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World: r3wp


I have a list of fixes and improvements in mind, so I'll see if there's 
some time by the end of this week to put together a patch file. I'm 
sorry that I haven't documented the module system well enough to 
make it practical for anyone other than me to patch it at runtime. 
Improving its documentation is on my todo list, though I've been 
a bit busy at work lately.
Hopefully this patch file will serve as an example for others who 
want to do similar patching.
I succesfully 'overloaded' some mezz functions in R3 in the RMA hostkit. 
See the inclusion of %rma-patches.r file in src\tools\make-host-init.r 
in the RMA host-kit release. So it is possible to do some fixes that 
way.(of course not every part can be tweaked such way)