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Probably you can. Try this, from Carl Sassenrath 2002:
thanks ...
Read/custom allows you to send a custom header as in a cookie header 
like this

read/custom url [post "postdata" [Cookie: "name=value"]]
but it doesn't allow you to send a custom header except by using 
the post method.
This is the code in the prot-http.r

   if all [block? port/state/custom post-data: find port/state/custom 
   'post post-data/2] [
				http-command: "POST"
				HTTP-Get-Header: make HTTP-Get-Header append [

     Referer: either find port/url #"?" [head clear find copy port/url 
     #"?"] [port/url]
					Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
					Content-Length: length? post-data/2
				] either block? post-data/3 [post-data/3] [[]]
				post-data: post-data/2
Now if we hack it like this

   either all [block? port/state/custom post-data: find port/state/custom 
   'post post-data/2] [
				http-command: "POST"
				HTTP-Get-Header: make HTTP-Get-Header append [

     Referer: either find port/url #"?" [head clear find copy port/url 
     #"?"] [port/url]
					Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
					Content-Length: length? post-data/2
				] either block? post-data/3 [post-data/3] [[]]
				post-data: post-data/2

    if all [block? port/state/custom post-data: find port/state/custom 
    'get post-data/2] [
					http-command: "GET"
					HTTP-Get-Header: make HTTP-Get-Header append [

      Referer: either find port/url #"?" [head clear find copy port/url 
      #"?"] [port/url]
					] either block? post-data/3 [post-data/3] [[]]
					post-data: none
we can now do this

read/custom url [get  "dummy place holder" [Cookie: "name=value"]]
and this sends the cookie header with the get request
can refine that by removing the dummy place holder and changing the 
post-data/3 => post-data/2
I would prefere to have an officialy inbuild transparent cookies 
support (as I prefere not to harcode every cookie request)
If you mean that the cookie is automatically captured by the http 
protocol, and then sent with every GET/POST, then that would imply 
you need to acquire the cookie first .. whereas sometimes you know 
what the cookie is and so don't need to get it first.
If you know the cookie, you can set it inside the cookies block, 
where are stored all cokies used for automated (transparent) sending. 
But I never used it. My clasic scenario is to simulate an user with 
the web browser. That means read page with login form, submit the 
form and do whatever like normal logged user. With some pages I can 
skip the first step, but there are pages which are giving you unike 
session ids in this step and don't let you login without this first 
sure ... and some of them insist on referring ids as well.
we ought to check on the http protocol for R3 and make sure that 
it has all this stuff.
I'm having a strange problem. I'm trying to convert a file created 
with a Win XP program to work with a Linux program. Rebol seems to 
read past the end of the file into RAM. 

>>x: read %file1.txt
>>print x



AS: is the last line in the file. I'm just showing a small amount 
of the following output.  Note that the program seems to be unable 
to recognize the end of file marker.  So, I did this:

write %file2.txt read %file1.txt
x: read %file2.txt
print x

But it didn't help. I got the same results. Any idea what is causing 
when printing, does it display the same garbage every time?
Ok, I found the problem. When I saved the file with the Windows program, 
I saved it in utf8 format. Resaving it in ascii format solved the 
problem.  I realized the problem with I noticed some Chinese characters 
in the output past what I pasted in above.
That would have been no problem with rebol3.
Thanks for responding Henrik. You are always willing to help, and 
I apprciate it very much.
no problem
Having a bock of blocks that I want to look more readable how do 
I get each block to start on a new line...

I've tried to append 'newline to end of each block but it does not 
seem to work.

