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And ask like hundreds of people "go to the box and bring me back 
something that's not an apple or a pear"
And no one (who isn't a snarky programmer) brings back a pear.
How much of this is cultural and how much is some deep embedded pattern 
instinct a la X bar theory is tough to say http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-bar_theory
But if things like X bar theory and these studies have merit, one 
actually can say that "right answers" aren't necessarily as fluid 
as being in the eye of a particular beholder as we might guess.
Or who is from a culture with a language that assumes that or is 
inclusive. You haven't worked with many people for whom non-Western 
languages are their primary thought-shaping languages, I take it.
Of course even then it's only right in a context, the context of 
human programmers... a time which will likely be coming to a swift 
end.  :)
Moving to "Chat"
go to the box and bring me back something that's not an apple Nor 
a pear
We need parentheses grouping of statements in English :(
The english language is a bit loose ... and since the incorrect way 
of saying things is so common, one assumes that what's the speaker 
Correctness is in the eye of the beholder :)
Fork, I would consider your desired behavior for an INCR function.
what's the quickest way to determine whether a series is past end 
in R2 and then handle it?
that is not accurate enough
Why not?
     (index? s) > length? s
any more accurate?
oh well, used this:

all [series? :value greater? index? :value length? head :value]
Sunanda, didn't see your post, but thanks, it's what I use.
Quickest for what you test for might be:

and series? s tail? s
As a side note, I noticed, TAIL? and EMPTY? is the same. So you can 
also write the above as:

and series? s empty? s

Is it wise, that TAIL? and EMPTY? does the same? Maybe EMPTY? should 
return false, if the series holds elements, even if you're at the 
AND is an op, thus infix, and doesn't have shortcut evaluation. This 
means that you should use AND~ instead of AND if you want prefix, 
but it will still fail if s is a datatype that is not compatible 
with EMPTY? because EMPTY? s will still be called even if SERIES? 
s is false.
Henrik, can you post some code that will make a series reference 
that is past the end of a series? I'm having trouble making one that 
works consistently, and neither your INDEX? method or EMPTY? will 
work. REBGL keeps adjusting the index returned by INDEX?.
>> b: next a: "a"
== ""
>> index? b
== 2
>> remove a
== ""
>> index? b
== 1  ; adjusted
>> insert a "1"
== ""
>> index? b
== 2 ; and back again
In R3 they stay consistent, and there is an action PAST? to tell 
whether an index is past the end.
>> b: next a: "a"
== ""
>> remove a
== ""
>> index? b
== 2  ; not adjusted
>> past? b
== true

In R2 I don't even see how to write this in mezzanine without temporarily 
appending something on the end of the series (a single element will 
do) and seeing if the index adjusts, then removing what you appended. 
Like this:
>> b: next next next a: "abc"
== ""
>> clear a
== ""
>> also (index? b) < (append b "1" index? b) clear back tail b
== true  ; past end
>> b: ""
== ""
>> also (index? b) < (append b "1" index? b) clear back tail b

== false  ; not past end, but Henrik's method, and EMPTY? will both 
return true.
Still, the temporarily appending method would be sufficient to backport 
a PAST? workaround, so I'll write one for R2/Forward.
Here's the source to the backport:
past?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a series index is past its tail."
	series [series!] ; gob! port!
	also (index? :series) < (insert tail :series "1" index? :series)
		clear back tail :series  ; Undo the modification

; Note: Native in R3, and non-modifying. No ports because you can't 
undo the

; insert. INDEX? doesn't stay consistent with past-tail references 
in R2.
Submitted to R2/Forward.
Thanks, I had forgotten PAST? :)
I'm not sure I would want the series to be modified as the case where 
PAST? is true could be for an indication of the series in a debug 
UI, rather than the actual use of the series. Interesting that you 
had so much trouble producing the problem.
ah, you had trouble, because you were removing an element before 
the INDEX?, not after the INDEX?.

>> b: "abc"
== "abc"
>> b: next next b
== "c"
>> clear back b ; does not modify INDEX?
== ""
>> b
== ** Script Error: Out of range or past end
** Near: mold b
>> index? b
== 2 ; works every time
You are also removing an element before the index, but not from the 
beginning. Apparently clearing from somewhere other then the beginning 
of the series breaks the auto-adjusting (which shouldn't be happening 
anyways). PAST? works the same either way.
It was unfortunate to adjust the result of INDEX? function, since 
we actually obtain a wrong value this way. Auto-adjusting is not 
broken in the case Henrik posted.
>> b: "abc"
== "abc"
>> b: next next b
== "c"
>> index? b
== 3
>> clear back b
== ""
>> index? b
== 2
Nevertheless, as said above, I consider the auto-adjustment idea 
past?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a series index is past its tail."
	series [series! gob! port!]
	(index? :series) = (index? back :series)

; Note: INDEX? doesn't stay consistent with past-tail references 
in R2.

past?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a series index is past its tail."
	series [series! gob! port!]
	and~ not same? head? :series :series
		(index? :series) = (index? back :series)

; Note: INDEX? doesn't stay consistent with past-tail references 
in R2.
Yet another variant:

past?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a series index is past its tail."
	series [series! gob! port!]
	and~ (index? :series) = (length? head :series)
		not same? tail? :series :series

; Note: INDEX? doesn't stay consistent with past-tail references 
in R2.
past?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a series index is past its tail."
	series [series! gob! port!]
	and~ (index? :series) = (length? head :series)
		not same? tail :series :series

; Note: INDEX? doesn't stay consistent with past-tail references 
in R2.
(the last is a correction of the one preceding it)

past?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a series index is past its tail."
	series [series! gob! port!]
	not same? :series skip :series 0

; Note: INDEX? doesn't stay consistent with past-tail references 
in R2.
Note: I am not sure, whether this would work with ports and gobs, 
though, since I do not know, whether SAME? behaves similarly for 
Ladislav, it needs to work in the case of auto-adjusting indexes 
Auto-adjusting is broken in the case that Henrik mentioned. As a 
separate issue, the case Henrik mentioned has *better* behavior, 
because the whole idea of auto-adjusting is a bad one, so it not 
working is an improvement.
But because of that, the PAST? function for R2 needs to work whether 
the index auto-adjusts or not. So before you submit another version, 
test it against past-tail references with auto-adjusting indexes. 
If it works then, it works.
To get a past-tail reference that auto-adjusts, clear from the head 
of the series rather than from further along.
why didn't you try? it works
every past-tail series auto-adjusts in ceratain interpreter versions 
(in other no past-tail series auto-adjusts), no exceptions
Henrik does not know any series that does not auto-adjust, it is 
just your error
(you just need to read above)
Note: all versions work just in (auto-adjusting) R2