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[!AltME] Discussion about AltME

Thanks for the link; Henrilk
I read it.I don't see the connection, it relates to rebol builds 
on linux.
Furthermore, copy and paste works flawlessly on Rebol/view on linux. 
It's Altme that cannot copy and paste.
As for features missing on linux, pertaining to Altme: copy and paste, 
past link to clipboard, launch url in browser. All these things don't 
work on my ubuntu setup with the Altme beta for linux.
linux version of altme is older than the windows one. anyway, i use 
wine too, it's easier at this point.
I hope we will be able to put different color flag in front of every 
msg in AltME. I would like to mark msgs as "important", "to answer", 
"to do" ...
I've just managed to log in with the linux version running on Kubuntu.
I did this to get it to work:

- installed the missing libstdc++.so.5 using Adept package manager

- copied the entire Altme directory from WinXP to Kubuntu, to a directory 
in my home directory, using rsync

- renamed mods/ directory to old-winxp-mods/ (I think the mod files 
I collected while in WinXP don't apply to the linux version)
That's it. Here I am with all the old messages.
Re-installed on a fresh box and only see messages in 5 groups.... 
what was the trick to make Altme sync?
sometimes logging off and back on a few times helps
Nope, it didn't
to post something to such a group. Ppl mostly posted dot, to not 
distract too much .....
That's all the tricks I know :-(

Other than to log on as a Guest then back on as yourself......But 
this world has no guest account.

The same trick may work if you have two personal accounts (say Maarten 
and Maarten2). Not sure if the Admins will issue a 2nd account even 
if you have a business case.
To see groups that may need resyncing:

Just chatting;  Did a security update of the Debian 2.6.18 kernel. 
 (One of the rare tmes where a reboot is good thing.)  This is on 
Dev an old 256 mb Compaq that I run at 0% free memory most days. 
 After the reboot the disk wouldn't stop grinding.  Every move was 
a disk grind.  Start looking through the optimization params.  All 
lookin' good.  Then I realized that I forgot to put Altme back to 
a reasonable number of chat entries.  (I had it cranked to 6 hundred 
to get search to display an old entry).  Back to normal once I set 
Altme back to 1 hundred messages per.  :)  Chatting over.
for Info: To use Altme behind a proxy is use 2 linked apps: "Proxifier" 
to force Altme to use a proxy and "HTTP Tunnel" to bypass the local 
restrictions of the company's proxy.
AltMe does work via proxy, no? The problem is world lookup feautre, 
which requires certain port to be opened on FW IIRC.
no as far i know (i've done many test) Altme dosn't work behind a 
even if the right ports are open
it's said on www.altme.com
i precise, a proxy which use user/pass authentification
hmm, I am behind proxy right now ... well, no authentication though 
Maybe it's stupid question, but how to change Altme password?
sorry... already found it:

To change your password, just right click on your name in the user 
list. Enter your new password, then confirm your password by entering 
it again in the popup. Your password will be changed.
A summary of a message I tried to post to the Mailing List, but the 
ML is a little wonky just now:


You may remember that some months ago we added the archives of some 
Altme worlds to REBOL.org...
...and said that a search feature was coming soon.

It did not come soon enough but it is there now:

