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World: r3wp

[!AltME] Discussion about AltME

Yeah .. reports coming of genuine vista being hit
why not just turn off automatic updates

 - that's what i always do. better to do the updates manually. but 
 it's a waste of time, if only they could get these things right...
I think it's a little weird that an executable can't delete itself 
while running, but another script can delete that executable while 
the executable is running. I was therefore thinking about making 
a separate "self destruct and install" script which then could be 
launched. I've done that now, but the application restarts instead 
of quitting.
another script can delete that executable while the executable is 

 <-- it appears that this only works when deleting the application 
 via an SMB share, not directly on the Windows machine...
moving to core...
[unknown: 9]
Funny how this:

"When you guys have your Top 10, - AND - you all 
agree to the list, then we will attack it : )"

"Reichart promised 
to fix the top 10 annoyances in AltME if we could all agree. We came 
up with list - here's hoping!"
(forgot Mac throws away CRs)
That was meant to be
Funny how this:

"When you guys have your Top 10, - AND - you all 
agree to the list, then we will attack it : )"
Becomes this

"Reichart promised to fix the top 10 annoyances in 
AltME if we could all agree. We came up with list - here's hoping!"
We are indeed using the top 10 to guide what we try to fix.  But 
for the record, we will attack which ever is easiest, and which eve 
 takes the least time first, but try to make that from the top 10.
hehe, funny how I used to certain colours of certain ppl here :-) 
Reichart being no more "green", Maxim changed his color too iirc 
Reichart's been out in the sun too long?
Pekr you could suggest  via feedback,  a feature alowing the user 
to choose the of the poster
[unknown: 9]
Tom, did you drop the word colour?
I agree it was an off colour remark
I have someone at rebol-world, asking for an Account. Ashley suggested 
him to use guest/guest, but Peter says he is not able to log-in ...
it guest logging-in re-allowed for REBOL 3?
since there is more control now .. ie.  you can make it so guests 
no longer can delete groups, perhaps one of the world masters can 
recreate the guest account.
[unknown: 9]
That is Carl to decide here.
I would liek it also.
How can I make the font larger, for me the small size is "invisible", 
the larhe one is to small.
click on the aA button
Oh ..
change screen resolution??
Maybe we should create a new wish list after the Altme team completes 
our first top 10 wish list ??
Not a good idea,I want access to define the a and A style
I found an entry in the %pref-chat.txt file. (font-size: 15) A change 
here helps until I click a or A.
Suggest definition of 2 fonts something like this:
font-size-a: 15
Rebol is case insensitive
OK, what I ment is control over size the a / A was ment to be "pictorial"
I put this on the list.
What I really want to see is full exposure of text properties, rigt 
click of the aA button, but a simple "font-size" switch will do.
Wow.. that was an incredibly long down time for this world?
if there is something what should be fixed in Altme, it's the way 
how it messes text with long links:(

   Hope no one minds too much, but I've been peppering the REBOL3 Altme 
   calendar with announcements and REBOL development milestones.  The 
   calendar always looked so empty.  And we all know that the REBOL 
   community is not...empty.
[unknown: 9]

We have already put RSS, iCal, and iFrame feeds (syndication) into 
Qtask.  If you post these in a Rebol project calendar (on Qtask), 
then you can create a feed from it, and post it publicly!  You can 
even post the entire JavaScript Calendar into the page of a public 
website (like Rebol.org, etc.)
I'll check that out.  The REBOL community should at least look as 
busy as it really is.
Reichart, et. al., I haven't reported this but for the past 8 months 
or so we have been using Altme at work as sharing tool at work. This, 
after many years of struggle.  Sadly, the MS forces have decided 
that it's too good to be true so it mustn't and we are installing 
an exchange server. Actually that will be a good thing for me personally 
as the responsibility for the email servers gets transferred to the 
sys admin guy running the exchange server. 

It is interesting to note that while it has taken a team of people 
to get this thing running (not that it's running as I speak of course) 
to share a single file, Altme was what, a few minutes to set up and 
use? Most of that time is spent on deciding on passwords : ).
[unknown: 9]
And we, have for the most part completely stopped using Exchange 
server.  It only stays running so we can confirm we are compatible 
with it from Qtask.
it keeps everyone employed
How can IT justify their existence if anyone can set it up??
ie. it is in the interests of the IT department to make sure only 
they can understand and run things
And the IT refused to load Altme on his PC. He said he didn't want 
to slow down his computer. Hey, it's hard to win against that kind 
of mindset. Not even the truth sways that.
IT departments are not interested in truths .. just their jobs
50% of IT guys are disillusioned with their lives and jobs
Isn't that so.
one may laugh at Dilbert, but one might begin to cry, when one experiences 
the same things in real life corporations.
Yes, I know a few disillusioned IT guys, who are in it for the money, 
but still curse the systems they have to manage. They must've lost 
the intererst a long time ago. They have not had experiences with 
anything that is truly great, revolutionary or in other ways very 
different from what they are currently working with.
James, I had the opportunity recently, while I was in a busy period 
(before this one) to make money on a job setting up an AltME-like 
website and was given about a week to do it. I decided to hand them 
AltME instead. I never got any money for solving the problem in 5 
minutes rather than a week and I never heard back from them, so I 
don't know how it went. I suspect people are not interested in something 
that is not already in use by millions of people. One can ponder 
whether that was a stupid move or not. :-)
should have sub-contracted the job out here :)