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[Ann-Reply] Reply to Announce group

[unknown: 10]
A marketing strategy is not based on issues like "Promotion via Google 
or Webpages" Though its indeed 5% of it...
You need to convince the Core problem!
its like i.e. "reverse enginering"...
But surely one of  its strength is in dealing with internet protocols 
and thats where most people look for solutions in this field.  What 
is the Core problem?
[unknown: 10]
In my opinion the "core" are the conservatives... Those who stick 
with what they have and know and dont risk a change because its too 
expencive on their budget/knowledge...
I.e. the problem with introducing REBOL into a BIG software development 
compagny is that the developers are always willing to try a change! 
but the total package of moving from 1 development enviroment to 
the other is far to complicated and expensive to do it.. So they 
stick with what  "others" use  and do, without thinking through the 
whole picture.. Its a pitty but a fact though.. Still if a development 
compagny would start directly (or on a new project) with i.e. REBOL 
the change that it will have success if far greater. Well....getting 
to that stage is difficult because REBOL is unknown... Its like "air" 
to the people, so you have to put time into it.. (There is no time 
inside big compagnies..there is only time in technology enhanced 
compagny's that do research. So you miss a market...) Anyway a nice 
topic which keeps me sometimes thinking about "Who promoted the Wheel.. 
;-)" It was an evolution... And indeed Internet promotion is part 
of this evolution so please continue ;-)
I don't know what they are selling to the world, either. I do know 
that what RT sold me is a network-aware glue language useful for 
streamlining my work tasks.
... at least, those are the features that encouraged me to spend 
money on it :-)
oh, now they accepted my news item. two very positive comments, one 
with the word "incredible" in it :-)
no matter, if it's Danish, I won't be able to read it!
:-) well, it's newz.dk
so far so good... only twelve comments, but some are quite funny 
with people displaying disbelief that it's possible to do all that 
in one language.
words like "too incredible" and "spooky" (rough translation) pop 
up :-)
about the release thing.   That is what I have learned in the last 
year.   I am much less visible, but am doing more behind the scene. 
 I only hint at what I am doing these days, with the people part 
of some of the projects more aware.
Its hard to keep the mouth shut when its exciting, but its easier 
on the nerves and its also easier to change the priorites as they 
evolve without getting too much negative feedback.
rebol is an integrated solution.  NO OTHER LANGUAGE is soo  integrated 
a part for java, and IMHO just because its much more mature.   Managing 
databases, GUI, Image processing, drawing, doing cgi scripting, out 
of the box), working on direct tcp port in 1-2 lines of code, mails, 
and all of this in ONE no-install 500k  file!
IMHO managers want solutions which solve their dept. needs.  but 
they don't really care about other depts. so what happens (in all 
companies I've worked at) is that you end up having upwards to 6-10 
different applications working in parralel with duplicated (and usually 
out of sync) data.
but many CTOs don't realise that the dept. sync issues is THE biggest 
problem.  tools can be all powerfull, but if your stuck with the 
data, or have to use a stupid Excel sheet to share it... then you've 
just reduce your tool's effectiveness by a large proportion.
IOS helps, but the actuall applications aren't very powerfull or 
compelling yet.   and when dealing with large companies which focus 
on tool sets, they don't see the benefit of having all the data available 
as one pool of data.   So the IOS demo is a tough one IMHO.
I'm taking big apps btw, things like real large project planning/scheduling 
for costing,  with statistics.   Asset tracking,  production control, 
support softwares with integrated tickets, reports, knowledge base, 
performance ratings, bug mining, etc...   IOS just doesn't cut it 
when people have large apps which ARE usefull...  at some point, 
large is not always bloat.
[unknown: 5]
The web still drives some major application development.  The company 
I work for has now switched to a ticketing system (for technical 
support) to a web based application.   The application is able to 
be access remotely via portal mobile devices.  However the application 
is very cumbersome and adds to the costs the customer must pay in 
the long run.
Thanks Volker for the editor.  I'll definately be studying your code. 
 Looks nice.
nice volker MDP-GUI needs find / highligt and replace/hightligt systeme 
[unknown: 5]
More mac's in Carl's basement - hmmmm sounds like another of Carl's 
big relic sales is coming soon  ;-)
Carl I give your information on mac OSX to french community here 
they are waiting for a mac OSX version since long time :)
That REBOL on OS X news is great news, from my point of view!!! Now 
I can't think of any other argument for not getting a Mac! :-) Quite 
a few of my friends invest in a new Mac these days, mostly portables.
I'm just waiting for OSX Tiger release & the updated models (Australian 
release date April 29th ! )
Ditto. I'll be replacing my office and home PC's with Mac minis once 
10.4 is out.
