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This werks (cheap plug) Can use rebol to determine IP for LAN, and 
remote script for WAN... I've put a copy at http://squigglz.com/myip.php
and Im building a public name server using a squiggle to store and 
retrieve IP addresses.  ie: ~carl:ip~  will finish that off tomorrow
Need to build "Internet 2.0" concurrently with "Web 2.0" ;)
linux has /usr/sbin/traceroute www.rebol.com

 1  xdsl-87-78-115-1.netcologne.de (  49.521 ms   53.405 
 ms   57.054 ms

 2  cat6509-pg2-vl12.netcologne.de (  62.797 ms   70.143 
 ms   72.741 ms

 3  core-pg1-vl110.netcologne.de (  75.522 ms   79.128 
 ms   82.716 ms
would the router show up here? 

there are not only myip-services, but also dynamic ips. there you 
connect, they store your current ip and then its reachable by mywishname.dyndns.ws 
or such. more effort on dialin, but then you have a name.
dyndns would be fine, but how do I creaete a dyndns update client 
with Rebol?
My router can update dyndns automatically, but I need something that's 
in fact, if you're geeky enough, you can load up a Linksys WRT54G 
(Under the hood the unit sports a 125MHz MIPS processor with 16MB 
of RAM.) with some serious Linux apps.
they have a website and there are some binaries. on linux i found 
a few in my distor, the second worked nearly automatic, after editing 
something. for windows i guess there is something more comfortable. 
binaries makes sense because they are in my login-script :) I guess 
windows could pop up browser too, as gui is closer coupled to scripting?
terry, yeah I tried loading the MIPS version of rebol onto my Linksys 
WAP54G access point, but it wouldn't run. :-)
but i dont know about mobile and automatically from rebol.
maybe ask Carl to recompile it :)
I think it could have great potential. the AP has a mountain of stats 
that can be read out to a webpage. Imagine piping that out through 
a rebol service to a View app...
how about a chat-server? i guess it uses low power and could be on 
easily, as long as you don't store stuff on it
mine are always on. I use them as antenna bridges
and they are dirt cheap. I have though heard from a friend who bought 
the latest version, that his is equipped with VXWorks, not Linux
Linksys have a tendency to revise their products over time, give 
them the same name, but with cut down hardware and software. therefore 
it's always preferable to get older access points
imagine a beowulf-cluster of these :))
yeah, well I don't think they are ultra fast (and there is only one 
ethernet port on mine), but I think you can do some bizarre stuff 
with them, such as cron scheduled downloads to an ethernet harddisk. 
I've always thought that REBOL could really do a lot for hardware 
at that level.
a /base needs <1mb AFAIK.
it's kind of sad to see its standard firmware version only have the 
possibility to load stats up slowly on a webpage. I did something 
that could poll it through telnet for signal strength in realtime. 
Way more useful.
basically it's stuff that can easily be done to increase the value 
of the access point. Linksys could easily sell a fully pumped up 
version of the same access point with loads of bells and whistles 
(firewall, VPN, realtime stats, SSH access) for 3-4 times its current 
price and still be cheaper than competition. the hardware is really 
there is a third party vendor who provides alternative firmwares 
with these features. the only limitation is the amount of RAM and 
the ROM space isn't big enough to hold all the features simultaneously
rebol could download the code from the client. could be signed maybe.
and display stats in some dashbopard-thingy. Maybe if CArl makes 
another holiday and sees this thing accidentally :)
someone ought to send him such an access point. I can't imagine that 
it would take more than a days work to compile it for that hardware
somebody do something! :-)
Personally I think the wireless market and the networking market 
are very difficult to takle correctly. It is a commodotized market 
which means people don't care for the features and they don't pay 
too much extra for those, they just bargain best price. Which keeps 
going down. At least that is our experience with our routers.
How can I add a value to a read/custom post query?? ie.. 

xyz: "bob"

read/custom http:/theurl/x.cgi [POST "fname=bob&lname=jones&value= 

where XYZ is the word??
use 'reduce
or compose
or ...
I think Linksys have moved away from Linux now as it was GPL.
I get errors with [POST.. ] no matter what I try
reduce [ 'POST  join "fname=bob&lname=jones&value=" word! ]
ahh, ok.. didn't use the ' with post
this works.. 

result: read/custom http://squigglz.com/update.php[post "user=&pass=&squiggle=sandbox-ip&val="]

but this doesn't??
user: ""
pass: ""

result: read/custom http://squigglz.com/update.phpreduce ['post 
"user=" user "&pass=" pass "&squiggle=sandbox-ip&val=2"]
Ok.. figured it out.. needed to 'rejoin' the query first, then 'reduce' 
it with POST later.. see the ~Framewerks~ group for the Squigglz/Rebol 
Dynamic Naming System..
My example did show that join or similar was required.
Jaime, why not treat the marketing differently.  Instead of marketing 
as a wireless router, market as a wireless chat server, or mp3 server 
with router facilities ?
I lot of people don't have the technical savy to do these things 
.. so you create a wireless appliance for specific purposes.
hmm... I can't seem to figure this out:

>> w: copy reduce [make object! [test: 27]]
>> set [y] w
== [make object! [
        test: 27
>> probe y
make object! [
    test: 27

This part is ok. Now I want to add new keys to the object. How do 
I do that while keeping the reference to the W block?

I can set existing keys:

>> set in y 'test 35
>> w
== [make object! [
        test: 35

>> set in y 'test2 127

** Script Error: set expected word argument of type: any-word block 
** Near: set in y 'test2 127

Can't do that.

>> set y make y [test2: 127]

Then I lose the reference to the W block.

Y is a point I use in a large object which I traverse. It contains 
smaller objects and these smaller objects must sometimes be updated. 
The position is remembered with Y. I want to MAKE objects there without 
losing the reference to W.
Well, to start with, your original REDUCE is already doing a copy 
for you - so no need to copy again.
Maybe you meant:    w: reduce copy [make object! [test: 27]]
(either way, actually makes no difference here...) 
You can't currently extend an existing object.
We were talking about adding that to rebol recently, though.
The way to extend an existing object is not to use an object. :) 
 Use a block, instead. (Or a block inside an object.)
What are you using this for anyway ?
You cant extend objects in place. sadly. Carl says its only a little 
change in the code, but is unsure if it is a good idea. switch to 
blocks or keep the objects in a hashtable and reference them by name. 
Or use a mix, some fixed fields and a block for the extensible part.
crap... oh well

anton, W is really a big object block with many nested objects. I'm 
building a list of relations, so I can relate words and numbers to 
eachother in a database