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World: r3wp

[All] except covered in other channels

I think you're talking about implementation details .. whereas R 
is looking at the overall picture.
I guess we're talking about finding a portal ...
No, wanted to push vanilla a bit. I think you are hit by bad experience.
[unknown: 9]
I'm open to what every one agrees on.  If it works it works, if it 
does not it does not.
well, you can run vanilla .. but someone needs to customise it to 
give it that inviting/live look.
How much load/data etc do you expect?
I hope the original developers are interested. Have seen some different 
looks, if that developers jump in?
[unknown: 9]
Hard to tell.
This is a vanilla site heavily customised by Chris

I think it needs a news section, a chat section, a download section, 
a place to vote and comment on software.
what about this site http://www.zope.org/
The Web Site for the Zope Community
http://www.compkarori.com/vanillai like the calendar.
(btw in 3 days you can make a 1000days-party :)
Its possible to run multiple vanillas. Then each project can have 
its own look.
Sharing user-accounts, maybe some way of cross-linking, maybe changing 
the dialects in a more rebol-way.
now, that was a news site ... blog etc... but after a 1000 days, 
not a single news entry except by myself.
so, I'm somewhat pessemistic about a community collaboration on such 
a project.
this is not a problem that can be solved by throwing a server at 
it .. as we already done that.
The best place to look may be the french community?
who knows ...
[unknown: 9]
so, I'm somewhat pessemistic about a community collaboration on such 
a project.

Pessimism implies something can fail…what can fail here?  Centralized 
information does not exist.  Building a site that centralizes information 
instantly accomplished the goal, as long as it can be updated by 
the very creation of information.  If it was nothing but an RSS transponder 
it would already accomplish something.

The trick to all of this is simply opening everything up.  Which 
brings up another great example, you blog, and your blogs have 0 
comments.  I blog (to a more private forum not computer related), 
I get anywhere between 20 and 100 comments.  But it is because I'm 
linked off a centralized feed.

People need to be invited in, given places to go, and know that things 
are happening.
I think of an alternate explanation .. Altme consumes all the chat 
resources available.
look at http://www.reboltalk.com/forums/.. the last post Nov 26.
How about free hosting, like lycos or such? peoples build their homes 
there, add rebol-widgets to pages? To get a community running?
[unknown: 9]
I think of an alternate explanation .. Altme/Rebol3 consumes all 
the chat resources available of the more prominent supporters.

This is my point!  We are all hidden in here.  It is elitist, and 
there isn't even a way for people to come in easily.  Sure we will 
have to deal with Trolls (don't we already?)  but we can see some 
new blood as well.
Volker, in fact that is sort of what I'm saying.   Except I'm not 
suggesting anyone needs to move their stuff to this site, quite the 
opposite.  The site is to centralize all the information about all 
the other sites and places.  It is mostly a giant voting engine.

The news is just the top stories.

The forum is just a place for people to ask questions, in fact the 
mirror of Rebol3 should be there.

The library would still be over on Rebol.org.  but the reviews would 
be on RebolCentral.com.
I did not mean host only rebol. Host daily stuff, blogs. Then the 
devs are wizards in a community.
And the others get contact with rebol, because they can add guestbooks 
etc on their pages.
[unknown: 9]
I'm cool with adding this stuff.
rebol.org already has "voting" in that you can see which scripts 
have been downloaded.
but I think you have to login to see this stuff.
[unknown: 9]
Knowing the download is useful, but outright voting/ranking is needed.

Off the top of my head a script needs:

Lines of code
One sentence description.
500 word description.
Date of last update 

History (when it was updated, lines of code, version numbers, etc).
Screen shots (if applicable)
Average rating
Review formatted as Pro and Con.
Editor's rating & Review
Comments: (hangs off the forum)
Connections to other scripts? "Customers who downloaded this script 
downloaded also"?
[unknown: 9]
Exactyl!  Now you're talking.
2006 in 40 minutes, till later
Graham wins the 
first to say something can't be done" award.".. 

Graham, looks like you've earned the coveted "energy vampire" award 
for today.
Please, no IOS.

My suggestion, promote the mailing list..and use IRC.

Example, the committe in charge can use IRC for regular discussions, 
and anyone who may have interests on any topic can just logon to 
the channel and take part.

Reduce the 'elitism' part. ....make it more accessible for developers. 
Some of them could be on Mac etc.
As far as I can tell, the main constraint on developing Rebol.org 
is the lack of people prepared to get involved and give their time. 
From my knowledge, Sunanda has single-handely maintained and developed 
Rebol.org for the last two years. (All in his spare time as he does 
it on a voluntary basis). (I'm definitely more of a hindrance than 
a help:-)).

Reichart is right, Rebol.org looks drab when compared with something 
like Ruby Garden FAQs. It doesn't appear friendly. Rebol.org lacks 
features though many that it has aren't used much(member home pages, 
forums for individual scripts, articles).

If I remember correctly, Sunanda has asked on a number of occasions 
for suggestions and help with the design/layout of the website. He's 
put in place most of the suggestions received which has resulted 
in some improvement in the look over the last couple of years.

What Rebol.org probably lacks is the clear focus and direction that 
creates a sense of purpose which will encourage people to volunteer. 
The may be a great part to the "paternal" relationship with RT which 
not only "fathered" the library system but continues to finance the 

A successful RebolCentral would probably give Rebol.org a renewed 
focus and probably won't divert any resources away from it.
[unknown: 9]
Yeksoon, I don't think IOS is where topics should be had, but offering 
a public IOS system that does "something" could be cool to show off. 
 Sort of like a model house.  No?

Peter, I actually did not know who ran Rebol.org (see!  My point 
exactly about -centralizing information, :-)   )

I think we could work together though.  As far as I'm concerned, 
anything built for RebolCentral.org will be open and free for trade. 
 Perhaps we can build and lock down templates that get carried to 
the other sites to create unity.

I see no reason to replicate anything as well.  In other words, if 
possible, we build one database of all content (perhaps what is already 
on Rebol.org) and leave it there, simply build a review system that 
points to it.  Most download sites work this way.  They are just 
a clearing house to other sites.
Where can I get the latest SDK download from?
On rebol.net I don't understand these two versions:

5-Dec-2005 	Release 	Win32 031 	View 1.3.2
18-Nov-2005	Alpha		See Above	View 1.3.61

Isn't 1.3.61 more advanced then 1.3.2?

I'm mostly looking for the plug-in DLL.
IOS: I would not use it as a permanent server. Instead: When we did 
the bbs, carl fired up a fresh one. We had chat and file-syncing. 
I would prefer to use it in such short-term ways. Then backing project 
up to web.
rebol.org - afaik its hosted on some shared server. maybe we can 
host it on the dedicated too? Then Sunanda & team can play whit daemons. 
chat, auto-filesyncing etc.

rebol-org, layout. IMHO it looks like slashdot. :)) I see rebol.com 
and rebolcentral as the use-sites and rebol.net, rebol.org as the 
programmer-sites. central and .org could share some things, like 
list of projects. But some thingslike the ML-arhcive is better on 
.org, and a clear "nerds"-look may be a good signal.
sdk: the 1.3.2 . 1.3.62 is 1.3.2 with rebcode.
Or would be if there was a 1.3.62 - right now the latest rebcode 
release is 1.3.61, based on the 1.3.1 codebase. 1.3.2 is actually 
more recent.
Ein frohes und glückliches 2006 für Alle
Happy New Year!
Let it be a good one! :-)
Happy New Year everybody! Already almost two days old!