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[!AltME] Discussion about AltME

security - stop unauthorised users from removing/renaming groups
block users
line by line scrolling ... and particularly in lists where it is 
almost impossible to select a  single usre in a very long list
[unknown: 10]
(1) mark all messages in all groups as read (handy is your not online 
for a long time)

(2) There are some bugs in the proxy configuration reading. mixedup 
config settings etc...
(3) Scaling Fonts..very handy for the disabled readers

(4) Web Interfacing towards ALTME! instead of using the client use 
a webinterface, no problems with proxy's etc anymore...i hope ;-)
(5) ALTME API/SDK... for users to build bots ;-)
(1) Mark al as read per group
(2) Mark all messages as read (all groups)
(3) Remove yourself from a group
(4) APIs for external authN / authZ / ...
(1) per user rights (read/write/manage on groups)
(2) proxy settings that works
Thanks for asking :-)

[1] Fix the resync bug so I don't to use the dot & guest tricks

[2] Don't throw away what I've typed when I press enter just because 
you need to reconnect
[3] Much, much faster search

[4] multi-world search -- should search all the worlds I specify, 
not just the current one
[5] Ability to opt out (and back in) to a Public world

[6] Don't delete messages from  my copy of a world just because the 
master has been restored from a backup

[7] Ability to restrict Guests in various ways (eg can only post 
to certain groups / can only see other groups)
[1] Grouping of calendar events so you can filter select which type 
or with whom, specific calendar events are shared with, for display.
[2] Weekview in the calendar to fit more events pr. day

[3] Events from calendar formatted as a chronological TODO or activity 

[4] Export the calendar as HTML (it's a real problem if you have 
many events per day and can only see a small amount of them)

[5] Dynamic width of the user/group list to the left. Many group 
titles are chopped off.
[6] Filter search in the Users and Groups list

[7] Bigger/adjustable text area size in checklist entries, so it 
would be more suitable to store makedoc2 formatted documents in them 
(instant document repository!)

[8] Export checklists in makedoc2 format for integration in other 
makedoc2 docs

[9] Checklists as a column view. It would mean for Checklists: Spreadsheets 
that Checklists are in the left column and Spreadsheets are in the 
right column. You can select other checklists immediately without 
having to go back to the top and select a new one.

[10] Generally resizable windows everywhere. Small text areas are 

(1) Allowing translation (external language file with program strings)
(2) Ability to mark all messages as read
(3) Font size settings
(4) Users rights (limited guest account would be a good step)
[1] Proxies that work
(1) Mark read position ("I've read up to here."). Sometimes I also 
like to quickly scan a group which may have a really long discussion 
in it, but I don't want it to be automatically marked as read, because 
I'm actually doing something else more important.

(2) Save selected messages. Some messages contain real gems worth 
saving and refining.
The ability to copy and paste just part of a post.
Select the text, hit Ctrl+C
Thanks, Ammon! I didn't know that could be done.  Still, I would 
like to be able to do it using only the mouse.
I agree and I suggested such in my post above... "I'd personally 
really prefer a context menu"
I don't think that restricting guest would be a good thing, i got 
in because of this community and the fact that i can get help from 
any of the gurus here ( yes it is nice to know who you are talking 
to).  But some people need reassurance  if they have a problem ( 
rebol /core /view /AltME etc. ) that someone will be able to help
What i propose is to have private worlds ( for special projects maybe 
)  =)
The intention of restricting guest account is along the lines of 
adding more restrictions on users.  For example, now, anyone can 
delete/rename/create groups.  It would be better to have this limited 
to to either the creator of the group or another level of world masters.
Essetially, only allowing guests to read and post to groups.
I totally agree.
1) FAST Message scroll-list with 'streaming' so I can browse/search 
in all messages in a group on the disk without need to setup the 
buffer in preferences and loose the performace and memory. (Get rid 
of the "Message cannot be shown. See Settings panel to allow older 
messages (Limit)." requester)
Cyphre - they would have to use your grid then :-)
export  messages --> save --> file name :  [ default world name ]
[unknown: 9]
Bookmarks.......please give an example.
perhaps to bookmark a particular message ?
What Sunanda said: [2] Don't throw away what I've typed when I press 
enter just because you need to reconnect.

Bookmarks. Let me tag messages/locations that are important and I 
want to be able to find again, no matter how old.
[unknown: 9]
1. good search capability

2. persistent threads 
- eg. Links groups should always be seen and not 'scroll off'
regarding Bookmarks

Maybe a way to put the marked messages in a special group "Bookmarks".

If I click on a selected message in this group the original group 
will be opened similar to the Search window.

 groups should be a different style of view (different as checklists 
 are different). An editable list of links.
(...perhaps. Maybe it's better to try to keep them as a regular group, 
but just expand the flexibility of regular groups...)
Feature Req: 'Clear All'.  If I am away (say two days) from altme.. 
I come back /login only to find all groups highlighted with messages 
since my logoff.  Sometimes, I want to know what happened since I 
left.. however other times I just want to start clean.  So, I think 
that it would be nice to have a button or a pref that allows those 
highlighted groups to be cleared upon logging in.  This way, I can 
be assured that I am looking at new messages only.. not messages 
from 47 hours ago.     John.
If you want to clear up (un)RED condition, cant you just click on 
the group and then click out? It doesnt take very long at all. Am 
I missing something?
Yeah.. if you do a new install on a new pc .. you have to click hundreds 
of times to clear the reds.  Computers are made to reduce work, so 
should offer an mass deredding.
Exactly.  Today, I opened up altme and had to click on every group. 
 It took me about 6 minutes.   Yes.. I can do this everytime, but 
I like how Graham put it.. "computers are made to reduce work..". 
 So, I think this would be a good feature.   Thanks for all the feedback 
people.  :-)
[unknown: 9]
G, that is a diff prob.  We plan to solve that by allow you to store 
what you have read on the server.
0) multiple fallback mechanisms for getting/staying connected.

