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these reduce/into b b and unique/into b b make me wonder, whether 
the people suggesting it really find such crazy code useful?
(I never felt like using such things)
Rebol looks crazy to most people regardless.  To my midn, if  Rebol 
has so far avoided a convention like /NO-COPY on these other routines 
in favor of /INTO, then consistent and learnable novelty trumps some 
organic evolution of refinements and wording in the core.
I've never had a need for reduce/into or unique/into. The optimizer 
in my brain says reduce/info could be useful, but the rest of my 
brain thinks the lure of possible optimizations will create internal 
strife with said optimizer. :-) I do have an /into refinment on my 
COLLECT func, and the standard COLLECT does as well, but my goal 
there was for convenience is building up results, not optimization.
but the most crazy is not that reduce/into b b "looks crazy", but 
that it is unneeded, and *very* inefficient, unless implemented using 
It doesn't make sense to reduce/into the same series, but that's 
not the intended purpose. Or am I missing something? Of course, people 
might still do it, thinking they're optimizing. :-\
I guess I just don't care enough about how hard I make the GC work.
Of course, people might still do it, thinking they're optimizing.
 - you nailed it
Anton, I think, it's a "ground rule" in Carl's design of the language, 
that everything entered into the parser are datatypes (or series 
of datatypes). I can't think of anything with semantic meaning, that 
is not a datatype, when we talk REBOL. The language is recognized 
by it's minimalistic syntax. That's why I call it a "ground rule".

I think, it's legal to call REBOL a sequence of datatypes. It's maybe 
more precise than calling it a programming language (also because 
it's so different from traditional programming languages).

And then, yes, he has added newline markers to e.g. blocks. But they 
have no semantic consequence.
Geomol, I thought about it a bit more and realized what you said 
made good sense.
It makes me a bit sad that we haven't found a way to get what I wanted.
But oh yeah, I wrote this experimental function last night.
sforpath: func ["Evaluate a path similar to the builtin path evaluation, 
except number elements SELECT (rather than PICK)."
	path [path!] action [function! block!] /local e v c

 v: get path/1 ; The path is assumed to begin with a word, so get 
 its value.

 while [not tail? path: next path][ ; Step through the path to inspect 
 each of its elements.
		c: v ; Store the current value before SELECTing into it.
		e: pick path 1 ; The current element.
		;print [mold :e mold type? :e]
		if get-word? :e [e: get e]
		case [

   number? e [v: select v e] ; SELECT this number element. (Paths normally 
   PICK number elements.)

   word? e [v: select v e] ; SELECT this word element (as paths normally 
	;?? e ?? v ?? c
	; Process the last element.
	if block? :action [action: func [c e] action]
	action c e
; Test
values: [1 [dos [new 0]]]

sforpath 'values/1/dos/new [c/:e: c/:e + 1]  ; <- DideC's INC-COUNTER 
function could be implemented simply using this.
Just to remind, DideC's example had:

values: [

 1 [dos [new 0 modified 0 deleted 0] fic [new 0 modified 0 deleted 

 2 [dos [new 0 modified 0 deleted 0] fic [new 0 modified 0 deleted 
And here's an idea which may make the usage simpler:
Write a function USEPATH, used like this:

	values: [1 [dos [new 0]]]
	p: 'values/1/dos/new

 usepath p [p: p + 1]  ;=== (values/1/dos/new: values/1/dos/new + 
	values ;== [1 [dos [new 1]]
or perhaps, achieving the same result:

	usepath p 'v [v: v + 1]

where v is the value SELECTed by the last element in the path (so 
you can choose a different variable name).
or even:

	usepath p 4 'v [v: v + 1]

where 'v is set to refer to the value of the 4th element ('new) in 
the path.

so we can refer to any path element by its number, and so this would 
achieve the same:

 usepath p 3 'v [v/new: v/new + 1]  ;=== (values/1/dos/new: values/1/dos/new 
 + 1)
and even crazier:

	usepath p 'root/pid/fs/flag [flag: flag + 1]

