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Without the /line refinement, it takes less memory, and the situation 
is much better. When it reach the 1.28 GB Memory (observed by STATS), 
however, The Out-Of-Memoey Error still happened. Does the 1.28GB-boundary 
have anything to do with my 1GB physical memory?
Is there a way that I can make REBOL recycle the memory? RECYCLE 
seems not to work. Thanks for your help.
strange... are you processing the files in any way? appending.  I 
don't see how loading two 150MB files jumps stats over 1.2GB
there is a possibility that windows does not allow any application 
to allocate more than 1.2GB.  I remember that a 3d application (Maya) 
seemed to crash or freeze when it reached  that amount or RAM IIRC.
recycle will only work if you free all references to data.  you can 
do this by setting any unused global and local vars to none.
Thank you Maxim. I loaded more than two 150MB files into the system 
actually. I did set unused global variables to none, then called 
RECYCLE, but it still not worked. Thanks, anyway.
do you pass the data to functions?
cause functions retain the pointers even if they use local values.
a little shortcomming of the actual function implementation. (which 
I hope will be addressed in R3 )
Jerry, if you're not aware, just a word of caution about line by 
line entry in the console; the console will attempt to mold the result. 
That means rebol will use at least the same amount of memory again 
just to create the molded string.
I would avoid molding by putting length? on the front, and I'd also 
avoid line conversions done in non-binary mode:

	length? lines3: read/binary %/c/reg2.reg
is it normal that join attemps to evaluate its second argument?
>> join [1 2 3] [bogus-word]
** Script Error: bogus-word has no value
** Where: repend
** Near: bogus-word

where append does not give the error:

>> append copy [1 2 3] [bogus-word]
==  [1 2 3 bogus-word]
the help only talks about concatenation, no details about reducing 
the second argument    , :-/
try repend .. that will give you the error you seek!
exactly, I would have expected the error with rejoin. not join.
except join normally converts the second argument to the datatype 
of the first
rejoin converts all internal values to the value of its first item 
in the block... similar...
but if both arguments are blocks... it should not complain.
rambo it
even if I do a to-block on [bogus-word] I get no errors.
I will   :-)
sourcing join I see it uses repend instead of append.  any gurus 
share to comment if they think this shold be changed?
I don't think the function should be changed now. The doc string 
could be more descriptive, but it's pretty easy to read that short 
I did a RAMBO on it... I understand the effects on current code, 
maybe it should be revised for R3?
and yess, in next R2 version, the doc string should be more explicit,
Max, the reason behind repend there is that join "a" something and 
join "a" [something something-else] should produce similar results.
if you don't want the reduce, just use append copy "a" [something].
yeah I know, but join is just much more cleaner in the code... and 
now I realise that its use is quite limited, since most uses of block 
with words have unbound words.
hmm, well, it really depends. noone complained so far :-)
Maxim, 'join is much more cleaner in code? That's matter of opinion, 
I use 'rejoin almost everywhere and 'join just very rare :)
I use rejoin a lot to.
but not having to wrap everything in a block when you really just 
want to append a value to a copy is easy to read.
so I guess I'll just use rejoin for blocks and join for strings :-)
thanks Gabriele
The following code: 

unicode-to-ascii: func [ from to /local fs ts sz] [
    fs: open/binary/direct/read from
    ts: open/binary/direct/write to
    sz: size? from
    fs/1 fs/1 ; discard the first two bytes, FFFE
    for i 3 sz 2 [
        append ts to-char fs/1 
        fs: skip fs 1 ; SKIP is the problem
    close fs
    close ts
unicode-to-ascii %/c/Unicode.txt %/c/Ascii.txt

In REBOL/View 12-Sep-2006 Core 2.6.0
** CRASH (Should not happen) - Expand series overflow

In REBOL/View 5-Dec-2005 Core 2.6.3
** Script Error: Not enough memory
** Where: do-body
** Near: fs: skip fs 1
Anton, thanks for the tip on avoiding molding.
Jerry: For conversion from/to UTF/UCS... you can use Oldes' unicode 
tools, it handles it very well (unfortunately you have to look around 
AltMe for some link, because Oldes does not upload to rebol.org and 
has his files all around the web - shame on you, Oldes! ;)
Thank you, Rebolek.
Depending on how you're going to do the actual diff, there are other 
ways you could work around this. You could try using the /seek refinement 
to read just parts of the files, you could split the files into chunks, 
or you could split them by top-level key (HKLM, HKCU, etc.); assuming 
you can read one full file into memory in order to do that.
To Gregg,

I tried what you said. But there was a weird situation for the Windows 
Registry in my computer.

If I export these 5 HKEY_??? into 5 files, respectively, the sum 
of their size is 568 MB.

If I export all of them into 1 file. the file size is 316 MB, which 
is much smaller than 568 MB. I don't know why.

So the 5-file version of Registry-Diff in REBOL might use more memory 
if the GC doesn't work well.
Hmmm. How are you diffing the data?
i.e. do you expect things to be in the same order; using parse, matching 
keys after loading, etc.
To Gregg,

The diff algorithm I am using ... 

2 blocks, one for reg-data-old (block1), the other for reg-data-new 
data in these blocks are in the following format:
   [ key1 value1 key2 value2 key3 value3 ... ]
   where keyX and valueX are both strings. 

   [ "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_SOFTWARE_ABC"  {"sid"=dword:00000001^/"tid"=dword:000000FF} 
   ... ]

I use "SORT/SKIP 2" to sort the 2 blocks. It's very fast, I guess 
that's because the original data are in order already. After sorting, 
I can comapre these two blocks with the "race" algorithm. 

The "race" algorithm is very simple ...

loop [
    if ... the key in block1 is equal to the key in block2 
    then ... check their values (different values mean modified) 

    if ... the key in block1 is less than the key in block2

    then ... the key in block1 is deleted-key. Move the key in block 
    1 to the next key.  

    if ... the key in block1 is greater than the key in block2

    then ... the key in block2 is added-key. Move the key in block 2 
    to the next key.  

Well, my English is not very good. I hope you understand what I am 
saying here.
I would like to know ...

1. How to use the OPEN function with the /SEEK refinement to replace 
the 1,000,000th byte with the 2,000,000th byte in a file.

2. How to truncate a huge file to its helf size, and keep the head 
helf only. 

My answer to your first question (from reading http://www.rebol.net/article/0199.html

>> write %testdata "123456789A123456789B"    ;; A simple test file

>> fp: open/seek %testdata                                   ;; Open 
the file in seek mode

>> fp: skip fp 19                                                
      ;; Move to 20th character

>> newval: copy fp                                               
  ;; Copy the 20th character
== "B"

>> fp: head fp                                                   
       ;; Position at start of file

>> change at fp 10 newval                                      ;; 
Overwrite 10th character

>> copy head fp                                                  
     ;; Check change made
== "123456789B123456789B"
>> close fp
>> fp: open %testdata

>> copy fp                                                       
             ;; Check file was changed
== "123456789B123456789B"
Some of the statements can, of course be consolidated and there are, 
no doubt, better ways of doing this.
Second question:

>> fp: open/direct %testdata
>> write %testdata2 copy/part fp 10
>> read %testdata2
== "123456789B"
Peter, the second answer would not work well with large files.  I 
think Carl gives an example of how to copy large files and one should 
use that method.
Thanks Graham
Was it this example? http://www.rebol.net/article/0281.html