify the offset, do we?