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[RAMBO] The REBOL bug and enhancement database

And "what-dir" ???
Just the one file, trust me :)
The bug is shown for any file, not just rebol.r
i can confirm your observation
eg. rebol.exe....
looks like ntfs ignores leading dots
what can you expect from ms...
yeah... trailing you mean. :)
>> exists? %...rebol.r
== false
>> exists? %rebol.r....
== true
has anyone found out the cause for red icons in IOS?
I noticed one entry in RAMBO from Oldes or someone else, describing 
incorrect handling of timezones or something like that ...
but dunno if it is realted or not ....
I think so. Bad timezone found by QUERY (as used by INFO?). Replacement 
is to use GET-MODES file 'modification date.
(from memory)
(my brain memory, that is)
Red icons ...usually a problem with syncing when Daylight Saving 
Time goes on or off.

reset-dates.r utility available from RT to correct them (doesn't 
always work).
(Ups, I did not notice the trailing dot. My wrong)
oops, that should be GET-MODES file 'modification-date,  but Sunanda's 
answer is more relevant..
Sunanda - but t hat problem of bad syncing happens only on certain 
systems. Here in CZ for most or all Win versions ... bad timezone 
or something must be the reason. I remember RT stating Win98 returned 
incorrect (shifted) time-stamp under some conditions, but that is 
not only W98 related imo ...
I'll stop promoting IOS here, if that issue is not resolved! I would 
not hesitate to push my client to use some correction script, but 
it does not work always :-( ..... I need proved solution and full 
resync is not that ...
It's a wierd problem, and RT don't seem able to fix it/
reset-dates.r is a sort of symptom suppressant.

I've had to do full reysncs a couple of times.....Not a good thing 
to ask **everyone** to do.
Who thinks that maybe load parser should be mroe relaxed with paths 
? eg:
>> view-root/public/
** Syntax Error: Invalid path -- public/
** Near: (line 1) view-root/public/
The parser doesn't know that VIEW-ROOT is a valid directory name, 
so why should it assume that it's a bad path ?
(Obviously, I know that the error disappears when the final slash 
is removed, but I want the slash there.)
(Also, it helps me make dir-utils commands like:   CD view-root/public/
I would like that too. but a path! is a series, maybe that is tricky? 
but we could set the last element to unset.
Can anyone think of any reason why it shouldn't be allowed ? I can 
only speculate that *maybe* it slows down the interpreter in some 
way, but I don't think so.
it might help with file paths, but what about object paths?  How 
should a typo like system/view/ be handled? or face/text/ ?
Yes... that is the main issue: since a path can be represented as 
a block, how does the trailing slash get indicated in a block?
Since a slash itself is not allowed to be a symbol within a path 
(in other words you can write foo/divide but not foo//) perhaps we 
can simply use a / at the tail of the block to indicate that it has 
a trailing /.  Something to consider.
Not sure about the block thing (examples?), but It think it should 
cause an error only when such a path is evaluated.
I understand the block thing now.
About #3626  Quick PATH-THRU patch to handle CGI query strings

I am not sure anymore. :-/ I think the current implementation is 
the most "perfect" one, and it should be left up to developers to 
patch for particular cases.
Also, for the record, I have mainly reversed my position on "polarity" 
of alpha channel values. (ie. is 255 full transparency or solidity 
?) :-/

I feel guilty, because I argued strongly for it. I mainly changed 
when I realised the mathematical simplicity of it, and learning the 
I've been thinking that INMOLD might be a good name to rename the 
recently added NEW-LINE to. (I basically want NEW-LINE to be called 
anything else but NEW-LINE). (being a short name, it will also keep 
the Germans happy.) But, not to be lazy, here is what I have in mind:
INMOLD: func [

 format [block!] "internal formatting to apply eg. [newline all skip 
	value [block!] "block you would like formatted"
	/local path code
	; wrap NEW-LINE
	code: reduce [path: to-path 'new-line 'value true]
	parse format [
		any [
			'remove (poke tail code -1 false)
			| 'newline () ; redundant
			| 'all  (append path 'all)
			| ['skip set n integer!] (append path 'skip append code n)
	do code
and a few tests:
blk: [a b c d e f g]

inmold [newline all skip 2] blk  ; -> new-line/all/skip blk true 
;== [
;    a b
;    c d
;    e f
;    g

inmold [remove newline all skip 3] blk   ; --> new-line/all/skip 
blk false 3
;== [a
;    b
;    c d
;    e
;    f g
inmold [remove newline all] blk  ; --> new-line/all blk false
;== [a b c d e f g]
Any comments ? Anyone hate the name "INMOLD" ?  I'm just passionate 
about avoiding that confusion NEWLINE <-> NEW-LINE for newbies.
Maybe making the function NEW-LINE a refinement of REMOVE so that 
REMOVE/NEWLINES would remove the newlines?
About #3574 "apply-effect function"

Now that DRAW has been implemented this can be set to "Built" "Tested" 
or "Dismissed" with a Response.
I'll write the refinement to REMOVE and submit it RAMBO if you like 
the idea...
Oh hum... I totally misread that. :-(
I'll just shut up now. ;~>
:) thanks for reading at least :)
Posted a ticket for the "final slash on paths" issue.
Romano, SPLIT-PATH-3:
Probably not really a big problem, but:
split-path-3 http://  ;== [http:/ %/]
split-path-3 http:/   ;== [%./ %http:/]

Probably more of a problem (inconsistant ?):

split-path-3 %""   ;== [%./ %""]    ; <-- better if second item of 
result is none ?
split-path-3 %"/"  ;== [%/ none]
split-path-3 %"."  ;== [%./ none]
split-path-3 %"a" ;== [%./ %a]
DIR?  -  This function, useful as it is, is confusing, because it 
is not obvious that it goes to the filesystem or network to check. 
Perhaps it should be called EXISTS-DIR?

I also feel the lack of a function just to see if a file or url ends 
with a slash. If you work with the filesystem at all you quickly 
find yourself checking for final slashes all the time. Here is my 
latest way of detecting that:
#"/" = pick tail file -1

That sure is ugly to put into code all the time, and I keep wishing 
this is what DIR? would do.

I understand that there is probably a huge body of code that would 
be adversely affected by this renaming, so I am looking for a nice 
short name. So far I thought of DIR-SPEC?  (ie. "does this file have 
the specification of a dir ?") but....
.. it doesn't seem short enough.
Anton, that are the results of standard split-path that i replicated.The 
only difference is in %"" which gives an error on split-path and 
that result on split-path-3. I have some problems on how path are 
splitted by split-path in some cases, but to change them is a problematic 
thing, because all handlers knows how split-path works and get their 
decisions on it. I am not sure that the better result is [%./ none] 
in the %"" example, because the starting path (%"") is a file of 
name "" like in the %"a" example, where the starting path is a file 
of name "a". In the other 2 examples (%/ %.) the starting path is 
a DIR not a file (and the file is "exactly" none).
#"/" = last file ; somehat shorter.