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I think this is as technical as it gets
Which tells you it is SHA1
thanks. The key is SHA1 encoded makes me guess that it's hard to 
break the key but not the "encrypted" content
[unknown: 5]
Is there anyway to get the ip address of the local computer?  My 
problem is that I use a VPN for some functions and have other techs 
that do also and wanted to make a utility that could simply determine 
what subnet they are on.  Problem is that I get the local ip of the 
lan and not the other interface ip's.  Anyway to get those?
This is one of my more major problems with REBOL - it is an internet 
language as advertised so you assume tasks like this would be simple 
or for example enumerating connected or listening ports, retrieving 
a routing table etc.  At least I can use call to get some other application 
to do it for me.
Does this do it?
 read join dns:// read dns://
that returns local loopback on my fedora core installation
When I did the above, I was using a dhcp supplied address.  When 
I change to a static ip, I get the same result.
[unknown: 5]
Sunanada - that only returned the lan interface ip but not the vpn 
interface ip that I wanted to get
I can get the ip information from the system/network/host-address
But its not the right stuff I need
Paul - non ability to open port on specific device or stuff you mentioned 
should be submitted to RAMBO as a wish, or as a bug, if Rebol claims 
to be networking internet language ;-)
Paul maybe this will help you.
use [port interfaces][
    ipconfig: does [

        until [attempt [port: open join udp://: 64000 + random 100]]
        interfaces: get-modes port 'interfaces
        close port
        foreach dev interfaces [
            print reform compose [
                join dev/name ":" "flags" mold dev/flags newline
                "^-inet" dev/addr "mask" dev/netmask 

                (either dev/broadcast [["broadcast" dev/broadcast]][""])

                (either dev/dest-addr [["dest-addr" dev/dest-addr]][""])
[unknown: 5]
Wow - Jaime that worked!  Excellent
can ports be gathered from the interfaces also?
such as what ports are connected - listening etc..
No. You will need something in the os.
[unknown: 5]
ahh ok
They should add that and we should have a command like the one you 
gave as a mezz function
You could always use CALL to get this info and the parse it.
What OS?
[unknown: 5]
yeah I know I actually have to do that now with a call to netstat 
You could always use CALL to get the open ports on the host system 
and the parse it. What OS? Do you want support for?
[unknown: 5]
I'm working on a project now that I want to send out but don't want 
it to look so much like a batch file as much as having its own capabilities 
Lower level access in rebol is only possible either through CALL 
or via a SYSTEM CALLS using the DLL access.
[unknown: 5]
Yeah the DLL wont cut it as this would require the use of my /sdk 
license and the company wont go with that.
The CALL function really helps now though
I really hope RT puts some functions in to free REBOL distros such 
as remote registry capabilities
Then we can use it for administrative purposes and role it out to 
40,000 plus desktops
Why not just use SDK. Surely a BigCo can afford it. Besides I think 
is better to distribute such tool in an encaped form.
You don't want someone changing the src code of a script that manipulates 
the registry of a host environment.  Too much security risk, 80% 
of security problems oringinate inside the companies infrastructure.
[unknown: 5]
Its strange but they wont purchase things that are not accepted by 
the application development teams to support other clients.  The 
only way to really penetrate the big companies in this regard is 
to have one heck of a salesman that can talk about standards and 
support or bring it in free where there is no costs or penalties.
Well with XP pro which is our common operating environment scripts 
can be set to run under certain credentials
We currently have WSH carry much of that load
Really strange... What about "A build it and they will come strategy"?
[unknown: 5]
That's just not realistic enough
We have perl used extensively as well
Why?  If you create something you give it to users, and they start 
using it. They may push presure on the Echolons to favor your solution.
[unknown: 5]
The biggest obstacle to making an encapped module in this environment 
is knowledge distribution
For example, if we rolled out an encapped file to 40,000 desktops 
and someone walked up and said who did this and they said Paul did 
- then they would say what happens if Paul leaves us.
You mean you are the only one with rebol knowledge?
[unknown: 5]
They would never let them get themselves that vulnerable.  To much 
I'm sure we have others in the company but not on this account - 
I'm it.
Well. You pointed them to network Rebol consultants that could support 
them. (Gabriele, Robert, Cyphre, Ladislav, Greg, DideC, Nenad and 
[unknown: 5]
One time I created a nice program that would go out and check backups 
on the servers.  Because it was an executable file they got rid of 
the system - even though it was better than anything else we had.
That isn't good enough unfortunately
They need to be able to pick up a phone and get results.  We deliver 
Service Level Agreements that costs a lot of money when they are 
not met.
Also if you write document your script really well and show the code 
is easy to follow (cookbook tutorial) you may gain your boss trust 
and their request for other agents inside your company to learn Rebol.
[unknown: 5]
You gotta remember when I say we have 40,000 desktops that isn't 
a typo.  We have teams dedicated to certain tasks including an application 
development team
I don't think the problem is about free features in free-rebol vs 
sdk. It is about education of the decision makers.