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Henrik, obviously, i told him long ago, and his answer was "it's 
not open source". :) i told him again this time, that if they had 
used rebol, it would not be that slow, "but it's not open source" 
;) now i wonder how many python bugs they fixed.
there is one thing we could do though, which is to buy one laptop, 
and start making our own clone of their ui with rebol, and then show 
them how much better it is. :)
Graham, the thing is, if just .1% of them learns how to program, 
they can earn a lot of money and eventually start changing things. 
if we keep them out of the digital world, they will never be on par 
with us here.
good idea towards mimicking their UI using VID3! :-)
Gabriele, "but it's not open source". That's the default answer you'll 
get, but I would think it's more "but it's not GPL". Even if it were 
fully open under a BSD license, it would still not be good enough. 
If they were interested in BSD software, they wouldn't respond that 
I guess having a technical advantage is not a factor with GPL software.
i don't know. anyway, my friend says that most of the people there 
are python zealots, and would not accept anything else. (he doesn't 
personally  like python.)
huh ... but did they built OLPC for children out there, or for the 
Python zealots?
pekr, good point. :-) I don't think they can be impartial to the 
language used. I wonder what they would do if Python wasn't open 
they should put a machine code monitor in there too, for computer 
science classes.
i think, that many developers in the project are volunteers (my friend 
is), so i guess they got to pick the language they wanted :)
I wonder why they chose that over Ruby. Perhaps Ruby is really hyped 
too much.
probably python has more bindings (to gtk, cairo, and so on)
or maybe it's just because the head developer was a python zealot, 
i don't know. i haven't asked.
Graham, but is it the same people? I read a lot about how starving 
people in clay huts have no use for laptops, but when I read about 
it on Wikipedia, it's not targeted at these people, but people who 
already have enough infrastructure to support this. When I look at 
the pictures of kids with OLPCs, they don't live in clay huts or 
are starving.
Yes, Python has something like list of 10 - 15 bindings to various 
UIs. Ruby is close though. But for me Python is more readable. Of 
course I would prefer REBOL, but that's me, REBOL zealot.
and if you want to turn the situation around in those places, education 
is key and a laptop is a good step, but it's only one small part 
of it. it's just getting so much attention that people think it's 
the only step that will be taken.
I just wonder if they will keep selling the machine to us as well. 
Looking at the machine boot, it doesn't look all that slow. It would 
make for a nice little server.
we can be clever enough too. if VID3 is nice, it can get used by 
those children for educational purposes anyway, no matter what their 
UI is written in primarily :-)
if anything, it would be a nice tech demo. demonstrate how much software 
can be packed onto an OLPC, if it's all written in REBOL.
Formula for Milking the Digital Divide

Henrik: The problem is not hardware or how much software.

Schools need soft for teaching-learning, designed on pedagogical 
principles. Cmap Tools is an excellent example. (50 Mb of java)
What about an rebol version ? (3Flex is a good basis)
As Gabriele pointed out; OLPC information is full of FUD.  The "good 
guys" just want to provide a leg-up to some children.  The "bad guys" 
seem threatened and will use money and misinformation as they smile 
and nod and pretend to help.  ;)  It is better to stay overtly positive 
to fight the misinformation imho.  So in that vein; OLPC and the 
XO is perfect.  All decisions are the very best and could not be 
made any better.  :)
And we all should say "Yay OLPC" once per hour in a crowded place!
or team up and go door to door ...
Gabriele, I don't think that argument stands.  So, even if .1% learn 
to program and make some money, there is still the lost opportunity 
to save lives and enrich them in more basic ways.
People don't need to learn to program at a very early age ( I presume 
the XO is aimed at young children ).
Education would be better served with some clean water, food and 
a teacher.
And what sees is that anyone with any smarts leaves their country 
of birth and heads off to the USA.
Further impoverishing their bretheren.
Look at how many doctors of Indian origin now practice in the USA, 
and no longer in their own countries.
graham, i would agree with you 100%, you we're talking about teaching 
them how to get or make clear water and food, and if we train them 
as teachers (as opposed to sending teachers)
do you think that those that go to the usa don't have relatives or 
friends? and, isn't that an improvement for them at least anyway? 
keep in mind, in most of these countries, the problem is corruption, 
and sending more money makes that worse. sending laptops does not 
increase corruption at least.
sending laptos or selling laptops ?
clean water, food and a teacher

The XO connections to the net (may, will, I expect) add to the teacher 
part.  An entire generation  of youth may get that little glimpse 
that there are answers to their questions.  And then a butterfly 
flaps its wings.  :)  And one of those little ones may find out how 
to purify the local water from a HAZMAT database, and hey clean(er) 

OLPC is perfect.  It's going to succeed ... perfectly.  :)
there's probably more information on the net on how to make a molotov 
cocktail than to purify water
This is inappropriate technology
Ashley, yeah, that whole micro-loan thing looked cool at first…several 
of my friends that are economists are working on a paper that analyses 
the impact of that.  It is looking very bad sadly.
Is there a way in Rebol to have the equivalent in OO programming 
of a constructor ? Can we execute a function automatically each time 
an object is created ?
You can do it by making your own MAKE function like:

omake: func [o blk /local newo] [newo: make o blk newo/c newo]

This function take 2 arguments like MAKE does. An object and a block. 
It first create a new object based on the 2 arguments. Then it call 
the function c (constructor) in the new object and finally return 
the new object. You can use it like:

>> o: make object! [a: 0 c: does [a: to-integer ask "Value? "]]	; 
This is the "class"
>> o1: omake o []
Value? 3
>> ?? o
o: make object! [
    a: 0
    c: func [][a: to-integer ask "Value? "]
>> ?? o1
o1: make object! [
    a: 3
    c: func [][a: to-integer ask "Value? "]
Thanks ! have another 2 questions about OO programming
1) In one of my script I have had an "OUT OF MEMORY ERROR" in a situation 
where you normally don't exect such error and don't check about it. 
Is there a way to raise an exception automatically and give control 
to the exception handler you have written ?
Can TRY be used in that situation?
Like in:

>> if error? try [4 / 0] [print "There was an error!"]
There was an error!

I'm not sure, if that catch out of memory errors.
Yes but when this error arised (during a read/lines operation) I 
asked myself if the "OUT OF MEMORY" error could accur in situations 
like function definition, object creations and so on. You don't expect 
an error expecially in the first scenario.
(first scenario: function definition)
Yes, it a bit different from "normal" errors in REBOL. I haven't 
got much experience with out of memory situations. Can you test it 
somehow, if it'll work?
I can't reproduce the out of memory error at function definition 
bur teh question remains.