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[All] except covered in other channels

what i do usually is extract the original icon then just change the 
images without changing anything else.
We're seeing a steady growth in the number of Web-related channels. 
Would it be reasonable to great a "Web" divider for them?  Then again, 
I suppose could start experimenting with using my own dividers :)
[unknown: 9]
--::::: Merry Christmas to all :::::--

Welcome Santa Claus
°< 8^#=~
Welcome Jezisek too.
Merry Christmas
Merry Rebmas!    =^.^=
Merry Christmas
*** Buon Natale a tutti ***
Joyeux Noël !
A Blessed Christmas Season to all and may epiphanies enrich your 
Fröhliche Weihnachten
[unknown: 9]
Is there a single place somewhere where we have all put a simple 
clear description of what all is out there for people form Rebol?

Ideally it would be somewhere where people could rank or comment 
on each submission.  That these are products and not just hacks. 
 The more unique rankings would push the product up in a TOC.

But for example:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - 

Product: AltME (Alternative Messaging Environment) 

Category: Communications

1 Sentence:  AltME is a secure private instant messaging system that 
you control.

1 Paragraph: AltME is for people who need to work together on a common 
project or goal. AltME offers secure, encrypted messaging and sharing 
of information between groups of 2 or more people -- perfect for 
companies, non-profit organizations, government institutions, schools, 
clubs, family, friends, or any group of people who need to work or 
communicate in a coordinated fashion.

Platforms, Windows, Linux

Avg Rating: ***** (read comments)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - -
the only one is RT's products page ...
guys - screenshots!!! Screenshots!! I know myself - if I can't find 
tour or screenshot with any product I try to investigate, I somehow 
consciously start to give it a big minus :-)
I did some homework in the past - nice gallery here :-) http://www.xidys.com/rebol-view/image1.jpg
thru image45.jpg iirc :-) They tell nothing separately, but good 
for a nostalgy :-)
[unknown: 9]
I don't consider something "alive" unless people can comment on it, 
rank it.  It needs to follow the format of Downloads.com for example.
I think there's some flaw with download.com ... about a zillion people 
download something, and only a few comment.
Needs to be some way to reward those who provide feedback.
[unknown: 9]
Sorry, I mean tthe format of the page.
Today I got reply from Thom Holwerda from OSNews .... simply put 
- OSNews is interested in Rebol news and it is fully upon us to submit 
some product releases etc. Could be good match for View 1.3.2 (but 
it is old news now, so we should wait for update), Qtask presentation 
etc., or if someone is willing, to even write rebol related article 
[unknown: 9]
Qtask is not ready to be talked about until it goes Beta.
[unknown: 9]
So I guess the answer to "Is there a single place somewhere where 
we have all put a simple clear description of what all is out there 
for people form Rebol?" is no...

I suspect that the library could fufill this function.  Up to Sunanda 
and his team.
[unknown: 9]
Yeah, I think just a few little tricks and this would be great.
Trvor Gosbell does an excellent job of maintaining a comprehensive 
set of REBOL resources over at DMOZ:
Google keeps a (slightly out of date but easier to search) mirror

I am not sure, rebol.org does it, I have mixture feelings about it 
I think what we are talking about is a way to vote/rate rebol resources.
[unknown: 9]
DMOZ is a closer.
DMOZ: the ODP -- see link in my post above.
Let me state - few weeks ago (actually two months), I started to 
write one document in make-doc format, but did not finish it. It 
was kind of brainstorming about current situation:

- simply put - what to do to promote Rebol?

