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Carl Sassenrath
wahoo even Pekr smiles at a joke about missing  Carl !!! how desperate 
you should be ... Graham you should let me do those kind of jokes 
or you will end being the troll around
Shadwolf - and what you suggest to do, to change the situation? You 
can surely help with RED in the meantime, as it is open sourced, 
and that's wha you have wished for all the long time ...
Pekr ... hum  when I did things I never saw you push to help me ... 
So man same medecine applyed :) Red is made by the same people that 
as lead rebol to the nowhere nonexistant suspended animation it is 
actually. Sooo I said it to nemad he don't have to count on this 
community to make red something big he had to forge his own community 
the farest possible of this deserted playground...
I will not apport to anything related from far or close to rebol 
in anyway I made myself clear... On the paper red is interesting 
but so was freebel and R-Sharp and Ghost etc... all of them lacked 
your implication and comitement Pekr to be something else than wanabe 
tries :)
I'm retired from rebol community this means no more me doing things 
and wasting my free time. I just come time to time to see if my prediction 
were accurate.. And so far so good please do me a favor keep doing 
nothing for rebol :)
r3 GUI ? sleeping R3 sleeping RebCode ? who cares RebPlugin Webrowser? 
dead etc etc etc etc more the time pass and less form as Rebol ... 
And pekr this is your fault not only yours  but  you have a big responsability 
in it...
as community we failled we failled to convince others to join us 
we even failled to convince the main God Guru to stay and keep doing 
things and why he don't do things nothing advance ... you can chit 
chat all you want about the bugs you find the way you want things 
to be done in the end since carl don't do them noone do them and 
that's just endless talk that even the first concerned stopped watching 
a long time ago guys think of it Carl 5 years ago invented a new 
Chat system to not have r3 project  disrupted by altme blablering 
now you can hide from the truth and invent the perfect world you 
think you have created but  the truth still remain and more time 
pass worst gets the situation but ... Here  is my next prediction 
in some more month lets say january 2012 Carl will make  his triumphant 
comeback wich will mobelise you all and has the effect of killing 
the red community and action as none will contribute to red anymore 
it will be on stasis like all other intents to break free from RT
so better things to do save me alot of desilusion and time lost and 
not participating... This is my decision and it's based on facts 
(recurant facts to be precise...) and on a logical process.
Shadwolf - I will tell it  just shortly - save me from an idiotic 
replies like that  I am very responsible for REBOL failure in general, 
please :-) I can make many predictions too, and I did some predictions. 
Everybody here knows, that without Carl's come-back, R3 core development 
is stagnating. We are surely not here to make a world take-over, 
those of us here are here because we like REBOL anyway, and it helps 
our lives here or there. So please - if you just want to log-in here 
once in few months, and then just post "I told you so" crap, then 
you can as well save us from such a stupid blathering ...
in what way logging here every day to post tons of messages will 
change anything ? That will make me see more gentle ? sorry I'm not 
gentle and I don't care if I hurt your feelings. That's a lack of 
respect from me ? how clever you are :) So what .? Ban me bit me 
ignoreme ijuriate me like you did the sorry truth will remain RMA 
wasn't able to produce anything in a year and this Pekr isn't quite 
completly Carl responsability ... So don't fool me I'm no fool
and Pekr I will do what I want to do as I want to do ...  Without 
your permission.
it's not idiotic reply it's just you lack the brains and the strength 
to recognise when you are wrong... So you like rebol desert it ... 
let it die then set up a fresh motion completly independent of all 
that was or could have been rebol...
If I would know what to say, I would say it :-)
if you don't know what to say then try to cry :) maybe from your 
helpless tears the rock hard heart of carl will melt and he will 
comeback and set a proper new impulse to this rebol you all love 
so much ...
RMA wasn't able to produce anything in a year
 - lie
Dear wolf, leave as alone, please, there is no room in this cave. 
Go and find a new one.
I just wrote a REBOL application last week, in 6 hours, made 1500 
$. So, yes we like REBOL, and we like this community. if you don't 
like, shadwolf, you really don't need to be here, write here, share 
your thoughts etc.
+1 Endo. Great what kind of application ?
Education. About quick read and dyslexia. Ofcourse I could write 
in any other language. But it would not be that fun, and easy and 
quick. It would definitely take much more time.
Great ! It's the kind of testimony that was really missing on REBOL 
main site.
It's the kind of testimony that was really missing

 - I thought that everyone here knows that (unless his fist name is 
 Alphe, that is)
I was holding back for quite some time now. It was not the right 
approach, taking into account all the evidence available, so, here 

To whom it may concern.

Knowing, that Shadwolf does not consider himself a member of this 
community according to his own messages:

* "I'm retired from rebol community"
* "I'm announcing my retirement of this community."
* "My hate toward rebol community has been growing up alot"

* "I don't want to contribute to anything  handled the rebol community 

, and knowing that he at least tried to insult all the members of 
this community, I have to ask:

* What exactly it is we are waiting for to stop him spread his hatred 
to this community?
* Why do we want to make his hatred to the community web-public?

