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imo Rebol is so free form, that you imo can find lot of such inconsistencies 
here ...
>> slash: to-lit-word "/"
== '/
>> parse [/] [slash]
== true
Thank you very much! :-)
Careful, by default:
>> slash
== #"/"
It might be used in some other code.
Yes, I called mine lit-slash.
;I find this amazing.

>> o: make object! [sub-o: make object! [name: 'sub-o f: func [v][2 
* v]]]
>> ? o    
O is an object of value: 
   sub-o           object!   [name f] 

>> var: in o 'sub-o
== sub-o

>> ? var  
VAR is a word of value: sub-o

>> value: get var
>> ? value
VALUE is an object of value: 
   name            word!     sub-o 
   f               function! [v] 

;What I find amazing is that you can get the content of the object 
SUB-O by doing GET VAR

;Some how the context where 'SUB-O is defined gets attached to VAR 
or SUB-O by IN O 'SUB-O

;just to check, the global context doesn't know anything about SUB-O
>> ? sub-o
No information on sub-o (word has no value)
>> sub-o
** Script Error: sub-o has no value
** Near: sub-o
It is because the VALUE not the word contains the CONTEXT information 
meaning that VAR (as you defined it) referenced the value SUB-O which 
happened to be a word with the context of O
...a word WITHIN the context of the object that the WORD O refers 
It surely allows for some very neat programing tricks ;-)
Yes, it does. ;-)
Each word "knows" which context it lives in. When you make a new 
object, the top-level set-words are BINDed to it. So each word knows 
its binding.
I think Ladislav used to have a nice example where each of the words 
in this block could refer to different values, because they were 
bound to different contexts:   [word word word word]
They all look the same, but just looking at this you cannot tell 
which context each word is bound to.
sounds kinda cool but scary from a code maintenance perspective.
Bah.. We use this feature all the time without thinking about it. 
Take a look at this:
context [v: 12 print v]
(it prints "12" to the console :)

Now luckily for us, 'print was not bound to the new context. It "remembers" 
its context is the global context. That's how we can get its value 
(a function) to actually do something.  The set-word, v: ,  on the 
other hand was bound to the new context, so we know it won't affect 
anything outside.
>> b: [] repeat i 5 [use [x] [x: i append b 'x]]
== [x x x x x]
>> reduce b
== [1 2 3 4 5]
>> same? b/1 b/2
== false
you can think of a word as if it was a block that could only keep 
one element. so each word keeps its value, in a similar way as each 
block keeps its values. (this is not 100% correct, but maybe it helps 
Ah yes, this one is tricky !
but I suppose the same line must be done before the block reducing, 
as "same? 1 2" can't answer true.
...the same? line...
Ups, sorry. Block is reduced but not reassigned to B
I always wanted a way to dump all contexts a word is defined in: 
like "dump-context myword" and get a list of named and unnamed contexts. 
Anamonitor can do this.
>> split-path %/c/test/bla.txt
== [%/c/test/ %bla.txt]
>> split-path %/c/test/bla/
== [%/c/test/ %bla/]

Isn't this inconsitent? I think the last should give:
== [%/c/test/bla/ none]
yes Robert anamonitor can do it  (i do not remember if the last released 
version does it, but my version does it :-)
and yes Robert,  i do not like split-path behaviour in many cases 
(see RAMBO discussions about this), but i do not think that your 
request is good, from my pov 
should give
	%a/   %b/              = the dir b inside the dir a
	%a/b/   %./	     = the current dir inside the dir %a/b/

this is inconsistent with:

	>> split-path %./ ; == [%./ none]

but i think the last behavior should change in this

	%./    %./
none should never appear in a splith-path result
Well, maybe split-path is not so useful sometimes, but at least it 
says what it is doing :) I think what we want most of the time is 
the dir-part and the file-part of a path (actually these are functions 
I use). I think they are more useful in general. The problem is in 
coming up with a good name to describe this behaviour..... maybe: 
   to-dir-file-parts %my/path  ;== [%my/ %path]    ?
As you said: file-part, dir-part
Does rebol has some form of inheritance? Well not according to the 
docs. But when intializing within context there seems to be an initialization 
chain that look like a bit like inheritance to me.
o: context [ 
    a: 0 
    b: none 
    o1: context [
        a: 1 
        c: 3 
        set 'b 2 
        o2: context [
            set 'b 4 
            set 'c 5 
            set 'd 6
O is an object of value: 
   a               integer!  0 
   b               integer!  4 
   o1              object!   [a c o2] 

>> ? o/o1
O/O1 is an object of value: 
   a               integer!  1 
   c               integer!  5 
   o2              object!   [] 

>> ? o/o1/o2
O/O1/O2 is an object of value: 

>> d
== 6
The slots got the last value set by the child context of each parent.
Uhm...  But that isn't inheritance, it is simply context.
o: context [
A new object begins to be created.
I should say, it is context that allows sub-contexts.  It's more 
of a hierarchy...
The top-level of the spec block is scanned for set-words; in this 
case, there are three ( a:  b:  o1: ). These three words are added 
to the newly forming object. The spec block is now scanned *deeply* 
and where one of those three words ( a b o1 ) is found, they are 
bound to the object.
Using  "set notation" (eg.  context [ set 'b 4 ] )  does not attach 
'b to the object. It must be a set-word (eg.  context [ b: 4 ] )
So, in the creation of your object o2, 'b and 'c are found to have 
been previously bound to o and o1, respectively. Setting them does 
not modify the binding. 'd was found not to be bound to anything 
so it was set in the global context. (people use this last trick 
to "export" functions or values from a context).
Rebol's elegant use of context is really powerful.
; Jaime try comparing your example with this:
o: context [a: 0 b: o1: none]
o/o1: context bind [a: 1 c: 3 set 'b 2 o2: none] in o 'a

o/o1/o2: context bind (bind [set 'b 4 set 'c 5 set 'd 6] in o 'a) 
in o/o1 'a
; I think you'll find they are equivalent.
Imagine context as a "colour" of a word (btw would be nice to see 
in an ide).

Then, in your example, the first context function changes the colour 
of all the a,b and o1 words to "red" say.

Then the next inside context function changes a,c, and o2 to green.

And finally the inmost context function doesn't get to change anything 
because there are no set-words to process - if there were they would 
have been made blue of course ;-)
By my analogy, the b, c, d of the inmost block would have the colours 
red, green and black - black being the global context.

Normally, all words start as black when they are loaded into REBOL.
Colourful analogy don't u think?
I don't think there is a hierarchy of contexts.

In Jaime's example there is a hierarchy of blocks (nested). As evaluation 
proceeds, the words in those blocks get "painted" different colours. 
That's why my code using bind ends up with the same binding of words 
even though I didn't have the same hierarchy of blocks  - I simulated 
the same order of binding.
Brett I aggre that there is hierarchy of blocks. I guess what I was 
getting at is that rebol implements context  internally using some 
sort OO technique to keep track of the assignments. In this case 
the OO technique is  lookup chain.
I think that is correct, remembering a discussion with Carl Sassenrath 
a long time ago.
Brett, well said.  That is what I was trying to say but couldn't 
put it to words for some reason...