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[Core] Discuss core issues

Gabriele, it would certainly be good to have your nice MAKE-CONTEXT 
built in. I had a strong feeling you had something like that already 
done. I just wish for a shorter function name. You're probably right 
about the higher frequency usage of USE, but I was just trying to 
find a way to minimize the characters typed.

In my proposed alternative reality, where  USE and DO USE  replace 
 MAKE-CONTEXT and USE, there would be a saving in typing only if 
DO USE was used less than 3 times as often as USE (ie. < 75% of the 

If I could show that, then my alternative reality would at least 
have some typing advantage.
I don't have much hope of that, so I withdraw.
I'd be very happy with your MAKE-CONTEXT built in, anyway.
can't it be easyer to have a delet function that will delet the 4th 
and 8th entry  (but once the 4th entry is deleted then ... the 9th 
entry become the 7th entry) i was always suprised that in the list 
management it was easy to add sort  locate information in a list 
but so painfull to be able to simply remove a record... (anyway if 
each "line" would be stored in a subblock it would be easier to remove 
them as line)
4 year old persisting bug is not cool ...  it hae to be fixed
hello, is there a BUG or what I'm I doing wrong?
  extract [#[false]] 2
;   [none]
  extract [#[false] 1 2 3] 2
;   [none 2]
I want a false, not a none !   Thank you 8-)
looks like a bug to me.
also in R3. both are mezzanines, so it should be possible to fix 
It's a bug. Scheduled to be fixed in 2.7.8 - fix already submitted, 
and in R2/Forward. Submitted for R3 as well.
I can post the fixed versions here as well if you like.
Thank you, do you have a link where I can get the pathced version 
Oh, yes please, but I would still be interested in where I can get 
your latest R2/Forward 8-)
It's where all the mezzanine source and fixes go: R3 chat, aka DevBase.
humm ok I'll check how to browse R3 chat later, Now if you could 
paste a copy of extract here I would be very thankfull 8-)
R3 mezzanines are in #26. R2 mezzanines are in #41. R2/Forward is 
in #837.
Here's the R2 version:
extract: func [
	"Extracts a value from a series at regular intervals."
	series [series!]
	width [integer!] "Size of each entry (the skip)"
	/index "Extract from an offset position"
	pos "The position" [number! logic! block!]
	/default "Use a default value instead of none"

 value "The value to use (will be called each time if a function)"

 /into "Insert into a buffer instead (returns position after insert)"
	output [series!] "The buffer series (modified)"
	/local len val

 if zero? width [return any [output make series 0]]  ; To avoid an 
 infinite loop
	len: either positive? width [  ; Length to preallocate
		divide length? series width  ; Forward loop, use length

  divide index? series negate width  ; Backward loop, use position
	unless index [pos: 1]
	either block? pos [

  if empty? pos [return any [output make series 0]] ; Shortcut return
		parse pos [some [number! | logic! | set pos skip (

   throw-error 'script 'expect-set reduce [[number! logic!] type? get/any 
		unless into [output: make series len * length? pos]
		if all [not default any-string? output] [value: copy ""]
		; R2 PARSE doesn't work well for binary!, so spoof a string!.
		if binary? series [series: as-string series]
		forskip series width [forall pos [
			if none? set/any 'val pick series pos/1 [set/any 'val value]
			output: insert/only output get/any 'val
		unless into [output: make series len]
		if all [not default any-string? output] [value: copy ""]
		; R2 PARSE doesn't work well for binary!, so spoof a string!.
		if binary? series [series: as-string series]
		forskip series width [
			if none? set/any 'val pick series pos [set/any 'val value]
			output: insert/only output get/any 'val
	either into [output] [head output]
Here's the R3 version:
extract: func [
	"Extracts a value from a series at regular intervals."
	series [series!]
	width [integer!] "Size of each entry (the skip)"
	/index "Extract from an offset position"
	pos "The position(s)" [number! logic! block!]
	/default "Use a default value instead of none"

 value "The value to use (will be called each time if a function)"

