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[!AltME] Discussion about AltME

FF *is* my default browser, and it works in whole OS ... except the 
altme ...
I guess we must be seeing different things. I see three choices, 
first one is to choose the default programs, second is is detailed 
to specific extension and protocol, then the third one that has one 
of the choice is custom. I choose the custom and select the default 
browser as FF. In this option, you can even disable IE. I change 
the setting in the third option.
Custom mode is default.
I have FF registered as default.
All 9 from 9 options for FF are checked. From filesystem, doubleclicking 
.html opens FF.
I meant clicking custom gives you more choices.
I have also edited file extensions for .url, .mhtml, .mhtm, and registered 
those with FF too ... still no luck from AltME :-) What function 
does AltME use? Just REBOL's 'browse?
We must be seeing something different. I get the option for changing 
the different extension if I pick the second option. I think I will 
post an image later.  I am not in  my Vista computer at this time.
OK, done, thanks a lot! I never saw clicking radio button brings 
you to new screen, gee, what is that? :-)
Ok good you found it. Make sure you close AltMe then open it again 
for it to work.
I clicked Custom, then FireFox - there are three options in there 
- Use recent browser, IE, FF .... even if FF is "default browser" 
for my OS, I had to specifically click it here, and now AltME opens 
FF finally! Strange thing is, that when I now return back to the 
same menu, once again Use recent browser is selected, but FF is now 
used ....
Yep,  I see that too. Did I mentioned I hate Vista?
If my work is not in computer developments, I would replace it with 
XP already.
I hate Vista too! There are two camps of users - those who can see 
advantages (I can see them too, in security mainly), and those who 
can see it as waste of 1.5 billion of USD. I am part of the latter 
camp - absolutly useless effort imo ....
I have no better experience, just worse one. I would like to meet 
the idiot, who designed user access to network layer. There is so 
many intermediate screens it is not funny anymore.
- I am kind of experience user, don't worry.

I don't worry.  However, what I do is treat all people and problems 
the same way, which is not to make any assumptions.  Sadly this method 
often conflicts with ego.

Edgar, gee, can't you read?

Interesting to read someone else trying to help you, you snapping 
back, and then realizing that it was in fact you who was not reading…

As I said, I try to not make any assumptions.

Perhaps some energy spent on appreciated those trying to help you 
would go a long way…
Reichart - ego or not, I am more than experienced user, if not more, 
or I would not be where I am. (Well, otoh even chief of IT could 
be moron, so maybe you are right :-)
Edgaer pointed me two times to the same link. Reading thru all the 
 text twice, it does not answer any question. The link rather stupidly 
suggests to users, that you have to be admin etc etc. and more or 
less describes, how to change default program. Did that, xy times. 
Did that for each one possible file suffix. Once again - file system 
worked all fine, it is just AltME, having problems.
I'll correct for the future...
Actually, what I found out, was not user's error at all ...
The part I am not good at I admitted - the possible cause being Active 
Directory policy, which could override even my admin local settings, 
if I am connected to domain.
And that is where I am easily able to correct myself ... we have 
xy users with Vista already here, noone having the same problem ....
I can write down the case and provide it as a FAQ entry ... but if 
it does not affect any other user, it might be worthless ...
There is no simple, obvious, method of joining this world....

....If you discover it via the REBOL.net archive, there is no info 
at all about joining

....If you find it via the REBOL.org archive, there is a note in 
the Help page about requesting membership via the Mailing List.....So 
first, you got to join the ML and it has to be working that day :-(

Let's come up with something better guys!

My opening suggestion.....membership can be requested by sending 
an email to a specific gmail account that the Admins here monitor.
well, I'll write a blog entry about it
Given the trouble with the Mailing list as well (feedback), what 
about simply moving everything over to Gmail Groups?  All these problems 
have been solved by them already.  It has IMAP access, so you can 
still do ML archives.  And it is all free.  There are a few things 
about Gmail Groups I don't like (but I suspect all ML have the same 
problems), I simply don't like Email in the first place, so I'm biased.

I think a big move to Gmail would have many positive aspects:

-	Feedback problem is gone, since you can have multiple moderators 
that can check.
-	We have a centralized location for requests to AltME

-	We can make it public already, so you may be able to avoid some 
of the tools you have been using to do this.

-	We are working "with" other systems, as opposed to "invented here"

-	There are other services Gmail offers that might enhance the experience.
There is a REBOL Google group, but it doesn't see much use: http://groups.google.com/group/rebol
I've been noticing AltMe freezing when retrieving a message - when 
done, it goes back to normal. Is this a network latency or speed 
problem, or something else?
Perhaps it does not see much use because we are fractured.  If we 
all jumped on one, we would become focuses?
Freezing...hmmm. Don't know.  I don't see this (much)
I see it quite often, Brian.
Please send to Feedback.
I never see it.
Still see the password bug occasionally though.
Perhaps your internet connection is better than mine, Graham. I usually 
use AltMe from other people's internet connections.
I"m supposed to have a 10mbs connection
It seems to me that the process of retrieving a message is blocking, 
or otherwise synchronous. On a crappy connection that process may 
have to do some retransmits, or may be slowed down for other reasons. 
The solution is to make the retrieval of a message asynchronous, 
and then just sync during the local update once the message is retrieved.
It happens more often when I have more than one world up.
I think it must be blocking as when I'm typing and a message is being 
downloaded, I have always noticed that keyboard input is slower.
The synapse chat client was completely async as it used Beer.
Before I make an ass of myself on my blog for the umpteenth time: 
Who can new people contact to sign up for AltME?
I'm a world master here. Might be good to have another one who is 
around a lot though. Reichart is back, and he usually takes care 
of things pretty quickly when he's around.
Just don't get me harvested. :-)
Yes, I serve as back up for Gregg.

Henrik, if you are asking "who can people contact" as in send an 
Email, I don't know...  this is why I want  to unify the REBOL ML 
on Google Groups.  Then someone can post in the ML, and anyone who 
happens to see it can post it here.

The option is the way we do it now, which is if someone contacts 
anyone already in here, they tell us in Accounts, and we create an 
account because that person is vouching for them.

Does that answer your question?
Reichart, I guess it does. I just wanted to make a small guide on 
my blog to how to get in here as quickly and as painlessly as possible 
and who is reliable to contact about that. Currently the ML seems 
to be the main way in, while other post on reboltalk.com.
See.........now as scary as this might seem, I did not even know 
about RebolTalk.com!
In fact, this exchange should be on the front page of RebolTalk.com 
: )
