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[unknown: 5]
That is where my interest lies Anton.
Interesting the limit for file size in REBOL is 2 ** 31
when the port/state/tail value reaches 2 ** 31 it converts it to 
a negative number and gives an error which is an "access error writing 
to port".
Now the port can still be read via open/direct but no longer accessible 
via open/seek at that point.
Not sure how OLDES was able to get his file over 5GB on NTFS as my 
test was also on NTFS.
I wonder if WRITE/APPEND allows files over 4 GB?
[unknown: 5]
I would have thought that write would be using open also.
REBOL should be able to break this limitation.  Even if it means 
holding a pointer to a file position and then looping over again.
I tried Oldes method and able to get it over the limit.
I noticed using his refinements I no longer have access to tail from 
querying the port.
The only limitation I could find is in /seek.
So next question - do we have any source of /seek to understand why 
we have such a limitation?
The source of OPEN, isn't. It seems likely that the 32-bit integers 
of R2 are at fault here.
[unknown: 5]
Well I would assume that the 32 bit integers are being used on open/direct 
so I'm not sure why this limitation only affect /seek and not /direct 
as well.
My need is to be able to get the tail or index of files larger than 
the 32 bit integer limit.
I expect that /direct is just using file handles and isn't setting 
offsets like /seek.
[unknown: 5]
I don't know what the port flags or the port/state/misc counters 
are used for.
Do you know anyway around this limit?
A work around?
ahhh time to eat - be back in a few.
This may be one of those use-another-tool-through-call or use-R3's-64-bit-integers 
[unknown: 5]
That isn't the kinda of answer I was looking for but expected.
Any ideas what the numbers mean in the port/state/misc section of 
a file port?
Nope. Anyone else want to give this a shot?
[unknown: 5]
Would be nice to have the feature to access the currently indexed 
position of the open port and perform a function on it.  For example, 
modify /awake to work with files.  Such that any reference to the 
file or altering of the position can be handle via an awake/handler.
looks like in R3 we get  'AT expanded to 64 bit possible to access 
the open/direct files.
[unknown: 5]
I have a handy little function I made and don't know if there is 
already an easy way to do this in REBOL but I have a function called 
'any+ that simply keeps me from repeating any statements.  For example:

>> a: 3
== 3
>> if any+ [1 2 4 > a][print "cool"]

Got a bit tired of writing  ANY [1 > a 2 > a 4 > a]

This is one of those things that I often wonder if we already can 
do this easlier and I just don't know what it is.
There isn't anything built in that does that. For simple min/max 
comparisons, you could do something like this:

	if a < first maximum-of [1 2 4] [print "cool"]

I also have a shortcut for FIRST MAXIMUM-OF.

 pick-max: func [series [series!]] [attempt [pick maximum-of series 
	if a < pick-max [1 2 4] [print "cool"]

For the general case, I would use a map and anonymous func combo. 
R3 has a native MAP func, but you have to roll your own in R2.
[unknown: 5]
nice Gregg.
;here is my little 'any+ function:

any+: func [blk /local op args arg blk2][
    op: first back back tail blk
    arg: last blk
    if word? :arg [arg: get :arg]
    args: copy/part blk find blk op
    blk2: reduce [op arg]
    foreach item args [
        insert blk2 item
        if attempt [do blk2][return true]
        remove blk2
for the any+ function you put the multiple items on the left side 
of your block and the single item to compare to on the right side
For example:

any+ [1 2 3 4 > 3]
it's good, but I wonder if we can come up with an even better syntax.
[unknown: 5]
I think we can.  One that can probably accomodate much more.
I would want to put all values that are going to be tested in a block.
a < [1 2 3 4]
[unknown: 5]
Would be nice if we use op! values as an argument to functions.
yeah that is what I initially wanted to do Henrik.
I remember from my HP48 calculator that any numbers put in a block, 
could be operated on like that. But I think this is the beginnings 
of vector operations, which is a big area that should be done right.
[unknown: 5]
My function is actually very restricted in that it looks for the 
op! as the second to last value and the comparator as the last item.
because I would also like to see:

>> 1 + [2 3 4 5]
== [3 4 5 6]

in R3 there are ways to do this with a bit more code.
[unknown: 5]
I could make that change to my function and easily accomodate that.
No outside of a single block though.
I would love to see it in R3, but so far nothing from Carl WRT this 
particular feature. I think it might complicate op! way too much.
[unknown: 5]
I'm sure we can do something in the mezz sense once R3 gets released.
Shouldn't < > and = return as a logic values as well as being op 
>> logic? get to-word "<"
== false
I guess because it doesn't return true or false until it operates 
on something it wont return a logic value.  But maybe we should at 
least subclassify some operators to distingish them more.
some modifications made:
op+: func [blk /local op args arg blk2 blk3][
    op: first back back tail blk
    blk3: copy []
    arg: last blk
    if word? :arg [arg: get :arg]
    args: copy/part blk find blk op
    blk2: reduce [op arg]
    foreach item args [
        insert blk2 item
        if item: attempt [do blk2][

            either find form blk charset "<>=" [return item][append blk3 item] 
        remove blk2
    if not empty? blk3 [return blk3]