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Carl is not a lawyer, but he knows that you can't encap LGPL2 or 
GPL2 code. MIT is less restrictive than BSD, so it's Ok.
[unknown: 5]
Well, then I think he would favor the least restrictive model then.
Maybe he didn't know much about MIT model or maybe it has evolved 
since he made that comment.
That would be public domain.
I wanted to disclaim implied warrantees, so I chose MIT instead of 
public domain.
BTW, "you can't encap LGPL2 or GPL2 code" means that you can't do 
so even if you *do* provide the source. Incompatible licenses.
The same goes for pre-open-source Java and .NET code on the MS runtime 
instead of Mono: No GPL2 code, and no static linking of LGPL2 code, 
even if you do provide the source. You gotta use an exception like 
Classpath to use (L)GPL2. (L)GPL3 fixes this.
That license restriction is the reason Carl suggested BSD at most.
Hello every body! I can't understand copy with series:
a: [ "23" "Feb" "2008"]
b: copy a
insert b/2 "-"
(a== [ "23" "-Feb" "2008"])  a IS MODIFIED, why?
each string in the block is also a series. for your problem to be 
solved, you must use copy/deep.
wow, thanks. Now I understand rebol put inside the second elemet 
"-" and not between the first and the second.
ah, it does that for a different reason than you might think. b/2 
references the second string itself, not the index in the block where 
the second string is.

you may want to do something like:

insert at a 2 '-

If you don't want to destroy 'a, copy it first, but in this case 
/deep is not necessary, as you wouldn't be affecting the strings 
in the block, only their positions.
Probably based on Gabriele's code if I can convince him to MIT it 
- his code is currently BSD, and BSD's non-promotion clause may be 
at odds with the extensive attribution I've put in R2-Forward. That's 
why I used MIT: BSD licensing is too restrictive.

 - Brian, first, you are being paranoid about BSD, second, the license 
 for my code has not been decided yet and I have no preference for 
 BSD over MIT over anything else.
You might have seen this license too ... http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
that's licence I really like
anyone know how I can talk to a UNC path on the network

files: recursive-Read %//bens2000as/c$/myTestDir
[unknown: 5]
Benbran try this:

** Access Error: Cannot open /C/rebol/local/bens2000as/c$/mysql/
Dont use double slashes at the head.
You can always take a windows path, or UNC path and convert it

to-rebol-file \\bens2000as\c$\myTestdir
needs quotes around the windows path

>> to-rebol-file "\\bens2000as\c$\myTestdir"
== %/bens2000as/c$/myTestdir
note the single leading "/"
Excellent point Graham.
that worked!  thank you folks!!

to-rebol-file has been the answer before, I really need to remember 
that one. :-)
[unknown: 5]
Nice little function for you math guys:

max-summands: func [n /local i][i: 0 until [i: i + 1 n: n - i n < 
i] i]
Small but significant fix:

max-summands: func [n /local i][i: 0 until [i: i + 1 n: n - i n <= 
i] i]
This function will return a number that corresponds to the maximum 
summands that can result in the sum of the number without repeating. 
 For example:

1 + 2 + 3 = 6

therefore it would have a value of 3 since their is 3 numbers added 

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
just be mindfull about the unc paths... any local root dir which 
has the same name as a machine will take precedence...  I have been 
bitten by this on linux. 

I really wish rebol left the double \\ as double // on the root or 
if it had a real machine name separator.  which translated to whatever 
local path it equates to (UNC most probably).
Anyone have an idea of what might be causing this problem?

make object! [
   code: 331
   type: 'script
   id: 'call-fail
   arg1: "The system cannot find the path specified.^M^/"
   arg2: none
   arg3: none
   near: [browse/only join url]
   where: 'browse-local
Cheyenne is listening on port 8002 and gives a 404 if a browser is 
call-fail means what??  That rebol can't find the browser?
I don't have access to this person's PC so I can't test it :(
My guess is the same as yours on the error Graham, though I've never 
seen it myself.
>> help system/error/script/call-fail

SYSTEM/ERROR/SCRIPT/CALL-FAIL is a block of value: ["External process 
failed:" :arg1]
I've asked the user to install Firefox and make it the default browser 
to see if that helps.
So, if the user has an empty value in the registry for the default 
browser, I guess that would cause this ...and :arg1 would be the 
browser .exe
I agree with your interpretation, the registry value is probably 
either empty or corrupted.
kib2: "Does that mean that we can use unicode encoding with the help 
of r2-forward ?"

No, I only can only spoof datatypes that don't exist in R2, and R2 
has a string! type. The code should be equivalent if the characters 
in the string are limited to the first 256 codepoints of Unicode 
(aka Latin-1), though only the first 128 codepoints (aka ASCII) can 
be converted from binary! to string and have the binary data be the 
same as minimized UTF-8.
There are ASCII? and LATIN1? functions that test, char!, string!, 
binary! and integer! in exactly the same way as the R3 natives, and 
a UTF? function that tests the BOM. When ENCODE and DECODE are written 
in R3, I'll backport them too if I can, though they probably won't 
generate string! values.
See the notes for what can and can't be supported. The unsupported 
list may grow or shrink with changes to R3 or more information.
I'll add the Unicode compatibility restrictions to the "Intentionally 
not supported:" list when I do the next release.
It is probably better to load R2-Forward as a module (compatible 
with Gabriele's %module.r) - then it will just export, not set global 
words. Scripts written with R2-Forward are more likely to be compatible 
with R3 than they are with R2, so assume some porting will be necessary 
for existing R2 code. It makes a good porting tool though, since 
very little will need to be done to your app to make it R3-compatible 
if it runs with R2-Forward.
What is the etiquette for using metadata in a REBOL header?  Here's 
some scenarios:

A) From Viewtop:

		type: 'index

	title "My RebPage"

This is clearly ok, and a good way for an application to determine 
the disposition of data - in this case a Dialect.

B) I use this for QM modules:

		type: 'module
		exports: [do-something]

	var: 1
	do-something: func [val][val * var]

This adds a little more, as the 'exports block is more than just 
an 'id, it's contents are bound to the application.  Moreover, 'exports 
is not in the standard header.

C) A hypothetical dialect definition with some 'do code (I'll use 
VID to demonstrate):

		title: "My Application Window"
		type: 'vid
		locals: [mybtn myarea]
		on-close: [save-all quit]
		options: [resize min-size (config/min)]

	h1 "My Small App"
	myarea: area "Some Text"
	mybtn: btn "Submit" [save-all]

Now obviously all these cases can be fleshed out with R2, but is 
this abuse of the header?  There's still no security issue 'loading 
the file, indeed it takes a special handler to actually execute the 
code.  But again, is this taking the header where it shouldn't go? 
 What of R3?
Anyone else manipulate headers for more than a trivial degree of 