I started with the fact, that e.g. OSNews.com reports every little 
bit of new version of xy-language related product, while my news 
item about View 1.3 did not get it to their news. New info is, that 
I contacted Tom Holwerda and he told me OSNews does not have any 
problem with Rebol news, and that it is upon us to submit the news. 
I thought that at least for main product releases as View 1.3.x we 
could do it. Of course it would REALLY help, if RT would be a bit 
more sharing about the schedule, because simply sometimes a bit of 
hype does not hurt, so we could attract ppl to new Rebcode, to hopefully 
coming rich-text, faster blitting etc., not to mention Rebservices 
as a separate article. But although rebservices were released, I 
sadly feel about it much worse than I feel about old Rugby! It just 
feels like RT would drop the ball to the community and nothing is 
happening in this field anymore. So actually, what is RT working 
on right now? There should be some communication channel, so that 
us - rebollers would be informed enough to participate in chats following 
the news articles. We have QA channel here, but most often news are 
- "we plan", "soon", and that is not simply acceptable to feel informed. 
So it is from devcon's time, that we "soon" will know, what is the 
plan for VID, not to menthion real implementation schedule - that 
does not work!
Information source scattering:
Now let me state - Rebol docs improved! Kudoz to RT and those who 
helped them to bring View and new draw docs to the light of the day! 
Last week I was looking into several other languages, and I have 
to say, that we can't say, there is not enough docs for Rebol. I 
now feel rather safe about that. But - let's look into their organisation 
I really don't feel comfortable about it. Resource of most lays at 
rebol.com. Just go thru them - there are docs, which are pretty old, 
and new ones are NOT distinguished properly. There is even old draw 
doc, in which there is reference to even older doc (actually I can 
see it was improved). The basic doc for Core is Core 2.3 and then 
follow Core changes. Imo it needs to be changed. The old Core docs 
were good, function reference is good, but it should cover latest 
[unknown: 9]
I view that the only way any company can be reviewed is if it is 
not done by the company, but rather by user feedback.  That is what 
makes everything "alive."
sorry that I did not finish my ideas, was interrupted by few "New 
Year"'s phones :-)
Other sources of rebol related info are - wikis. I am sorry to say 
that, maybe it is only me, but psychologically, it takes xy secs, 
till I start to orientiate myself on those sites. Imo really ergonomicall 
bad design - that is imo reason why it did not take off. And I also 
miss those resources to be linked from other resources ...
rebol.org - mixed feelings too. Maybe it is also based upon my historical 
feelings about the site. Now I can find there is "Other REBOL links" 
section, so I take it back - it refers to other sources. Because 
- it is nice it does ML back-up, but ML is not primary source of 
docs ...
rebdocproj - mixed feelings too. rebolfrance.org - good number of 
articles, sadly in french only ....
I have to say, that currently my main rebol site I visit is - rebol.net. 
Maybe it is because of Carl's blog plus RAMBO, but it also points 
to other resources, docs, etc., so I feel comfortable enough about 
it ...
I have to say, I probably prefer dedicated portals! The have their 
own logic, but if done good, they feel consistent. Following is really 
bad - http://www.compkarori.com/vanilla/display/rebol-main
what is content of the site, should be logically portal's left column. 
Don't get me wrong, but what is actually left column of the site 
is - garbage - who cares about wiki? Wiki is not end-point there, 
rebol is, so it should not infect site design ....
http://www.rebolforces.comis still better design for me ...
Now - I know our point of views can vary, but that is simply how 
I feel about it. As I said in the beginning - we have nice info about 
REBOL already, I am just not sure, that beginner is able to easily 
find all good sources. Rebol sites ring? Dunno. Any suggestions about 
what to do about it?
And guys, once again, please, if possible - screenshots :-) Screenshots 
sell! Look at http://www.rebolforces.com/- images imediatelly attract 
my attention - this can be done with rebol View, really? Nice ....
oh, and I forgot one aspect - View based apps! Two weeks ago I suggeste 
rebol word browser plus Roam to be put into Docs section of ViewTop 
section. Too good apps to be missed by those looking for good source 
of info. Look at rebol word browser - nice apps, superior to web. 
Now imagine it running as a plug-in somewhere on RT's site. That 
is how live docs look, it would allow for examples to be executed 
and you could even allow area with script source, so users could 
do small changes and see how they are reflected in the result. Just 
not sure about security :-)
Pekr: "ML is not primary source of docs ..."  Absolutely true, and 
that's how it should be. But the ML can be a starting point for someone 
trying to research a topic or unearth an obscure snippet of information.....Which 
is why REBOL.org indexes the ML in lots of different ways: to make 
it easy to find stuff hidden in 43 000 messages.

If you haven't already, try playing with the topic index:

It's work-in-progress so it's incomplete, but it can be the fastest 
way to some primary information.