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a plane crashed, carrying the president and many top level govt. 

The fiery crash killed off a wide cross-section of Poland’s most 
important political, military and financial figures, many of them 
heroes of the anti-communist struggle.

and reports are that its the president's direct fault, since he ordered 
the pilot to ignore requests by the control tower which told them 
to stop landing and go to another airport, because of heavy fog.
I see it as a security risk, to allow such many important ppl to 
have on one plane. Sad event, I live 5 km from Poland border, we 
have many ppl with polish nationality here, we bear with them. And 
also strange symbol - they travelled to Russia because of past Katyn 
event, where Stalin killed 20 thousands of polish nationality - top 
politicians, military ppl, teachers, etc. - simply they killed polish 
elite of that time ...
Yes, that illustrates, that Hitler was not the only one mass-murdering 
people during WW II.
(I heard, recently, that as far as Katyn goes, there were about 22 
thousands polish elites, and about 500 czechs too)
Yes, they simply eradicated all polish elite. This was an ultra-crime, 
and Poland will not forget it anytime soon. They were also first 
post-communistic country, who sacked russian army from their country 
It makes me sad that even in our days there are places on earth where 
22 thousands of deaths is 'drop in the sea' - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide
Over the course of approximately 100 days, or more, from the assassination 
 of Juvénal Habyarimana on April 6 through mid-July, at least 800,000 
people were killed, according to the estimate of Human Rights Watch.
that was in 1994 year
They managed such terrible thing mostly only with machetes...at rate 
8000 murders per day...I still can't find any words when thinking 
about that :-/
I think I saw the movie, but dunno if it was related - Hotel Rwanda 
- terrible things ... but you know what? There's no oil, so why send 
a warfare there ...
Sad news indeed. And there are a number of movies about the Rwandan 
genocide. I've watched at least three.
Knowing not being able to change the world, I at least try to help. 
I took over a direct sponsorship for two children.
History shows, that culture is only a very thin layer. And a lot 
of people on this planet seem to have a problem with human rights 
and freedom.
So, Cyphre, yes, I agree. And the worst is, that children are the 
victims without a lobby, without a chance. They were not asked to 
be born and fully depend on the responsibility of others.
wrt Rwanda, imagine being a UN "observer" (military) and not having 
the right to intervene, when people & kids are being hacked to death 
all around you.   A while ago,  I was in the company of such a guy 
who came back from a 3 month mission there.

The only way I can describe him was that he was barely alive.  I 
am only aware of him sleeping 30-60 minutes in the 3 days he was 
with our gang.
(easy to say now) but in such a situation I wouldn't care about "the 
right to intervene" and just do it. In Serbia this could have saved 
8000 people as well.
I bet you would care, there is nothing else you can do in such situations.
As seen in the Hotel Rwanda, we are facing total hypocricy of the 
western world. So we know how to chase Saddam for almost no apparent 
reason (the second attempt), yet we ignore genocide of such an amount 
of victims ...
Robert, I agree... and I am sure many military did what they could... 
a few probably went AWOL, but I am sure the UN peacekeepers (what 
a stupid name) where as affraid of being killed, if they intervened, 
as any.

thing is, if any of the UN military got actively involved, it would 
have made Every other UN unit a target for the mob.  remember, we 
are talking about thousands of armed people running like madmen, 
screaming everywhere and you are right in the swarm...

I don't think four guys in a APC with 200 bullets each are eager 
to intervene in such circumstances.  They could shoot to kill only 
if directly attacked.
still the sheer eeriness of the polish event is mind boggling.