1) absolute control of what is actualy removed from local machine... 

2) better support for using a single account from several machines.
3) better support for using several worlds from one computer.

4) finer control of what posts you are exposed to. (groups and users 
and users in groups) 
5) filesharing
6) api,locks, so we can muck with the filesets.

7) calendar,just fix it up. hour/day/week views, sorting,repeated,various 
alerts ...
8) adjustable font sizes

9) search should return hits (the text) from further back than your 
message buffer limit.
10) OSX support & recycle bug
For deREDing  groups : just add a button in the top right near Search, 
1) allow Altme to try to connect to the world even if the safeworld 
server is unreachable (with the cached IP address)
2) see 1)
3) see 1)
RebolJohn - 6 mins? I switched on a PC that I don't connect very 
often and cleared them all in 2 mins of clicking. My problem is when 
you clear the RED, but dont have time to read them all, you forget 
that they are really Unread and dont go back to read them.
Thats cool.. I am just suggesting a possible feature for the new 
altme.  The main point of the feature is that it would be a button 
/ option that you press or select.  If you don't want them cleared.. 
don't push it.
I personally like the button idea..
[unknown: 9]
I think of communication software a little differently (in general), 
so I will share this.  

Read states

 (like the Red we are talking about) are a very interesting issue. 

Most computer software does a very poor job of replicating empirical 
or visceral conversations.  Email for example has a method of describing 
the "direction" you are speaking.  TO: Bob, CC: Carry.  Where the 
TO: indicates you are speaking directly to Bob, and that Carry is 
standing somewhere to the left or right of you.  BCC is someone hiding 
behind you. 

Email could have an interface where you first pick the people in 
the "room." And then use something like a 2D interface to move the 
listeners around a symbolic version of you.  This would be both silly, 
time consuming, and somewhat confusing, but you get the point.

What you have read and what you have not read though has a similar 
analogy.   There are thousands of sub states and markers people use 
to sort things they have read, will read, need to read again, need 
to respond to, etc.

In Box, Out Box, Papers upside down, putting papers you need to sign 
under your car keys on the floor in front of the door leading to 
the car, etc.

I have one friend who re-wrote some open source email program to 
have some huge number of states and then some simple filters.  It 
works VERY WELL, if you know his system.  He never forgets anything.

So the current model AltME has (right now) is a very simple interface. 
 Tantimount to "Have I ever seen this before."

We are playing with some other models in Qtask, which may get adopted 
into AltME.  I'm working on a system I call Venn Chat.  Some features 

Have I read this before? (like AltME)
Mark this:  

Follow up (add to a list of messages you want to think about more)
Note (All should read this when they come into the group)
All Must Read (converts it into an AltME-like alert)

Convert to a task (and keep the context of the chat in place, this 
is opens up a whole other area)
Branch (something like forum threading)
Re-file (move from one group to another)

Re-post (copy to another group, at the same time, similar to branch).
Trigger (tell me when someone has finally read this).
Status (tell me who has read this so far).
Attach (files, links, etc)
Then there is the whole voting thing like Slashdot.

Allowing people to mark stuff important, NOT important, Humour, etc.

Which then brings up the whole statistical nature of "your value" 
as a person.

So for example, almost everyone in a religion group is marking entries 
as "interesting" or "important," but you are marking it "Humour."

The system can assume that you do not carry the "common" vote and 
value your vote accordingly.  But as this example demonstrates, it 
would need to be both at the global and local level (group, project, 
world, etc.)

Some people ONLY comment when something really is important, the 
system would note this.  So "Bob" for example only notes code samples 
that are really good examples of Rebol.  As a result, you could create 
a filer to just see "Bob's Picks."  Or thresholds based on certain 

You could also block people that fall below a certain number. And 
then you wold never need to read my babblings.
1. 	A switch to turn off notification about new messages. On XP, 
the minimized window's icon blinks for every new message, which can 
become a little bit annoying.

2. 	A switch to 'subscribe' only selected groups - in a sense of 
"Only mark group with new messages if subscribed". 

 Otherwise, get message silently but don't mark group red for having 
 unread messages.

3. 	A "newer than new" feature: Whilst AltME is online and one is 
working in another app, inform (in a popup window or alike) when 
one returns to it: "New messages in the following groups:" 

 which can easily be clicked away if none of the groups are of special 
guest that blinking is controlled in windows...
Reichart, I like your ideas.

I would guess that one of the goals should be to pick a 'realm of 
inclusiveness' (I don't know what else to call it).

i.e. If AltMe is suppose to be fashioned as a message-logger then 
these 'new messages' should be flagged until read.

However, if AltMe is suppose to be fashioned as a meeting-place then 
maybe 'new messages' should only be flagged after you log in.

Now, don't get me wrong here.. I am not saying that messages shouldn't 
show up at all, I am stating that their container wouldn't be flagged 
A real-world example of this is.. someone going to a party.

The party is in full-swing and the newcomer would venture from group-discussion 
to group-discussion.

i.e. Now that I am at the party, I know there is repeated 'hot discussions' 
going on with that group over there (altMe).. while the group in 
the corner (mysql) isn't talking.. they are just eating their chips 
and sitting quietly.

And to parallel this.. when I join AltMe for the day.. I would not 
be flagged of old-conversations that happened while I was logged 
off.. I would only be flagged of conversations that are happening 
since I logged on.

Now, that doesn't keep me from going to those other groups and seeing 
the messages that have been posted while I was logged off, it just 
keeps me in touch with the party.