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World: r3wp

[All] except covered in other channels

the aim is to allow users to create their own rules
with only the date of a vaccination and the vaccine type known to 
the rule
oh , and the child's dob
A checklist that your app generates from rules, for them to use, 
or to be used in-app by you, with them saying what schedule they 
want to follow?
My brain seems to be turned off for the night. Just can't visualize.
[unknown: 5]
Alan please stop with the posting of periods.  It messes up the view 
for all of us.
sorry but have 2 Installed Altme under wine on mandriva and it crashed 
only way 2 synch
If anyone manages to figure out how the compress:// scheme works, 
I'd be happy.
see system/standard/compress and the error given by open [scheme: 
I saw a little of a cartoon tv series some time ago, that I can't 
remember the name of. I think, it was called "Afterlife" or something 
like that. It was mostly still pictures with very little animation, 
but lots of atmosphere. The story was kind of confusing but something 
like after a nuclear war (maybe), and we followed this guy, who was 
on a run and met some strange people maybe in the countryside in 
USA. One was kind of a hunter. Anyone knows, what I'm talking about?
nah :P
A voice was telling the story, and then we followed this guy in the 
nature. He met a hunter, who learned him to handle a weapon and how 
to survive. (I think, only saw a little of it.)
I think this falls into chat - non webpublic, non rebol :)
Yeah, maybe. I was in doubt.
All Crossover products are free only today at http://lameduck.codeweavers.com/free/

One license per person. Hurry, if you want one.
Main Website Temporarily Offline

Due to the high volume of traffic for the Lame Duck Challenge Free 
Offer, we have temporarily disabled the CodeWeavers main website.

    We apologize for this inconvenience. We still love Digg, even if 
    our server disagrees. ;-)

Click Here to get your serial number for CrossOver.
The serial number part seems to work here.
It comes and goes. It is now one free license per email address, 
not per person :)
Did the US economy worsen through the day? :-)
they have also extended the offer to 2 days due to the over load
now they've put the full versions up for direct download.
Yeah, I got those first thing in the morning. I notice that the requests 
for serial numbers are now split into Mac and Linux - I wonder what 
that means for the earlier requests where they didn't make that distinction? 
The offer seems to be the same number of days here, no change.
Anyone know of a markup language that outputs flow charts?  

Something like:

(Start) -> [Get input] -> (End)

And this would out put a smartly laid out flow chart.
Graphviz?    Check this hello world to see if it'll float your boat. 
I looked at, not sure, I was hoping for something more, er...universal...
Also, what are the best tools to rip a DVD to an AVI file on Windows. 

The trick here is (well, a) Windows), but more importantly, that 
the AVI will have proper keyframes, which seems to be the problem. 
 All the systems we have played with produce AVIs you CAN'T skip 
Text to flowchart (not free)
Sunanda, yes, cool, this is more what I'm talking about.  Price is 
not an issue for me, although I always prefer things to be based 
on standards, so there are free products, and for sale products.
I've used Allclear in the past (I probably still have a DOS license 
for it!).

What's nice is how simple the text dialect is -- or was in those 
days....I've not checked recently.
Yeah, seems so, and they have a split window, which solves a lot 
of issues.  Thank you very much...
An old boss of mine swore by AllClear.
Wow $340...
excluding tax
Must be a British product ... strong English accent in the demo
Reichart: not skipping the AVIs might also be the player? But keep 
in mind, that to reduce size, keyframes are inserted "rarely" (ie. 
only when needed) rather than regularly. I've never had problems 
though with skipping... but I must say I never liked any of the Windows 
programs to do this.
Reichart - there is probably plenty of tools, I usually search DVD 
to AVI, and it is often also directly name of some tools. As for 
ripping, I use the combo form Slysoft - CloneDVD, AnyDVD
If it is an unencrypted DVD, try to make an ISO, then mount it with 
Clonedrive. From there on, I tend to use Nero and encode to MPEG-4 
- greatly reduces size and is almost universal, especially on mobile 
devices. Quicktime also support MPEG-4
AnyDVD is cool little tool, which removes all protections .... not 
sure how it is legal and that the company was not sued yet, but it 
is different problem ...
Two things:

= The subtle question = 

We have played with a lot of software, and ALL of them (that we have 
tried) have failed to produce a final product that works.  Meaning, 
all players (WMplayer, WinAmp, VLC, etc.) do not allow skipping, 
and, again, keep in mind, this is using Windows tools to Rip, and 
then encode (usually two products have to be used ).

