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[RAMBO] The REBOL bug and enhancement database

other way round
the results of the functions are wrong. they take always the first 
value in the object, where the word was on construction. not the 
index the word has after the make.
seems a bug to me.
i go reporting.
Yep, looks that way.
since when was this make c2 c1 or make c1 c2 possible? (I thought 
that the second arg had to be a block?)
The 2nd arg is an integer when making many other datatypes (usually 
meaning the amount of space to allocate for it initially)

   make block! 2222    ;; block with reserved space for 2,222 entries.

3rd arg needed in some cases too:
f: make function! [a b] [print a + b]
Don't know when, but old. IIRC older than 'construct. in a way its 
the predecessor of construct/with . And as such, with only data, 
there is no problem anyway. but can be used to merge objects too, 
kind of multiple inheritance. i thought.. ;)
Ladislav: it's on view 1.2.1 too. so I guess very old.
apparently nobody used it, because this error never showed up
I used it primarily for data, to add default fields. 
 item: make context[ defaults ] load %item.r

there are no functions, so no problem. now thats construct/with, 
even no binding nowhere :)
But lately i did something obscure and it drove me made..
Rambo #3869 "** CRASH (Should not happen) - Invalid string width 
16 : type 41" 

sounds very similar to the problem I have with cmd. Just that I have 
to wait a few thousand messages and at least two days for one crash.
Izkata has found a way to speed up your bug 1,000% :-)
The /part refinement of copy requires a number! series! or port! 
value.  But it seems that it should be able to accept a NONE value 
as well.
is this known bug?:
>> parse/all {" x} ""
== [" x"]
>> parse {" x} ""
== [" x"]
linux-1.3: nameclash: /link wants ~/.rebol as file. /view now wants 
a directory there. I guess we have to rename, ~/rebol.d ?
At least until a /link-1.3 is out.
[unknown: 10]
Linux 1.3 Beta -> do read http://www.rebol.net/tests/arc-angle.r
 does work strange on [arc 100x100 90x90 0 0 closed]
Linux 1.3 Beta -> startup reports this -> 

** Access Error: Cannot open /home/usersx/.rebol/view/desktop/filetypes.r
** Where: init-desktop-files
** Near: write path join {REBOL [Title: "File Types"]
} mold/only
Looks like view is faster in 1.3 ??? :-)
Linux 1.3 Beta -> I need to give an extra do-events for view actions 
to make a face...
Linux 1.3 Beta -> do read http://www.rebol.com/view/demos/tiger-boom.r
Is dammmm sharp ...nice!
Linux 1.3 Beta -> Startup Problems FIXED !! For the OLD rebol there 
is always a .rebol file in the home directory that is why rebol report 
the problem above.

You can test if the install works by executing ./rebview --reinstall 
after moving the ~/.rebol file. desktop is now starting!
Linux 1.3 Beta -> Segmentation Fault occeured during resize of "DESKTOP"
I am resizeing desktop w/no segfault
the REBOL/View Demos/cypher  is so faint as to be nigh invisable 
(prolly running too fast)
woops wrong group
Rebolinth : thanks a lot
[unknown: 10]
Linux 1.3 Beta -> The digital Clock example from Carl Stops working 
after a resize, it just disapears from the screen..Feature or Flaw?
Linux 1.3 Beta -> http://www.rebol.com/view/tools/icon-maker.rDoes 
not what it tells it should..resizeing seems a problem and the image 
is not displayed correctly.. compared to the MS-Windows version 1.3
Linux 1.3 Beta -> http://www.rebol.com/view/tools/ad-maker.rAlso 
does strange things to the FOCUS when resizeing... Its indeed correct 
that text in AGG is not displayed...
Linux 1.3 Beta -> http://www.rebol.com/view/tools/logo-maker.rdoes 
report -->  ** Script Error: Not enough memory
** Where: wake-event
** Near: do event 
empty? screen-face/pane
Linux 1.3 Beta -> here is probably the explanation of the Memory 
problem above ;-) 


Seems the sessions are still here, I execute them from within DESKTOP 
and pressing [X] to close the window.

 3418 userx     10   0 17044  16m 2808 S  0.0  2.6   0:27.85 rebview1300142b 

 3419 userx      9   0  1456 1452 1376 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.02 rebview1300142b 

 3420 userx      9   0  1140 1132 1088 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b 

 3465 userx      9   0  3388 3388 2116 S  0.0  0.5   0:01.00 xterm 

 3467 userx      9   0  1552 1552 1136 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.05 bash 

 3818 userx      9   0  6796 6796 2216 S  0.0  1.1   0:00.18 rebview1300142b 

 3819 userx      9   0  1468 1464 1388 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b 

 3820 userx      9   0  1152 1144 1100 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b 

 3898 userx      9   0  8500 8500 2284 S  0.0  1.3   0:00.77 rebview1300142b 

 3899 userx      9   0  1156 1148 1128 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b 

 3900 userx      9   0  1152 1144 1124 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b 

 3910 userx      9   0 12220  11m 2272 S  0.0  1.9   0:01.15 rebview1300142b 

 3911 userx      9   0  1156 1148 1128 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b 

 3912 userx      9   0  1152 1144 1124 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.00 rebview1300142b
Linux 1.3 Beta -> executing logo-make.r it again reports and i have 
indeed only 50MB left from the 500MB i had befor starting it.. -> 
** Script Error: Not enough memory
** Where: wake-event
** Near: do event 
empty? screen-face/pane
Linux 1.3 Beta -> Something is realy from with the terminal adjustement 
during view/console and after stopping view. The Console gets messed 
up like it has the wrong TermInfo values?  During a call/shell execution 
from the view/console also the console from Rebol/view is mixing 
up the call/shell "vi" ????????
from = wrong
Linux 1.3 Beta -> using call in view/console does not take care for 
killing Childs after quiting view
As where the 1.2 release did, as it seems...
Linux 1.3 Beta -> this very is very heavy on Memory use.. does it 
have extra debugging on by default or so ?
very = version (time for beer.. )
It simply claims all the memory it can get, and to claim the  500MB 
my system has left is not very nice , swapping is very active and 
i have 5MB left for resources..
well eventualy you should not do a "probe system" in beta 1.3 ;-)
Linux 1.3 -> I like it Aha Aha ...
Linux 1.3 Beta -> problem with Offset inside a face where a unview 
- view changes the offset of the parent-face to a different offset. 
IM not sure if this is a feature in 1.3 but in 1.2 its not happening, 
the code below demonstrates the behaviour.. Click the window and 
the window will always move by face/offset/y
direction to a new position..
myface: make face [
    offset: 100x100
    size: 400x400
    feel: make feel [
        engage: func [face action event] [
            if action = 'down [ unview myface   view myface  ]
view myface
linux 1.3 Beta -> This exmaple for the NEW view document always displays 
32767x32767 when AWAY form the face 
view make face [
    offset: 100x100
    pane: reduce [
        make face [
            text: "Move the mouse over this"
            color: yellow
            edge: none
            feel: make feel [
                over: func [face into pos] [
                    text: reform [
                        pick ["over" "away"] into
                    color: pick reduce [green red] into
                    show face

Linux 1.3 Beta -> Looks like the ENGAGE is aways 1x1 pixel wrong... 
a 0x0 is out of the X window while a 1x1 is exactly inside the X 
window, this could be a X window manager problem though...(Im using 