* Why do we want him to misuse the community communication channels 
to spread his hatred?
When deciding, please keep in mind, that he did not fail to state 
he is not a member of this community.
Lad, you're just wasting your time analyzing a troll. I think that 
a troll is necesarry for any community as it helps strengthen the 
binds there. Individual opposition is understood, but bannning does 
imply opression and therefore troll's (in our case shadwolfs) win. 
So I think it's much better to leave these people ranting here than 
banning them. Also, sometimes it's fun to read them. Just for lolz, 
you know.
I admire your pain limit, but I'll agree with Ladislav. When a drunk 
pisses in your house, are you amused? These trolls willfully damage 
constructive communities
I've seen projects ripped apart by not keeping order
it's much better to leave these people ranting here

 - that is where I disagree. He already excluded himself from this 
 community, so we cannot do that. We just have to honour his own decision.
Basic troll feeding. Please move on. :-)
I also think that destructive behavior should not be tolerated...
Well, I tend to be negative too. But I at least don't spit on ppl, 
calling them names, while discouraging them from REBOL usage. IIRC, 
Terry was banned too. And from my pov, he was less harmful than  
Shadwolf is. When Shadwolf connects here, he floods various channels 
by very negative attitue. He even attacks guys as Doc, who is doing 
open-sourced work, which Shadwolf called for for so long. As for 
me, I am for ban. I like democracy, but otoh, Shadwolf is missusing 
our good will imo. OTOH we can always just let it be, he joins once 
per month or so, so let's welcome another few weeks without his attacking 
comments :-)
I am for freedom of speech so, I am for tolerating trolls as long 
as they are, at least formally, respectful and not doing ad hominem 
attacks. But Alphe has gone outrageous since a while, and insulted 
people here (and from french forums too) and their work, beyond any 
logic and without any provocation. He seems motivated only by his 
own personal frustrations. I am for a formal banning (even if in 
practice, it probably won't be efficient).
ignore lists
 are useful sometimes.
From a technical standpoint, this is just AltME's shortcomings. If 
it just allowed to block users, or even to vote on messages etc. 
there would be no need for "bans" or anything like that.

Of note, he does not bother me because I've been skipping his messages 
for a couple years already. So I don't even know what he's talking 
about. Still, I guess it would save me time not to have to skip messages.
The problem with voting systems is that they only work on large group 
sizes. And every separate discussion usually has a small group size. 
It also makes for discussions with holes in them
He made a lot of cool scripts... I feel bad about banning him, just 
because he has derailed in the past few years. I feel similarly sad 
about the situation and I can imagine how much desperation is trying 
to fuck him mind apart. I can imagine him coming back as a Red coder 
2-3yrs from now actually...
s/him mind/his mind/
My grandfather was an alcoholic, btw. For ~20years or so. He has 
been cured after several attempts and lives with us for 15+yrs already. 
He was actually pissing on the floor and saying ugly things sooo 
many times. We didn't like it of course, but we treated it as a challange 
and we succeed at the end. The root cause was my grandmother, btw... 
her attitude...
A college class mate of mine had some nerv system issues. He was 
under medication. He already had a university diploma in physics 
but he wanted to get more practical programming experience so he 
attended to this college. Sometimes he forgot to take his pills. 
He was getting nervous at these times and he was insulting the teachers 
or other students, but in a very childish and mean way. I was around 
26yrs old that time and he was 36. I remember once he got jealous 
about a couple walking happily on the street on a nice and sunny 
sunday afternoon. He just went to them and started to complain how 
can they be so liberated when there are so many problems in the world, 
etc etc
At the end he got so nervous as john cleese in the Bicycle Repairman 
sketch and finally he bit the guy's wrist. They called the police 
and he had to go for a blood test to make sure he doesnt have rabies.

By now he is in a mental institution for ~4years. I don't think he 
can ever recover anymore...

I feel Shadwolf has a similar medical condition which he makes even 
worse by drinking. But it's curable... if someone can help and take 
it seriously.
I am sorry to hear that, but we are not in the position to do that 
for him. There are sadly also too many people in the world and on 
the Internet like that for anyone to handle
It's not for a lack of trying. I have met probably more than my share 
of such people. I have developed some ideas about possible causes 
and cures that I try to relate to them, but that's all I can do and 
one of the symptoms is invariably not wanting to listen
life is too short. perssistant annoyance? boot em.
I not around here much but still enjoy and get paid well for playing 
with rebol2
Im also using Rebol2 for my paid job partly and I also agree life 
is too short. So Im not against a ban, it's just a hard. I hope he 
forgives us when he could get out of this constant grumpiness...
Thanks for all the input here regarding Shadwolf. Action has been 

In the circumstances, it would be best to refrain from making further 
comments especially in Web-Public fourms.

On behalf of the Web Masters.