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However, I tend to not get out-of-memory errors on this computer, 
which has 1GB of RAM and no swap file. This is because I am careful 
about which programs I use (no IE, no Firefox).
has anyone been successful in compressing data in php and decompressing 
it again in R2? I see I asked such a question 7 years ago on the 
mailing list, but no solution was found back then. :-)
I think I've figured it out. Anyhow, the solution I have working 
here seems stable.
using ZLIB?
I was nagging you about the actors+message passing rebol lib I was 
playing with..  Now I have a real thing running with it .. I will 
post source code on blog soon. It's not that exciting video .. just 
some text changing :) but I hope it will help in getting a picture 
when I post the code.

On left is a Linux server with work dispatcher on  right are two 
workers on windows. There can be as many workers on many computers 
or none and workers can drop out at any time without work being undone/"halfdone". 

It uses message passing and actors for everything.. and comunication 
works like at tuple spaces so you get autobalancing. It's not something 
that special, you could do something roughly the same with http server 
app probably, although it would be a little more messy.
video is here: http://screencast.com/t/ieXjmEz2b9:)
I needed this setup because I need to make screenshots of websites 
in browsers for websites in site assistant and you can't make a screenshot 
of IE browser on linux. I don't intend to have any windows servers 
running but I will have workers on mine and computers of colegues 
running on background and doing it's job silently. Thats why it's 
all made so that there is nothing wrong even if no workers are avalable 
for bigger amounts of time
and they can get on and off work as they please :) .. I call this 
"casual workers system" :)
So, is this like doc's task manager except the tasks are on different 
I'd be interested in trying this library out ...
Janko, I see you were using rebXR in 2002 ... so why not just use 
xml-rpc for this as well?
I haven't seen it but heard of doc's task manager, and he uses multiple 
worker processes in cheyenne. I am certain those two (or one if it's 
the same) are much faster and robust. I am mostly experimenting here 
on how a "message passing with actors" system would or could look 
in REBOL , so I am not focused on implementation, but for now more 
on look of code.
I will post the code shortly so you can try it, but I am about to 
do big changes to it.. if actors will remain rebol objects then I 
will make whole lib more OO, refine the methods etc.. I have another 
option where actors would become just functions (this would make 
them more lightweight (which is important at actor systems) and it 
would enable some cool things, but I am not 100% if it will all work.
RPCs and message passing are quite different things and whole code 
logic works differently .. async message passing is " send and pray 
" (quote by Erlang inventor) model while RPC are "request response" 
.. I have been folowing erlang and message passing for so long but 
I wanted to see how it really is in practice thats why I started 
making this actor-net rebol library
I wrote something about XMLRPC into webservices channel..
two processes ping ponging to eachother 10 times with actor-net would 
look something like this now

pinger: make actor [ act-match: [ 

    [ 'pong count addr ] [ ~send addr compose [ ping (count) (get-my-addr) 
    ] ] 
    [ ''bye ] [ print "ok, bye" ]
ponger: make actor [ act-match: [ [ 'ping count addr ] [ 

        ~send addr compose ( either lesser? count 10 [ [ pong (count) (get-my-addr) 
        ] ] [ [ bye ] ] )

and you would add the third actor that would act only once to "lend 
them the ball" to start them

server: make once-actor [ act-once: [ ~send get-actor 1 compose [ 
ping 0 (get-actor 2) ] ] ]

