r3wp [groups: 83 posts: 189283]
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World: r3wp

[Ann-Reply] Reply to Announce group

Brian '== is exactly equals, but equal? and = are equivalent except 
the latter is faster
ohh, thanks Graham
Graham: Is '== the operator for 'strict-equal? then?
yes .. http://www.rebol.com/docs/words/weqeq.html
Thanks. That reminds me, I meant to mention 'help in this chapter. 
Maybe I should work back it into the first chapter.
Ashley: your wellcome for your consern but in fact integrating your 
new engine from MDViewer only takes my 2-3 hours ( in fact i spent 
more time like 10 hours to try to mixe both method has it wasn't 
has performant has your rendering full engine I cleared the mixed 
one and retake as it MD-Viewer engine then I adpat it to MDP standars 
) Now MDP-GUI has a super fast rendering engine like MDViewer (Ineed 
to enhance the speed of the toc window rendering that the only slowing 
remaining step). Another time what a work you made as  I trully knows 
it intimely (because of the work needed to integrate it to MDP-GUI) 
I can say that in front the previous rendering method you made really 
a ART WORK it's clear it's tiny it's easy to understand :)
andit's trully performant ;)
one of the diffrence with "normal" MDP doc is that the toc is shown 
into a sépareted window. By click on entries into this window you 
scroll the preview panel content to the related section
Oh boy. 

First, I *have* been contacted to ask if I could take certain actions, 
but not by RT. RT made me a world master here, which *I* consider 
to be form of moderator (with the main task being to assign and maintain 
accounts), though there is not a definite job description sitting 
on my desk. Now, I am also a regular user in this world, and there 
are definitely conflicts for me WRT those positions.

As I've said before, I enjoy a good chat as much as anyone, and I 
*don't* want to censor people here, but that may be necessary at 
some point, wouldn't you agree? If someone were quite obviously, 
in the opinion of 99.9% of the people here, abusive, rude, offensive, 
etc. should they be allowed to run rampant and ruin this world for 
everyone else? I don't think so; maybe you do.

When I joined the REBOL community, one of the main attractions was 
the high level of mutual respect, the generosity towards newcomers, 
and the complete *lack* of the venom you sometimes see unleashed 
in other language communities. *That* is what kept *me* coming back. 
The more argumentative discussions and personal jibes people see, 
the less likely they are to post, IME, because they don't want to 
be attacked themselves and if that's the tone they often see, it's 
what they will expect. 

When it comes to content, as a world master and a user *I* think 
that *most* channels here *should* be REBOL related. The world is 
called "REBOL", and I think RT created and sponsors it for the REBOL 
community. That's my view; that's how I view the ML as well. There 
are probably at least 20-25 non-REBOL, non-Technical groups here 
now; that's quite a lot IMO. There are times that I would really 
like to clean this world up a bit, and as a user I could, but as 
a world master I don't feel that I can because someone will complain 
that I'm trying to censor or control things here (so if I ever do 
that, get mad at me as a user, not as a world master :-).  

Petr, I'm sorry you feel that I'm trying to limit free speech here, 
or to control anyone's behavior; I made some *suggestions* I thought 
were appropriate. I spent a *lot* of time writing and editing my 
posts in the hope that they weren't too strong, but still got my 
view across. If you think that you should be able to use this world 
for anything you want, personally, I disagree; it's RTs world and 
we are guests in their house. If there is something specific in my 
posts that offended you, please let me know what it was.

As a user, I haven't been around much lately. Mostly my schedule 
is the cause, but maybe it's also because the technical value of 
the world has been diluted (IMO) by noise, so I'm just not as "driven" 
to come here and make time to participate. I'm normally on dial-up, 
so that affects download time, yes. Right now, I'm on a fast connection 
but the noise is still a problem because I have to visit all the 
groups that come up red to see what's new, and if I only have a small 
amount of time to spend, it may all get eaten up just skimming what 
others posted. Also, the more noise there is, and the more we get 
in the habit of talking about non-technical stuff here (again, this 
is all *my* opinion), the more chance there is for it to leak out 
into other groups, and it does. 