all the parameters are perfect for a conspiracy theory  ;-/
this is a bit sad ... creating "thumbnails" of an 8kb pdf results 
in 2 x  20 - 40 kb jpgs
changing from vector to raster?
That's probably it.  The pdfs I'm talking about are pure text.
you might also be converting from two to too many colors
B&W .. I'll see if there are any switches to reduce the colours used
Updating AltME dividers to add R3 section.
Perhaps the divider could be moved below the All Groups divider?
I see no Cheyenne group. I have simple question: I want to embed- 
Cheyenne a la emned-demo.r then encap the resulting app including 
the httpd.cfg if possible. Anyone have some hints how to do that?
I write out httpd.cfg if it doesn't exist ...
oops .. see !Cheyenne group
Is anyone here living in San Francisco? I will be there a couple 
of days starting Wednesday 29th. If, and you are interested to meet, 
drop me a PM. Thans.
Is anyone from the Rebol community in Dallas in the next days?
Hi, Joel Neely has found some time to get back to REBOL scripting. 
Welcome back, Joel'
That's nice :-) I do remember names like Jeff Kreis, Andrew Martin, 
Frank Sievertsen, Romano Paolo Tenca, and I also most probably forgot 
some other nice rebollers :-)
Carl Sassenrath
wahoo even Pekr smiles at a joke about missing  Carl !!! how desperate 
you should be ... Graham you should let me do those kind of jokes 
or you will end being the troll around
Shadwolf - and what you suggest to do, to change the situation? You 
can surely help with RED in the meantime, as it is open sourced, 
and that's wha you have wished for all the long time ...
Pekr ... hum  when I did things I never saw you push to help me ... 
So man same medecine applyed :) Red is made by the same people that 
as lead rebol to the nowhere nonexistant suspended animation it is 
actually. Sooo I said it to nemad he don't have to count on this 
community to make red something big he had to forge his own community 
the farest possible of this deserted playground...
I will not apport to anything related from far or close to rebol 
in anyway I made myself clear... On the paper red is interesting 
but so was freebel and R-Sharp and Ghost etc... all of them lacked 
your implication and comitement Pekr to be something else than wanabe 
tries :)
I'm retired from rebol community this means no more me doing things 
and wasting my free time. I just come time to time to see if my prediction 
were accurate.. And so far so good please do me a favor keep doing 
nothing for rebol :)
r3 GUI ? sleeping R3 sleeping RebCode ? who cares RebPlugin Webrowser? 
dead etc etc etc etc more the time pass and less form as Rebol ... 
And pekr this is your fault not only yours  but  you have a big responsability 
in it...
as community we failled we failled to convince others to join us 
we even failled to convince the main God Guru to stay and keep doing 
things and why he don't do things nothing advance ... you can chit 
chat all you want about the bugs you find the way you want things 
to be done in the end since carl don't do them noone do them and 
that's just endless talk that even the first concerned stopped watching 
a long time ago guys think of it Carl 5 years ago invented a new 
Chat system to not have r3 project  disrupted by altme blablering 
now you can hide from the truth and invent the perfect world you 
think you have created but  the truth still remain and more time 
pass worst gets the situation but ... Here  is my next prediction 
in some more month lets say january 2012 Carl will make  his triumphant 
comeback wich will mobelise you all and has the effect of killing 
the red community and action as none will contribute to red anymore 
it will be on stasis like all other intents to break free from RT
so better things to do save me alot of desilusion and time lost and 
not participating... This is my decision and it's based on facts 
(recurant facts to be precise...) and on a logical process.
Shadwolf - I will tell it  just shortly - save me from an idiotic 
replies like that  I am very responsible for REBOL failure in general, 
please :-) I can make many predictions too, and I did some predictions. 
Everybody here knows, that without Carl's come-back, R3 core development 
is stagnating. We are surely not here to make a world take-over, 
those of us here are here because we like REBOL anyway, and it helps 
our lives here or there. So please - if you just want to log-in here 
once in few months, and then just post "I told you so" crap, then 
you can as well save us from such a stupid blathering ...
in what way logging here every day to post tons of messages will 
change anything ? That will make me see more gentle ? sorry I'm not 
gentle and I don't care if I hurt your feelings. That's a lack of 
respect from me ? how clever you are :) So what .? Ban me bit me 
ignoreme ijuriate me like you did the sorry truth will remain RMA 
wasn't able to produce anything in a year and this Pekr isn't quite 
completly Carl responsability ... So don't fool me I'm no fool
and Pekr I will do what I want to do as I want to do ...  Without 
your permission.