[unknown: 5]
I took some mac training about 6 months ago from the company but 
the macs faded out when they thought they were going to deploy more. 
 I have come to learn something about the platforms.  If you don't 
get the big consulting firms to push the other platforms then the 
other platforms will never dominate the corporate desktop market.
Working as field technical support we see and feel the process that 
drives platform choice.  Its all about Common Operating Environments 
and it takes more than just fancy features.  It takes a robust support 
framework designed around a productive platform to break the hold 
of companies like Microsoft Dell and Intel partnerships.
Microsoft dell and intel are hudge companies because they share the 
market. It's not the same for apple (witch was saved by microsoft 
in 1996 ...) . When Apple, sun, or amiga design a new system they 
design all the hardware and the OS and the developers tools (or they 
help another company to handle this task) as they are alone to make 
in line this new solution they will produce to a more expansive cost. 
This will dynamicly brings down the amount they can sell. That's 
not a new issue that strategy was thinked in the very begin of MS 
Windows OS. In front of MAchintosh how could MS  apport a more competive 
solution (hardware more cheep but having a more attractiv price than 
what was planned by Apple ...).
today you enter a secretary office there is windows XP  every where 
you enter a publisher/graphist maker you have apple every where? 
As there is less publisher than secretary  this explain as a short 
cut why there is sutch difference. When you enter a astronom office 
you have sun Sparc every where. As you get less astronom than plublisher 
you understand the difference betwin Apple and Sun :). Some people 
needs simplicity of use others need fiability of use. Then you have 
the rounding industry those building the sourrounded technologies 
in all cases they need to sell a lot this explain for example why 
a comon SONY MP3 sevice came with drivers to plug it to a PC equiped 
with windows and why they not giving apps and drvers to handle it 
under linux and unix.
As every one (non ingeneer ) needs simple systems they adopt windows 
in majority more as Sony MP3 devices are designed to be used in the 
simpliest way this explain why people focus on windows this is part 
of it's actual success but this not means that windows is the best 
system this not means too that the other existing systems are not 
relevant :)
for example here in france macs are pretty well implented in university 
because they are simple to manage in hight number. In hoght schools 
you get windows but you get lesser computer to manage (In my hight 
school in 1997 they was only 30 computers equiped with windows with 
a controled acces for the students you can use it only on certain 
days of the weeks durring a gived time. When I ingress to university 
they was 200 macs for every one  to use every time 100 windows pc 
to be used on restricted time and 20 Alphas/linux debian + 10 Sillicon 
graphics 02 with IRIX + 3 data severs (2 sun ultra 1 (X11 sharing) 
 + 1 dec 50 (NFS, mail, web ) + 40 Xteminal box for former computer 
ingeneer  ) MAc and PC was used for office application LINUX/UNIX 
computers was used to form computer ingeneer .This shows pretty well 
I think the world clivage in informatic :)
EfishAnt lot of capabilities in nano-sheets I like ver mutch the 
presentation article
Thanks, Gregg did a lot of writing.  Nice collaboration, using all 
REBOL tools.
(Gregg did a lot of scripting, too)
They let us do the sidebar, which should get some publicity for "why 
Kru and Christian -- Both excellent!
Thank you very much, Gregg! I just uploaded a version with menu-bar 
style included, hope you'll like that one too :-)
very great great news that the version  1.3  is out and that it's 
quality is very high  !!!!
A million thank to all the people involveed to the 1.3 procession 
1.3 is the best of ever REBOL virtual machine ;)
From the opinion of a casual developer:  I just downloaded 1.3 and 
played around with the demos.  I have to say that I'm really impressed 
and that I think this release strengthens REBOL quite a bit.  Congratulations, 
and thanks for all the hard work to all of those involved.
Yes, demos are really nice, except Caluclator and maybe even Easy 
Vid, which is cool, but would deserve a bit more fresh look :-)
My old time friend, who tried to use rebol some few years ago, left 
it because of following reasons - weak View documentation, incomplete 
styleset, occassional View crashes. He complained about missing styles 
mainly, as as a newbie, he was not able to produce his own styles. 
He tried to look into styles source, but all those mysterious "init" 
and other things, you will agree - are not for newbies to start with. 
Then I digged out one old doc from my archive, basically describing 
View-without-VID - faces, events, their description etc. He then 
started to create his own styles, without VID. Then he left rebol.....
He tried to give a try to other environments, as Delphi etc., but 
he missed the beauty and freedom of rebol, forever :-)
So he is active for last few months once again, and once I pointed 
him to latest betas, it really made his day.
maybe you made his life.
But once again I think, that from newbie rebol coder perspective, 
the most important things which should follow is - additional, more 
complex styles, docs, and SDK featuring latest developments. Hopefully 
we will get there soon, but we are almost there with 1.3 - good work 
was done!