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[!AltME] Discussion about AltME

Pity AltME is not open sourced, we could move it to SQLite storage 
Aha, multipler servers > 2 must be started in the order they were 
generated at first. (Reading Pekr et al)
do they just grab the next port up?
dunno, my batting average for 4 worlds to connect is .250
I did come up with a process for IOS so I could tell people the way 
to connect many clients without all keys in one to be able to coexist 
(Ashley, Scot, Chris...IIRC)...I wonder if I can still repeat that 
no matter what I have tried, I am batting .250 out of 1.000 (1 of 
4 servers is reachable outside of my firewall, but I have 5400 to 
5409 open.  Chaging the order of starting servers, rebooting the 
server PC (Win2000) did not have ANY effec.t
the server which is working is the one I need the most, and is on 
it doesn't matter when it starts, it works, and the others don't.
maybe there is a lease timeout like in DHCP
Have you thought of moving to a different solution?
ie. another rebol chat program :)
you have me thinking.  Is it one I would know?  Like Qchat or something 
like that?
My server that runs on 5403 works fine, but 5400, 5401 and 5402 I 
cannot get to work.  Anyone know a way to redo the worlds without 
losing the current information to get these 3 working?  Do I need 
to buy a computer or VM for each world served?
[unknown: 5]
Maybe a port issue?
Downlaod this and take a look at what processes are using which ports 
Hmmn, not sure how to make sense of it, My local machined do connect, 
BTW, within my own office space.  But the AltME check fails on 3 
of them, and I can't reach them outside the firewall.  But Paul, 
on your TcpView thingamajig, I see 5400, 5401, 5402, and 5503 ports 
open, but the process names are unclear which is which.  I guess 
I have to bring them up one at a time while watching, and turn all 
other net stuff off
including this...
eFish - first thing to check is altme.com check page. There you will 
see, what port are your particular worlds registered to ...
Pekr, yes, I did that, and the ones that come up in TCPView are exactly 
the same as the check page, but 3 of them don't work.  only the last, 
On the check page, it shows up as "Active" but I think that means 
from a registration point of view.  Pushing the button delays and 
then says there is no connectivity
[unknown: 5]
Steve, just rename the processes so you can determine which is which.
Paul, by bringing them up one at a time, I was able to identify which 
is which.  I see no problem in the ports being used, and my router 
allows 5400 - 5409 in DMZ
but only 5403 works to the outside world.
[unknown: 5]
What about a windows firewall?
Steve - I mean - does altme.com check page show you correct and expected 
port numbers? My experience is, that if you are not carefull enough, 
you get your worlds registered to incorrect port numbers ...
[unknown: 5]
Do you have another machine you can attempt to connect to those processes 
from?  Maybe use REBOL to do an open tcp://youraltmeserver:port to 
test connectivety
goto START -> RUN -> and type in Eventvwr.msc  and hit enter to see 
what your event logs are recording.
I verified all 4 earlier, including the file in the servers folders...but 
let me reverify...
[unknown: 5]
Also, check your router event logs.  You will probably have to go 
thru the web interface for your router.
If part of this network your using is wireless then there could be 
router features enabled that restrict certain hosts from seeing other 
hosts depending on how your router is configured.
I will look, you will keep me busy for a while now...;-)  thanks.
[unknown: 5]
Eventvwr.msc that relate to AltME that I can tell.
Paul - I believe those ports are actually open. You have to really 
be sure your worlds are registered properly. I registered two worlds, 
where the second one was registered mistakenly to the same port number. 
And as I use "pekr" user name with the same password, I was able 
to connect to the first world, even if I asked to connect to the 
second one.

Next thing to be sure about is to use destination NAT on your router/firewall 
- well, simply the same rule as for your 5400 port ....
[unknown: 5]
Could be Pekr, I never ran more than one world at a time.
After 4 worlds are conquered, well only the rest of the universe 
remains for me... "The world is my oyster"  Roxy Music
This is the same Windows2K PC that ran things at Devcon2004...
the ports in the "log" file for each server matches the ports for 
all 4 of these that show up in the http://www.altme.com/check.html
ok, good sign. Then I would check if those worlds are reachable from 
the outside = if your firewall/router is properly configured ...
Steve, I had similar problems when I ran multiple worlds.  If starting 
the worlds in the order of the ports continues to not work.  I would 
suggest creating a new world, for each that isn't working making 
sure to not shut the other servers to gaurantee they take the next 
available port.  Then copy the data from the non-functioning world 
to the new world.
Your users will need to access the new world by the new name, and 
will need to click on all of the red groups to get them back to the 
state they are accustomed to.
Also - how do you start those world? I created cmd files na start 
it like: altme.com -s "My-world-server" -p 5401
So obviously, this is a worste case scenario.
Not Qchat, but synapse chat
Thanks for those ideas.  I am at the router now, trying to configure 
OK, I had 4 worlds, and I was trying the Brock hack, and generated 
a 5th to do a move of one world which would go to 5404, and it shows 
up happy on the  checkpage.

BUT...when I tried a 6th one, I got a crazy message saying that there 
had been too many worlds generated recently, so it wouldn't let me 
make the 6th one. (guess it is supposed to take seven DAYS to create 
a world, and I am trying to take 7 minutes, like the talk I gave 
at DevCon2004 ;-)
But then a server crash happened, and I just learned I can operate 
AltME server in console mode, like the IOS server, so I DON'T have 
to have graphics on the server running!  -c flag, so I can move my 
world to my server farm and be as happy as the PPC assembler command, 
"EIEIO" ("old mac donald had a farm, e i e i o" (those crazy motorola 
question, what is the best way to move world data from Windoze to 
Linux over a connection, so permissions don't all have to be set?
When you move the world, users and permissions remain, no? I for 
e.g. succesfully re-registered some lost world name, the only user 
account you are setting from scratch is the Master one ...