Now I'm having a similar problem using Paul's tretbase. I've been 
using MySQL to store formatted text that when I load it I can run 
my parse function on. When I sttore the same text in tretbase and 
load it my parse function fails. 
When I probe the text from each tehy look different:

MySQL preserves the carriage returns: 
Straight Weight^-Ladders
20'^-55 lbs.
20'(Hook)^-60 lbs.
12'(Hook)^-35 lbs.
} "" "2008-07-22 00:12:24"]

Tretbase seems to store the carriage return's character code but 
displays 'flat':

[5 "FFP-LADDERS" "1-PORTABLE LADDERS" "2.1.2" { \table Straight Weight^-Ladders 
20'^-55 lbs. 20'(Hook)^-60 lbs. 12'(Hook)^-35 lbs. /table } "" 20-Sep-2008/3:07:19-4:00]

What Might I be doing wrong?
it looks as if the carriage returns are replaced by tabs.
There are also tabs in the text...

I think the carriage returns have been stripped out?
Here is what the block looks like just before I upload it to the 

Straight Weight^-Ladders
20'^-55 lbs.
20'(Hook)^-60 lbs.
12'(Hook)^-35 lbs.
} "" 20-Sep-2008/16:58:48-4:00]
sorry, I looked too short..
did you look at the source of tretbase?
No, I'm working with Paul on it. He will be able to sort it out better 
than me. I thought it might be related to the same problem I had 
with my block of blocks above...
Try the new-line function.
Mindtouch's Deki is the wiki now adopted by Mozilla internally.  
I suggested we use this instead of Mediawki because it has an API 
but ....
It has multi-language support ( human languages )
This is how to authenticate against the wiki using REBOL http://synapsedirect.com/forums/permalink/6737/6736/ShowThread.aspx#6736
I had to alter the prot-http to allow get to send cookies.
If you click on their api reference you will see code samples nicely 
formatted with line numbers .. much nicer than Mediawiki
So, the API would allow someone to easily update the wiki directly 
from Rebol sources
Graham, did you study my wiki-tools for Mediawiki? They have been 
available for over a year.
nope.  didn't know you had released them.  I was aware that you had 
been working on something.
they are not entirely done, but doc uploading and syncing should 
so it should be possible to create a local editor to edit mediawiki 
pages, or to upload series of pages generated locally.
new-line post from ML: http://www.rebol.org/ml-display-thread.r?m=rmlMMCC
Looks like I need to do a HTTP PUT to upload binary files ....
So, I guess I need a way to add the PUT method, and then switch the 
IO from lines mode to binary and then back again.
From my understanding,  R3 implements http prot all as binary and 
does not use lines mode
yes, R3 tcp ports are binary only.
So, how about something like  read/custom url [ PUT %file [ header 
.. ] ] ?
calculate the content-length, add the new headers, insert the file 
as binary and then switch back to lines mode for R2 ?
apart from it not working ... anyone see a problem with this?

   either all [block? port/state/custom post-data: find port/state/custom 
   'post post-data/2] [
				http-command: "POST"
				HTTP-Get-Header: make HTTP-Get-Header append [

     Referer: either find port/url #"?" [head clear find copy port/url 
     #"?"] [port/url]
					Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
					Content-Length: length? post-data/2
				] either block? post-data/3 [post-data/3] [[]]
				post-data: post-data/2

    either all [block? port/state/custom post-data: find port/state/custom 
    'get post-data/2] [
					http-command: "GET"
					HTTP-Get-Header: make HTTP-Get-Header append [

      Referer: either find port/url #"?" [head clear find copy port/url 
      #"?"] [port/url]
					] either block? post-data/3 [post-data/3] [[]]
					post-data: none

     if all [block? port/state/custom post-data: find port/state/custom 
     'put post-data/2] [
						http-command: "PUT"
						data: system/words/read/binary post-data/2
						HTTP-Get-Header: make HTTP-Get-Header append [
							Content-Type: "application/octet-stream"
							Content-Length: length? data
						] either block? post-data/3 [post-data/3] [[]]
					post-data: post-data/2
last line should be 

post-data: data
And it's working :)
read/custom URL compose/deep [ PUT %file.png [ Cookie: (cookie) ]]

will use the http put method to upload a binary file and sets the 
So, this will work with large files, it should be changed so that 
it does a skip/binary and inserts the file in chunks.