World: r3wp
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BrianH 3-Apr-2009 [3486] | Don't worry, I'll be sure to play with TRANSCODE/error until I can make it do magic tricks - it's already helped in LOAD :) |
btiffin 3-Apr-2009 [3487] | Go Hawley Go! |
Maxim 3-Apr-2009 [3488] | an accessor like /load ? ;-) |
Oldes 3-Apr-2009 [3489x2] | Steeve.. how can I help you? :) |
It would be fine to have AsmJIT integrated in REBOL as it could be used to speed up blitting as well. | |
Pekr 3-Apr-2009 [3491] | What about JIT method for AGG I posted earlier? |
Oldes 3-Apr-2009 [3492] | that's it.. blitjit is based on asmjit |
Pekr 3-Apr-2009 [3493] | is that cross platform? |
Steeve 3-Apr-2009 [3494] | yep cross platform |
Pekr 3-Apr-2009 [3495] | Then we should order Cyphre to do few AGG tests :-) |
Steeve 3-Apr-2009 [3496] | Simulating AGG is not the main aim here. The first target is to replace rebcode in R3 |
Pekr 3-Apr-2009 [3497x2] | ah, but you surely noticed what initiated this discussion? It was some test some guys did with the lib for AGG. | BlitJit is based upon ASMJit. I am all for RebCode replacement, especially as RebCode turned out to be rather slow to R2 version | |
Steeve 3-Apr-2009 [3499] | i started my own thread :-) |
Pekr 3-Apr-2009 [3500] | HLA? |
Steeve 3-Apr-2009 [3501x2] | no |
here | |
Graham 3-Apr-2009 [3503x2] | just wondering .. how many error free LOC should one expect from a REBOL programmer in an hour? |
I'm guessing one line a minute. | |
PeterWood 4-Apr-2009 [3505x3] | That would be very high but it all depends on your definition of LOC written. Does it include undertanding (or even analysisng) the requirement, desigNing the script, coding, unit testing, system testing, acceptance testing and documentation? |
When I first started work, our LOC metric included understanding the spec, flowcharting the program, coding (on paper - wihich was then punched onto cards), compiling the program, desk checking the program and unit testing. We averaged 50 line of PL/1 code per day on that basis. | |
It is easier to write PL/1 code than Rebol because each line does much less. | |
Graham 4-Apr-2009 [3508] | 50 lines per day? wow. |
PeterWood 4-Apr-2009 [3509] | With extrremely powerful languages like Rebol, LOC is even less reliable than less powerful languages. Are these comparable: a: a + 1 repeat n 100 [if not error? try [close open probe join tcp://localhost: n] [print [n "is open"]]] |
Graham 4-Apr-2009 [3510] | I'd rate the 2nd line as 5 lines |
PeterWood 4-Apr-2009 [3511] | 50 lines per day was twice the average for in-house companies which was one factor in the company's success. |
Anton 4-Apr-2009 [3512] | I think lines of code is a pretty useless metric. Some lines are much more difficult to find than others. |
PeterWood 4-Apr-2009 [3513x2] | and it is made less useful by the million different definitions of writing a line of code. |
Graham: A good figure for you would be to count all the lines of code in Synapse-EMR and divide by the total number of hours you have spent working on it. | |
Anton 4-Apr-2009 [3515] | That's if the program you're comparing with is similar to the size and complexity of Synapse-EMR. |
Henrik 4-Apr-2009 [3516x2] | LOC: And what about code that you write, throw out and rewrite? LOC is not a useful productivity measuring method. |
Much of the time is also spent on optimizing code = reducing code size. | |
Graham 4-Apr-2009 [3518] | If you start with 30 lines of code and end up with 10, that's still 10 lines of production code ... |
Anton 4-Apr-2009 [3519] | Yes.. and ? What does it tell you? |
Henrik 4-Apr-2009 [3520] | and tomorrow, that code may go away or be reduced to 3 lines, because you figured out an even better way to do it. LOC doesn't tell you anything. |
Anton 4-Apr-2009 [3521] | Does it satisfy your need to have a simple answer? The answer to the question of which programmer is "better"? |
Henrik 4-Apr-2009 [3522] | Einstein must have been a really poor scientist, since his equations ended up being so small. :-) |
Anton 4-Apr-2009 [3523] | I'd suggest that when you ask the question "How many lines of code a day do you produce on average?" and the respondent doesn't argue with you about the meaningless of the metric, that you should move on to someone else. |
Sunanda 4-Apr-2009 [3524] | LOC is a bad measure of software productivity. As are most other alternative metrics, like, say function points: |
Geomol 4-Apr-2009 [3525x3] | Quality of work (programming) might be measured by the amount of functionality divided by the amount of information produced to make this functionality. |
So if you produce lots of LOC and get little functionality out of it, you're a bad programmer. If you produce very little LOC and get lots of functionality out of it, you're a good programmer. | |
Readability probably play a role too, if the code has to be maintainable. | |
shadwolf 4-Apr-2009 [3528x4] | who cares bad or good the only goal is to do teh trick, satisfy the client and get the monney the rest is useless |
judging coding since coding is an art is like judging painting .... can you say matis is better than Piccaso or Rambrant ? | |
what always amazed me in coding skills and in rebol most since i'm here to talk about rebol is the hability to do complexe thing the simpliest way possible | |
making complicated thing the complicated way is just loss of time | |
Gregg 4-Apr-2009 [3532] | If you're going to measure KLOC, you have to measure it with historical data (e.g. the 100 lines that became 30 that became 10). And you have to account for design, testing, and domain understanding. Plus, do you have a well known target, or are you doing R&D? |
btiffin 4-Apr-2009 [3533] | Didn't Carl just post about a new metric? rebols don't count lines or semicolons, we loadmoldflatcompress. |
Janko 4-Apr-2009 [3534] | such smaller indexers can be very good to learn and good basis if you need something more custom around data retrieval.. I was searching few times if there is anything like a text indexer written in REBOL but I only saw it today :) |
Sunanda 4-Apr-2009 [3535] | Continuing a thread about Skimp and the Mailing List archive from the REBOLweek group... We have 40K messages, but we index threads.....So only 9500 or so :-) There is a skimp index per year. Each index has 27 files (header + A, B,C etc). That's 400-odd files. Total 4.5 meg. Not kept in memory....We're runnings a CGI application, so loaded afresh each time. (The opsys may be cacheing for us). |
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