where the second path elements (all word!s) reference the values 
actually SELECTed in p,
so these are all equivalent:
	usepath p 'values/pid/fs/flag [fs/dos: flag + 1]
	usepath p 'values/pid/fs/flag [fs/dos: fs/dos + 1]
	usepath p 'values/pid/fs/flag [root/pid/fs/flag: flag + 1]
All good fun.
(Oops, the last three examples should begin:   usepath p 'root/.... 
Ladislav, REDUCE/into is used to eliminate a temporary series allocation 
in the common INSERT REDUCE and APPEND REDUCE patterns. It is used 
in mezzanine code, and does in fact reduce memory allocation overhead. 
Hate to break it to you, but REDUCE/into and COMPOSE/into were actually 
worth adding. Sorry.
REDUCE/into and COMPOSE/into cut down 2 copies to 1. They don't eliminate 
copies altogether.
The main reason that UNIQUE isn't used is because it is not very 
useful: It is easier to make sure that the series is unique in the 
first place. The other "set" functions like INTERSECT, DIFFERENCE 
and EXCLUDE are used more often, even though they do the same copies 
as UNIQUE, using the same hashing method.
I suggested REDUCE/into and COMPOSE/into, and found them to be immediately 
useful. I don't know why UNIQUE/into is being suggested, its use 
Henrik had a use case for DEDUPLICATE, though that was when he thought 
he could eliminate the copy, and actually wanted to change UNIQUE 
to be modifying instead. It's not a common enough use case to make 
it into the core functions, but there is a mezzanine for it in the 
CureCode ticket.
REDUCE/into and COMPOSE/into were actually worth adding

 - no problem with that, what I was saying, though, was something 
I specifically had objections against the

    reduce/into b b

expression, which cannot be done efficiently without copying
...neither it is really useful, in my opinion
I definitely agree with that. I can't figure out a use for that code 
pattern, at least at first glance.
when we generate blocks on the fly, we sometimes need evaluation 
to occur at a later stage.  this allows to save on an uneeded additional 
copy.  (which can be taxing on the GC when blocks are large)
this allows to save on an uneeded additional copy.
 - if you are referring to the

    reduce/into b b

expression, Max, then your assumption is wrong, this cannot save 
an unneeded additonal copy
well IIRC Steeve had done tests and it was much faster... so something 
is being saved.
it was so that new memory didn't need to be allocated in this expression, 
and the old didn't need to be garbage collected:

b: reduce b
About the /into refinement.

I don't bother if internaly, a copy is done or not, while it's faster 
and memory safe (the block must be freed immediatly not by the GC) 

The GC used to have some memory leaks and was reacting too late to 
be useful (especialy in apps with a GUI).
I now it's better now (thanks to recycle/ballast).
* I know
about reduce/into b b

It allows to keep several references of the same block without the 
need to reassign them when the block is reconstructed.

But currently, we can't avoid the block expansion because the data 
are inserted instead of beeing replaced (which would be more useful 
to my mind).

Then, if internaly it's faster to do a copy, I don't care while it's 
not recycled by the GC (for the reasons I mentioned previously).
Sounds interesting. I know that CHANGE/part is the real fundamental 
operation, but that needs an additional parameter and would require 
renaming the option - /into isn't an appropriate name for that operation. 
But I don't think it would have been implemented in that case, and 
having it be a direct CHANGE would definitely not have been accepted 
because /into is mostly used to replace chained INSERT and APPEND 
The downside of the /into option is that you have to be careful when 
using it or your code won't be task-safe. Your multiple references 
to a block that can change scenario is an example that can quite 
easily lead to task-unsafe code, for instance. But /into is great 
for micro-optimization and local code simplification, as long as 
you are careful to not modify shared structures without coordinating 
yeah indeed
Of course task-safety isn't a problem for most R2 code, but then 
neither does R2 have natives with /into. Some of the new mezzanines 
for the record (for the other people reading, which might not be 
as fluent in the more low level aspects of the core)..

I just want to note that your comment about thread safety doesn't 
only apply specifically to the /into... 

It applies to *all* series usage in REBOL 3 since they are mutable 
and MANY functions modifiy series "in-place".

Other languages always copy on assign so its not as big an issue 
as in REBOL.
Agreed. Though not many other languages always copy on assign - that's 
a relatively new habit.
Or copy on any change, rather than on assign, as Java does with String
Does anyone have a well-tested mezz version of CASE handy for use 
with older REBOL cores?
Ladislav's PIF is my first stop.
how old is old?
I don't know where this came from:

	case: func [
		[throw catch]
		args [block!] /local res
	] [
		either unset? first res: do/next args [
			if not empty? args [
				; invalid guard
				throw make error! [script no-arg case condition]
		] [
			either first res [
				either block? first res: do/next second res [
					do first res
				] [
					; not a block
					throw make error! [
						script expect-arg case block [block!]
			] [
				case second do/next second res
Thanks Graham!
looks like PIF!
That's Ladislav's PIF, just renamed.
Yep ... !