I make this clear because I'm not questioning that this can be done 
correctly from Linux (or perhaps Mac even).

So my question is really "[are you sure] from windows you can produce 
a 700m avi from a DVD that allows skipping [keyframes] on Windows?"

Our search of forums tells us others have the same problem, and people 
eventually give up and go to linux.

(Warning, rant ahead) :)

= The law = 

First, we all have to recognize the laws are slightly different in 
each country.  Part of what makes this confusing is that America 
tends to set the "tone" for the rest of the world (since it makes 
the most profitable media in the first place.  Not the most media 
keep in mind, for example Iceland makes more books per person for 
example).  And what makes this really confusing is that America has 
state and local laws, which can conflict but will still be overruled 
by federal law.  Marijuana is a good example.  Some states say YES, 
and the Feds say NO.  So you are still committing a Fed crime if 
you use this stuff.

However in the case of copyright, it is the other way around.  Organizations 
say NO, and the Feds say YES!

But the REAL trick here is that software that cracks DVDs is illegal, 
but having the resultant backup is not.  How is that for confusing?

Bottom line, there is a fair use act, which stands, but another law 
that makes getting that fair use to work for you that is illegal. 
 I should probably blog this since I could not find a good example 
of this clear statement on the web. 

However, the best thing I could find was just the simple Wikipedia 
entry for the judge herself that both made the heavy blow, but also 
defended the other individual rights.  


Personally, she symbolizes to me the scariest type of person in power. 
 Which is, she became myopic and decided to just solve the one problem 
in front of her, as opposed to requiring that the issues be solved 
correctly higher up so that this small problem could be handled.

In other words, she saw a leaking toilet, and ruled that the water 
should be cut off to the bathroom.  Then turned around and said, 
but everyone has a "right" to use the bathroom.

It is people like this that allow tyrants to gain power.

(end of rant)
As for me, it is simple, I own all my CDs and DVDs. 

I simply want access to them using the technology I chose (which 
I also paid for).

I won't share them, copy them to others, etc.  Just, want to pay 
for and enjoy the material, free of the medium.
Hasn't Larry Lessig covered this territory?  Particularly the tension 
between Fair Use and DMCA?
Side post:  In Canada we pay a levy on blank media (that is taxed) 
to cover "piracy".  The CIRPA (and not-for-profit CPCC) have collected 
$100's of millions and last I heard (I could very well be misinformed 
as this levy is hidden "to avoid consumer outrage") they have not 
paid out one dime to any artists, citing that the system to ensure 
the redistribution to artists is fair hasn't been figured out yet. 
 So the bank account just gets bigger (and I assume, so do the "work" 
parties they hold for each other).
Reichart - if you want to have precise skipping etc. possibility, 
IIRC tools like Nandub, Virtual dub allowed something like that. 
Those are scriptable tools. But they work with AVI, they don't allow 
you to RIP DVD, so you would have to use two tools.
Reichart, please remember me while I'm at the ranch, and we can go 
over this together. As I said, I think that the Windows tools simply 
suck, but, I still have hope that there is some way (not an easy 
way, I bet) to make them work the way you want it.
Since we're talking about video stuff ... what's the best tool to 
convert ts files?  These are H.264 high definition tv streams that 
are transmitted by local TV transmittters .. ie. not satellite .. 

I've downloaded about 10 tools and they all choke including ffmpeg. 
 VLC manages to view a few frames before it crashes too.
I downloaded a trial version of Cyberlink PowerDVD 8 which is able 
to play them, but it's very choppy as I only have a core duo laptop. 
 I need a quadcore I think to play back these files!  hence the need 
to convert them so I can watch them on the DVD player.
Pekr, any update on the ffmpeg wrapper that you commissioned? Is 
it just a gui for the command line tool, or does it do something 