Enjoy using it, and please tell me the bugs you find.
I want to have W2K automatically start my worlds.  Can anyone tell 
me how to do this? (please list all steps if possible. Assume I am 
an idiot, because I am)
Are you meaning you want the worlds you host to auto-start?  If so, 
simply create a shortcut in your startup folder with the taget field 
equal to;
<path to altme> -s "<worldname>" -p 54xx         ; where -p is a 
port number 5400, increment by 1 for each additional world.  Use 
Safeworlds World Check feature to find out what port your world is 
assigned to  http://www.altme.com/cgi-bin/lookup.cgi, but your world 
must be started for the World Check feature to return the port it 
has registered for the word being checking.
kinda confusing I know.
If you search for my name in this group and use the word Port as 
the search term then you will come across a couple of conversations 
on this same topic.
I wasn't able to get mine to start properly. It acted as if it worked 
in that you saw the little Altme server window, but the client wouldn't 
see the world. Admittedly, I didn't play around with it too much 
so it could have been user error. Perhaps I did not have the correct 
port #
If you have the wrong port number you need to create a new world 
and move the old world data into it.  The world server always maintains 
the port that you originally started the world from, so now they 
are out of synch.
Isn't anyone experiencing difficulcy when connecting to AltME? For 
two days, I can't connect to altme from work. My colleagues are 100% 
sure, they made no network changes here.
Some three days ago or so I could not run some parts of rebol.net, 
as wiki. The strange thing was, that main rebol.net ran OK.
I can see rebol.net resetting my altme connection somewhere during 
my log-in phase. It works when connected via other network (cell 
phone right now, or my wifi network at home)
OK, if situation does not resolve, I am off from altme for most of 
the part of the day ...
No problems for me in the last days, hope it gets resolved for you.
OK, I am in  ... from some place in the world, traceroute ended in 
Washington. From my cell phone, it reached rebol.net. So the problem 
was somewhere on some router or so ...
(as previously reported) I regularly (most days) cannot connect to 
RT-hosted Altme worlds between around 18:00 and 24:00 utc.
The logon hangs with an "internet busy" message.

I've  no idea why. I have no such problem with IOS servers hosted 
by RT.

Evenings would generally be my most productive time for REBOL-related 
community things .... so it's a pity :-(
do some internet timings to see what's going on
there is an altme update
* Server clock check is now optional. You can enable or disable it 
from your Settings panel. This features checks that your server (world) 
clock matches your local clock (adjusted for time zone).

    * Fixes major bug in offline usage when you want to read your messages 
    while not connected to the net.

    * Fixes minor bug in icon pane when you right clicked on the help 
    part of the application icon panel, an error would occur.

    * Minor changes to AltME update notice. First, AltME will close when 
    you read the update news in your browser. Also, if you do nothing, 
    the update notice will close after 30 seconds. Both of these changes 
    are done to keep AltME from timeout problems.

    * Updates bug tracker applet (selected worlds). Removes unused fields 
    and buttons. Simplifies parts of the layout. Improves some of the 
    report modes.
!!!! Fix for off-line mode. Thanks guys! Sometimes I need that access, 
I am not always connected, especially on business trip.
Is anyone else seeing problems with the scrolling of results when 
using the built-in Altme search?

For example, if I search this group alone for words that return 11 
to 20 hits, I see the first ten and the window is not scrollable 
-- making the last few impossible to see.

As examples, the following two words will each produce betwen 11 
and 20 hits when searching this group (remove the asterisk -- it's 
there to prevent this post from changing the results):
Does anyone know, how to run altme world on local network and be 
accessible from the local network too? When you read following section, 
it is not clear - http://www.altme.com/guide/advanced.html#sect0.10.
I mean - altme connects to wns (world-name-server) on altme.com, 
on port 5500. The server returns what - public IP address from our 
gateway? OK, then I have station on local network, and I want to 
connect to my world. But such info (public IP) is complelty worthless, 
unless you use one special trick (destination nat on your router). 
The only trick which comes to my mind is, that during the world registration 
phase, Altme.com is sent my local address too. Initially I was able 
to connect to world few days ago, but not nowadays, when my dhcp 
server gave my pc running altme server different IP ...
sunanda, I see it too. If I get about 200 results, there are no problems.
hmm, I am a clever guy, right? :-) Here's my packet sniff using WireShark 

cmd: open data: ["testik" 0].cmd: lookup data: [new 64#{xRXJdGGJkqhVd9WK5FzbXXZdT9o=}] 
.cmd: info data: [64#{oCjeSRyaoHOn75+8XOLs3tfSXalI1/XH} 
5400 1.2.13 0 *].cmd: lookup data: ok .
sunanda, I'm posting a bug report
So, it is now clear, that Atlme.com gathered my local IP address 
:-) Now it is clear to me, how is that my local PC knows where to 
connect locally ...