The camaraderie comes from the people; the technical value comes 
from the experts  who often focus on that aspect and may stop coming 
if there's too much noise here. When that happens, the value of the 
world is diminished. 

Well, my time is long gone for writing here, but I hope that helps 
clarify my position.
AShley there is a problem rendering this in MDViewer
<c red>t</c><c orange>e</c><c orange>s</c><c yellow>t</c>
But with the same engine that works perfectly in MDP-GUI (with a 
little bad redering on the s caracter I don't know why..)
[unknown: 5]
I think when RT release new features the REBOL chatter speedily outpace 
the other topics.
Oddly enough, <c red>t</c><c orange>es</c><c yellow>t</c> works fine. 
I'll chase this up and chat privately to avoid further channel pollution.
I am probably the catalyst behind Gregg's announcement having complained 
to him about personal abuse.

I will solve the problem by restrictiing my access to the Rebol community 
to the Mailing List.
That's pretty bad.  If someone is being abusive .. then in no way 
should that person be allowed to drive away users here .. IMHO.
I agree Graham.
A community that drives away members is not a good model.

I'm glad Gregg has taken the initiative to remind us why we are here 
in the first place.
Peter, your announcement at the top of the Announce group is abuse. 
  I did delete the old announcement group because I accidentally 
made a few errant posts.. I looked at the FEW old posts that were 
already there, and seeing that they were all now irrelevant (time 
based), I deleted the group to clean it up.  I then made the single 
post that I had intended to make.

You took it upon yourself to delete the group again.. with my single 
post, and then make accusations towards me (at the top of this group) 
as if i had some kind of alterior motive?  Why did you feel to delete 
my one post?   Shall I cry 'personal abuse'?
Eitherway, I'm gonna bail.  Instead of intelligent debate, I'm spending 
more time defending myself.  Besides.  The whole Rebol dynamic seems 
to be continuously grinding towards a halt.  

Have a nice life. 

(PS - Calling anyone a 'god' IS apple polishing)
Nothing to do ? Test your ego on "AltME" !  :)  C'mon guys, have 
some fun. Do some work. Whatever. Let's not get to this.
hehehehe the RASTA serie I'm dead laughing good name  !!! Umbelivable 
Unforgetable I mean  ;)
Agreed, I had a little chuckle too :-)
interesting thing I use a html/php interfaces netgear eth/wifi routeur 
but I think with rebol this kind of config interface could be very 
much interesting
Wouldn't it be a much smaller load on the router as well? Seems that 
way to me, anyhow.
RASTA was the only name I could find that any one could remember, 
it was easy to pronounce, and has some meaning related to networking. 
RASTA means the way in Hurdu.
Who's the target market?
these are not home use devices are they?
I am glad you guys like it ;-)
Not et all. These are use for WISP (Wireless ISP), or HotSpot providers.
They can be used on the battle field by the military too. But I am 
pacifist so I had not persued that road.
I just joined up my office with a wireless provider
we switched from DSL to wireless radio
As far as I see on the site RASTA is dedicated to outdoor application 
like neighbour of houses
the radio modem is tiny .. and battery backed up as well.
jaime that was not a bad remark not at all in fact I like the RASTA 
acronym it's pretty fun  ;)
Perhaps I could rebroadcast my cable signal using these devices to 
my neighbours ?  :)
yes and to all your block ;)
setup community LANs ...
it's a hight range difusion interface  ;)
Sounds perfect for where I'm at right now...  Small community with 
several friends nearby.  I'm always helping them with their computers 
anyhow.   With a couple of these I could have us all connected. ;-)
Graham: Yes, you could rebroadcast the signal to your neighbors
That would be kind of cool. Pity I don't like many of my neighbors 
in my current neighborhood
Well, my current building at least :-)
As matter fact I had build a lot of those networks close to 100 sites.
One of the networks is spread over 50 km radius connecting the stores 
of a retail chain in the city of bogota. This is going to be the 
next case study.
what's the cost of a broadcast unit, and a receiver?
Between 1300 and 1500 depending on the number of radios