But the library is still quite messy .. especially with adresses 
of actors, global vars, I have a big list of things now to improve 
after I made that thing on the screencast
(ping pong above can run in the same rebol process, multiple on same 
computer or on different computers (it's just the matter of addreses-- 
which are not well thought out yet)
I need to view various files in a browser and if I use 'browse, then 
this blocks the UI until the browser appears with the file.  I just 
tried with a xmlrpc server accepting the url and it works fine.
the xmlrpc-exe returns immediately ( with an error though - no matter 
) and the page pops up.
btw.. because I think Doc uses TCP with task master I think it should 
be no problem to work over different computers also
how do you get a return value .. with xmlrpc-exe ... what do you 
mean a page pops up?
(the previous version sources , examples and 2 more blog posts about 
actor-net can be found here http://itmmetelko.com/blog/2009/06/08/playing-with-making-an-actor-like-distributed-system-in-rebol-3/
xmlrpc-exec/async pc [ f ] :local-function
what I mean is that I use xmlrpc to start up the browser and bring 
up the page I want
result: xmlrpc-exec pc [ add 2 4 ]
I have to admit I don't get what borwser (you mean like IE FF?) has 
to do with xmlrpc in this case ... and I.. aha this is a GUI app 
you you don't mean that xmlrpc-exec returns imediately (without waiting 
for result -- thats why I ask how you get the resut then) .. but 
that GUI doesn't block while waiting for it
Yes, that's correct.  My gui doesn't block while I wait for FF to 
start up and load the page I want.
Doc wrote async-call which would also work .. except it locks up 
VID when I recently tested it.
How does one determine which of the interfaces reported by get-modes 
tcp:// 'interfaces is the active one??
I see lo0, if11, if25, if13
This is pretty cool ... I am sitting in front of my laptop, and on 
the other side of the room is my 46" LCD screen with my media PC 
attached.  I installed the rebxr xmlrpc server on it .., and I have 
cheyenne installed on the laptop.  I click on a file in my application, 
it gets downloaded to the www directory in cheyenne, and then I send 
a command to the xmlrpc server to browse to that file so that it 
displays on the big screen but is served up by the laptop's cheyenne 
It's now quite remote controlling a browser on another PC because 
all I can do is tell it to open a new page.
not quite
I presume using xmlrpc I can ask the server to spawn more instances 
of itself on different ports so that I cah have a number of different 
"tasks" available
Question : 
I have a script like this :

ctx: context [
	markup: "my script with <%val1%> and <%val2%>"
	val1: "Hello"
	val2: "Bye"
	build: does [build-markup markup]

It produce this result :
>> ctx/build

== {my script with ***ERROR no-value in: val1 and ***ERROR no-value 
in: val2}

Its because 'build-markup use 'parse and 'parse looks its word in 
the global context.

Is there any binding tricks to solve this ?
Smart Guys... What's the trick to using a variable to hold an email 
address when using "Send"
Send/header  some-email-address Some-text myheader
I always get a failed email because  the "To:"  word is not set.
If you directly type in an email address such as
Send/header  [confused-:-rebol-:-com] Some-text myheader

It works. I've tried composing, reducing, scrubbing and washing and 
the stains still don't come out, if you know what I mean.

There must be some trick. (And I know you know)
what is the type of some-email-address?
It's an email
Its weird. I've tried placing it in a block, etc.
then it would be a bug, if it doesn't get passed to 'send.
I can't believe after all these years that it's still there.
just had a look at the SEND source and from what I saw it is highly 
unlikely that it does not work Moreover, I am actually using the 
SEND function from time to time and no such problem occurrred.
so, I bet, that your description is missing some detail
Henrik and Ladislav, 

OK, stupid me. I was using a word name that I shouldn't have. Thanks!
Didier, assuming you can't preface the markup fields with the context 
name, e.g. 

  markup: "my script with <%ctx/val1%> and <%ctx/val2%>"

either manually or programmatically, hacking build-markup may be 
best. e.g., add a /with refinement that takes the object and bind 
to that.
even this does not really use markup, it works at least
ctx: context [
	markup: ["my script with" val1 "and" val2]
	val1: "Hello"
	val2: "Bye"
	build: does [build-markup form reduce markup]
Obviously, I was tired yesterday !! If not I would have done this 
without asking. By the way, thanks sqlab!
I wrote a blogpost with code about the usage of actor-net lib that 
we chatted with Graham a little (few days back) http://itmmetelko.com/blog/2009/07/03/rebols-actor-net-used-for-real-distributed-system/
Some type of diagram would be useful.
you mean like who sends who what?