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[RAMBO] The REBOL bug and enhancement database

this is from changes documentation:
Face related warnings like 

face in more than one pane" and "invalid face" are no longer printed 
to the console. They now throw errors and you can catch them or let 
them go to the console. The warning that a face is shown in non-visible 
pane or closed window type errors have been removed. Programmers 
can determine that for themselves."
#3687 : bitwise ops - it was submitted at the start of the /View 
1.3 project (2003/2004). 

Both MacOS 9 and Amiga /View 12.1 (big-endian MC 680xx / PowerPC) 
have this bug for bitwise operations on series.

I had to do a workaround for %gzip.r (painful slow byte per byte 
operations) and %rebzip.r (calculations with integers.)
maxim: it isn't just AA. font support is not multiplatform right 
now so it can't be left in. i'm sure we'll find a solution to this...
One could build a function that catches "face in more than one pane" 
errors that duplicates the face and ties the data values of the faces 
together so that they act like one face but are in fact two faces 
with identical values and therefor allows view to display the face 
in more than one pane...
I noticed a crash with rebol on win2k with the script 
logo.r (tet program for AGG)  when I resize the windows ...
the script is http://www.rebol.net/tests/view/logo-maker.r
the crash message is :
** Script Error: Invalid graphics face object
** Where: evt-func
** Near: show out
btw, i have a question: is there anyone using smtp:// directly?
maybe graham with rebmail ?
but i think is using the core VM not the view one
the new error!s were introduced to rebol instead of 

face in more than one pane" and simmilar console prints".the problem 
is that previous versions did not print any messages in the console 
with the same code.
special category of time (only one known value): negative negative 
>> time: to-time 2 ** 31
== --596523:-14:-08
>> time = - time
== true
>> time + 1
== -596523:14:07
>> time - 1
== 596523:14:07
Oops, should have actually read the conversation before commenting, 
romano: indeed, that was a bug, and should be fixed. (though, zero-size 
faces are debatable. vid uses them for sensors, so for compatibility 
that must work, however it doesn't seem such a great idea to me.)
Some bug reports now contain the umbrella phrase "fixed in View 1.3". 
  I would prefer to know the exact version, so I know which version 
to test the bug against, and whether I have that version yet or not.
Can we find out who is doing that ?
Anton try changes? in the lastest consol ... not very detailled I 
know ...
anton: if a response does not have "-Gabriele" in it you can assume 
it was written by Carl :)
about #3016: does it still apply? (PARSE and recursion limits have 
been changed much lately) could anyone provide me with an email that 
breaks the parser?
#3402: does it still apply? i think it was fixed already. any example 
where it breaks?
:)    #3437 is "Built", but on View 1.2.107 it still does not return 
an error.   func [a 'a :a][]
oh.. built today, I guess I have to wait for next release :)
Gabriele that was not a bug, only the new version it is not backward 
I have an undebugable bug !! It hapen with 1.2.104 and more, in a 
script that use Uniserve.
Here is the code that throw the error :
init-connection: func [
		new /service server 
		/local proto evt list len names i fun
		new/locals: context [
			handler: any [
				all [service server/server-type]
				proto: select protocols new/locals/1
			write-queue: copy []
			file-chunk: 64 * 1024
			stop: handler/stop-at
			in-buffer: make binary! 64 * 1024
			file: flag-close: events: none
		if proto [
			evt: reduce new/user-data
			help new/locals
			list: array len: length? names: new/locals/handler/events
			i: 1
			until [
				if fun: select evt pick names i [poke list i :fun]
				len < i: i + 1
			new/locals/events: list
		actives/add new
I have added an 'help  in the code to help locate the error (2 lines 
under "if proto [" )
When it works you get :
NEW/LOCALS is an object of value:

   handler         object!   [name port-id hidden peer stop-at shared 
   module ev...
   write-queue     block!    length: 0
   file-chunk      integer!  65536
   stop            none!     none
   in-buffer       binary!   #{}
   file            none!     none
   flag-close      none!     none
   events          none!     none
When it crash I have :
NEW/LOCALS is an object of value:
   write-queue     block!    length: 0
   file-chunk      integer!  65536
   stop            char!     #"^/"
   in-buffer       binary!   #{}
   file            none!     none
   flag-close      none!     none
   events          none!     none

** Script Error: Invalid path value: handler
** Where: init-connection
** Near: list: array len: length? names:
The problem is simple : new/locals is set at the beginning of the 
function and it's content has changed 3 lines later !!
It's 100% reproducable, but with precise conditions. It's called 
by a timer (manually, I haven't get any error).

With a timer of 2 mins, it happens the second time. With different 
time it does not happen, or I haven't wait enough (but did not make 
to much test on that)..
I don't know how I can post that to Rambo !
Sorry to flood this group.
could it be that reduce user-data is changing something?
Yes, please confirm user-data is not doing anything.  Then, add an 
empty word/value at top of locals object.  Does that same cell get 
What makes this bug very unusual is that the rest of the object seems 
to be ok. It is as if something deleted the word from the object 
(but that is never done in REBOL).
Gabriele: #3402 is an outstanding bug when using /CUSTOM refinement. 
 An example is submitting a  form over http using REBOL. You need 
to specify both HEADER and POST. For example:

   read/custom url [HEADER [Content-Type: {multipart/form-data; boundary=---xyz} 
   ] POST {blah}]

The problem is that the handling of POST *overwrites* the Content-Type 
and Referer even though they may have been specified in HEADER. This 
logic bug is within the create-request function of Open in HTTP scheme.
Gabriele: #3016 still applies but is less likely to occur with the 
increased limits.  On View my test failed after 100 To 
addresses, now on my test fails after 256 To addresses. 
My test is next:
test-address-import: func [

 {Returns true if pass, false if discrepency and none if failed with 
	limit [integer!] "Number of TO address to generate."
	/quiet "Does not display error."
	/local to-list eml sep msg obj
] [
	to-list: copy {} sep: ""
	repeat i limit [
		eml: to-email join "test-" [i "@test.com"]
		repend to-list [sep {"'} eml {'" <} eml {>}]
		if empty? sep [sep: {,^/	}]

	msg: replace copy {Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:41:49 +0100
From: test <[test-:-test-:-com]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: [REBOL] test message - edited copy of real message
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Sender: [rebol-bounce-:-rebol-:-com]
Reply-to: [testing-:-testing-:-com]

Test message.
} {TO_LIST} to-list

	either error? set/any 'result try [
		obj: import-email msg
		limit = length? obj/to
	][if not quiet [print mold disarm result] none][result]

This test generates a test email with the desired number of addresses 
then attempt to import it.
Romano did a lot of work to try to overcome this by trying to take 
recursion out of the code.
#3402: i see what you mean, but you should use:
read/custom url [POST {blah} [Content-Type: {multipart/form-data; 
boundary=---xyz} ]]
which works. however, i'll look into it.
Important: 1.2.108 is out. Please, test it. There are a number of 
mezzanine changes that need testing to ensure we are not breaking 
1.2.108 supports SMTP Auth, but it has not been tested.
note that this has been added as a new scheme, esmtp://. Now SEND 
uses esmtp:// and not smtp://. We have left smtp:// for compatibility 