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Von, I think I just mean that your password for emstp will have to 
be in the script ( if it is needed .. )
Maxim: yes, I am aware that retrieving data from hashtables is really 
fast... I wasn't aware it will just as fast even with 1M records 
so I was quite amazed before when I tried it
Transfering memory based hash! (map! in R3) datatype into disk based 
shema automatically keeping the hash table computation and lookup 
hidden from user gives you a RIF. Holly grail of all rebollers :) 
long long time promissed, still waiting to be done. Anyway hash tables 
are always usually unsorted, when necessary to search in usually 
some type of additional index is used (B-tree for example), for simple 
information if the key is in the set, bitmap vectors are used with 
advantage, when the set is really big (and bitmap vector doesn fit 
into memory) comressed bitmap may be used and usually bitwise operations 
on those vectors are much quicker than on uncompressed. 

Thisi is why it should be used for bitset! datatype anyway. The number 
of byte aligned (BBC,Packbit,RLE)od word aligned (WAH) schemes exists. 
 It is used in very large datasets when index also resides in disk 
file. Once again bitwise operation may be much quickier even in memory 
on those schemes.
For those interrested a Fastbit webpage is good source of docs.
when map! will added to extensions, you might be able implement an 
example for us and Carl might consider adding your code directly 
in the host or r3lib if you agree to it.   :-)
you seem to be already knowledged about this, so you'd be the best 
one to implement it IMHO (pavel).
I'd glad to try, but internals are quite well hidden now. Anyway 
any hint about handle or crossreferencing from extension you have 
found Maxim?
you mean calling code from the host within extensions?
yes I've understand your anouncement this way
I will be rebuilding the callback example with a much better/simpler 
design. but they work very well, basically I have mapped the Reb_Do_String() 
and Reb_Print() functions so that they can be called from within 
any extension.
I am also building little helper funcs like a REBOL datatype centric 
version of sprintf  which acts a bit like a C-side rejoin for REBOL.
this way we can create rebol code directly from strings and native 
data very easily.

there is currently a size limit on executed strings, its a simple 
question of optimisation.  this means we can't use the wiredf function 
for creating large datasets via strings (for now).

but I'm already doing stuff like:

wiredf("rogl-event-handler make wr-event [new-size: %p]", win-w, 

calls rebol's do with %p replaced by a pair, using 2 ints.  this 
is a varargs function.
(the callback framework is currently called wired)
Thanks for info Maxim.
i was just thinking again about the idea of IF (etc.) keeping a reference 
to the condition argument for you, that is, so that instead of writing:

    if x: select block value [do-something-with x]

you can write:

    if select block value [do-something-with it]

The reason people say it's not worth it is usually that of having 
to bind/copy the block - you don't want that in every IF call and 
probably not even in the ones where it would be useful (and, there's 
really no other name you could use for the function).
so, I thought, can we avoid the bind/copy in any way?

actually, i think we can. some people would run in horror maybe, 
and Brian will complain about it not being thread safe (we still 
have no threads though), but what about the native was changed to 
do something like:

    func [condition block /local it*] [
        set/any 'it* get/any 'it
        it: :condition
            if :condition block
            set/any 'it get/any 'it*
i don't think there would be that much code to add in the actual 
native. the same thing could be done to other similar control functions.
I guess it could trip some users, otoh, we have many things that 
trip some users.
while thinking about that, i also thought that maybe UNLESS should 
return the "condition" value when it is "true". we use this all the 
time with ANY:

   x: any [select block value "default"]

maybe it would be more readable as:

    x: unless select block value ["default"]
just thinking out loud...
IT could be a function that returns the thread-local top of the stack 
of implied subject values. IF would then push a value on that stack, 
and pop the value off when it returns. Might be tricky to make error-throw-safe, 
but easy to make thread-safe :)
A *lot* of code uses the trick of having IF or UNLESS return none 
when the condition is not met, so your other suggestion is unlikely.
A *lot* ?
somewhat exaggerated :-)
More every day. Every time another developer learns about this (5+ 
year old) trick they start using it. It's even used in mezzanines.
It is mostly used in combination with ANY and ALL for control flow.
i use it too,but not so much
For complex control flow rules, i rather prefer CASE.

Most of the time, combitations of ALL ANY, can be replaced by a CASE 
structure (which is faster and more readable)
I prefer CASE too, and have rewritten many mezzanines to use it :)
It doesn't always apply to the task at hand though. The IF and UNLESS 
return values have been applied to the general R3 control flow model, 
as have the changes to the ordinal return values, map! behavior, 
Gabriele, it occurs to me that if IT was native it could look up 
the stack to get its value. I'll try writing a (security hole) REBOL 
version of the function later today - it would require debug privileges 
to run so that it can call the STACK function.
The advantage to this approach is that it would be error-throw-safe, 
as well as thread-safe, and require no changes to IF or UNLESS :)
R3-only of course.
The value returned by IT would not be evaluated, so that you can 
work with active values safely.
a sort of native POP function
No, it would have to search back. Simply popping wouldn't be enough. 
What I'm really interested in is seeing if I can add CASE support.
I don't know how the values evaluated are stacked by the VM. But 
i see the advantage of having a POP function.
We could easly create postfix functions.
CONCAT: func [v][join pop v]

>> "a" concat "b"

All sort of new operators would be easy to construct
the stack function can return the prvious stacked value, but without 
removing it from the stack
I like Gabriele's idea.  I am one of those that has been using the 
if/unless return value for years, and quite often.
(those two sentences should have been two posts)
yeah, i didn't understood what u meant :-)
Gabriele had two ideas - I liked one of them: IT :)
Steeve, R3 evaluation doesn't work that way - it's not a stack machine.
Your Forth focus is showing :)
I have to admit I was also thinking about some simple stack capabilities 
few times :) (I came back to rebol from factor)
I have an old IF-IT function, which just does a bind/copy. I used 
it a bit when I first wrote it, but it hasn't become a part of my 
daily life.
Brian: a lot of code uses IF returning none, agreed, on UNLESS i'm 
not really sure, it's quite new. besides, it's not like R2 scripts 
run unchanged on R3; but anyway i was just thinking out loud, not 
really proposing anything.
Re: IT - the problem in looking up the stack is knowing which argument 
to look it up. I guess the first would work and be useful enough, 
Isn't something like this code already built-in in REBOL and I'm 
just missing it:

copy-to: func [series [series!] arg /local cpd d][
    cpd: make type? series 10
    foreach item series [
        either not-equal? arg item [insert tail cpd item][break]
no as that would just put the initial values in the series