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[!AltME] Discussion about AltME

creating a channel is easy it was automatically created when you 
type /join #name_of the channel

with /topic you could change the topic you were able to set password 
locks to only let in ppl you like
you was able to set mode to the channel like every one can enter 
but they can't speak by default if they want to speak the cannle 
operation (the owner and his granted friends ) have to give you the 
right to speak (/mode usernickname +V or -v to shut him up lol)
And there are REBOL clients?
you could kick and ban ppl too kick is booting out the user from 
you channel and ban provide him to come back
rKini is one (not ended ...) or irc-client.r buy oldes IRc was client 
was my first project and how i discover rebol ^^
when you say to me graphical interface + internet i think or 3D game 
or IRC client lol
see why i was attracted by rebol  ^^
but i should retake rKini and port it to rebgui that would be nice 
I think
so how people in IRC know what are the channel on the server and 
what are they talking about in you client you type /list and you 
get the list of all the channel and their topic (title) and the amount 
of people you have in it
of course you can limit list output to participation quotas for example 
or to word contained in the topic
not persistent chat though
Didn't you help me with the Synapse chat client??
That had persistent chat ...
yeah and even channels were not persistant so anyone could enter 
your channel and become the channel operator ( the first in joining 
a not already existing channel is set automatically chan operator)
but now in day server offer chanel admistration services to make 
hem persistant and acknoledge people define by the initial owner 
channel operator that was proposed by Dalnet initially because I 
and some other proposed to much bots to manage channel and that was 
surcharging the server with persistant connection for nothing
but all chat is lost is it not?
It's not stored anywhere ..
no i don't  sorry ...  I like the idea of unpersistant chats 

one day you can come to have meaning less conversations the other 
one you can come to have very high level conversations and all that 
disapear the momment you log out lol
well Altme serves as a knowledge base as well.
of course now in day clients have loging mechanism you can make you 
bot to log the conversation too that way you have a trace of conversation 
on your channel even if you are not there that's a client side issue 
server only share intputs/ output  and don't log the conversations 
I was adminsitrator on Undernet IRC like 17 years ago and ppl their 
was accusing use to log the conversations and sell them to CIA ... 
But reality is no I worked anough on the server source code (to fix 
those annoying bugs and extend them ) to assure you client side conversation 
are not store
You worked for the CIA?
Good pay?
and for one good reason in some country like China for example you 
can't speak freely ... so part of the idea is anyone can comme and 
speak of anything and to not turn the authorities totally impossible 
to talk actions agains the server holders
Unless the authorities installed bots to record all conversations.
Are there ssl clients and comms?
no way never worked for CIA i hate the idea of having a stupid on 
your back watching what u doing ...
graham that was possible ofcourse that's why by default bots where 
prohibated seek and connection terminated
to have a bot running on your channel you had to ask permission to 
the server admins
Ok, my real question is ... do you think IRC is a good support mechanism 
to build into software?
so that users can get supported by software authors ...
plus as the conversation are segmented in channels and that a channel 
can prohibitate you from enterring logging all the conversation on 
one server was impossible and you have the user to user private chatting 
concept like in altme
so having the conversion not logged was such a needed thing to be 
sure to offer to the public a space of totally free discutions
graham it's the baest system of chatting in fact all the MMORPG use 
that system adapted to allow player to chat
so one conversation might get carried on different channels and gets 
reassembled at the other end?
and as server side you don't store any information then the server 
side is really really small in space
give me 1 persistant connection and 3Mo of hard drive anywhere i 
will do you an IRC server  ^^
channels are virtual list of ppl in memory
you open a channel you create an object in memory that knows what 
client have enter every time some one join you channel it enter into 
the memory list
So, I need to setup a IRC server and write an IRC client in Rebol
when you type a message it is forwarded to all the people in you 
channel list and nothing more
to maintain the volatile aspect of the conversation you have many 
first the channel operator can manually kick and ban any user not 
talking to his channel
having a conversation with a bot in general is very one sided lool
Looks like Paul also wrote a IRC bot
( In IA class i made a bot that could stand a conversation  lol when 
i presented that project my professor was dead laughing but after 
explaining the concept behind he was like hoooo that's great try 
to do it ...)
i mean making the computer standing a lively converstation that makes 
sens is quite not the joke really
I use Eliza for my chat program
and that even one of the ways to evaluate the intelligence of an 
AI how many time it will spend before saying supid things or repeating 
hum that's part of the project i made and no one will put it's end 
on it cause well humanity is not prepared to have thinking machines