 /into "Insert into a buffer instead (returns position after insert)"
	output [series!] "The buffer series (modified)"
	/local len val
][  ; Default value is "" for any-string! output

 if zero? width [return any [output make series 0]]  ; To avoid an 
 infinite loop
	len: either positive? width [  ; Length to preallocate
		divide length? series width  ; Forward loop, use length

  divide index? series negate width  ; Backward loop, use position
	unless index [pos: 1]
	either block? pos [

  unless parse pos [some [number! | logic!]] [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg 
  reduce [pos]]
		unless output [output: make series len * length? pos]
		if all [not default any-string? output] [value: copy ""]
		forskip series width [forall pos [
			if none? set/any 'val pick series pos/1 [set/any 'val value]
			output: insert/only output :val
		unless output [output: make series len]
		if all [not default any-string? output] [value: copy ""]
		forskip series width [
			if none? set/any 'val pick series pos [set/any 'val value]
			output: insert/only output :val
	either into [output] [head output]
If you aren't using 2.7.7 the THROW-ERROR in the block pos checking 
won't work, since earlier versions don't have that function.
It's mezzanine too though. Let me know if you need it.
This bit in the R2 version (twice):
	; R2 PARSE doesn't work well for binary!, so spoof a string!.
	if binary? series [series: as-string series]

is I think left over from trying to optimize away the FORSKIP and 
FORALL from the R2 version using PARSE. That approach was rejected 
a couple years ago, so those lines could be removed in theory. FORALL 
and FORSKIP are native in R3, as all loop functions must be for now.
Never mind, it is just the comments that are wrong. The AS-STRING 
is legit, but related to the general design flaws in R2's binaries 
that are fixed in R3.
>> within? 0x0 0x0 2x2
== true
>> within? 0x0 0x0 0x0
== false
It's a zero sized box, right?
No point can be in a zero sized box.
So those results look fine to me.
the 0x0 point occupies all points of the box simultaneously :)
methinks that within? should take, integers, pairs and triplets

so integers for a one dimension, pairs for two dimensions and triplets 
for 3D
and maybe take an optional function if you want to supply a sphere 
or other volume
We don't have triplets. And the source of within is simple enough 
(on purpose, because of performance issues) that any optional function 
should be separate.
Anton, points have zero size. A zero-size rectangle could contain 
in theory one point. The question is whether WITHIN? is inclusive 
of that last point or not.
However, WITHIN? isn't for points, it's for pixels, and pixels have 
area. Which is I guess why that point isn't included.
tuple is 8-bit only. I think WITHIN? looks ok.
triplets then!
(sorry, I did actually mean pixel)
(I figured as much, but felt that the distinction was worth mentioning)
Should this be considered a bug? (R2)

>> b: reduce [:print :insert :read :+]  
== [native action native op]
>> find b :print
== none
>> find b :insert
== [action native op]
>> find b :+
== [op]
>> find b :read
== none
>> :print = :print
== true
>> :print = :read
== false
So FIND cannot locate native! types by direct comparison.

Looks like a bug to me !  I confirm the above behaviour with my testing 
on View on Linux.
(FIND can locate native! datatypes, however, so that's working ok.)
>> find b native!
== [native action native op]
>> find next b native!
== [native op]
k: enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
k: enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
k': enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
Give same return !!!
better include wait .1 between !
A useful warning not to use current time as a unique key :-)

A wait of .001 is sufficient to get me different times -- but that 
may be processor and operating system dependent.

This code may help in exploring your limits:

n: 0
forever [
   n: n + 1
   k: enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
   wait .001
   k': enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
   if k = k' [print n halt]
better hint fo a unique key ? (meet rebol a week ago)
Never use current time as key generator. Win98 uses about 0.01 second 
timer resolution, which slapped me in the face a few years ago. Other 
OS'es may be similar.
elenay, should be enough to apply random to the binary.
true, clever, but we never knows. don't you ? I do :-)
As Henrik says, this code _probably_ returns unique ids:
n: 0
forever [
   n: n + 1
   k:  random/secure enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
   k': random/secure enbase checksum/secure to-string now/precise
   if k = k' [print n halt]

But for best results, add in something more:
-- a count?
-- user name / IP address?
a count would be useful
join the previous k