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i don't think it's known, otoh /seek is known to have a few problems 
so it's not really surprising. :)
thanks - RAMBO #4235
Anton - you ran into yet another case of nontransparent argument 
passing. Let me repeat - I don't like nontransparent argument passing...
It's just funny because FOREACH is used so often.
I guess FOREACH would suffer much if the first argument was expected 
to be always a block!
would not suffer
try this:

foreach': func [
    "Evaluates a block for each value(s) in a series."

    word [word! block!] {Word or block of words to set each time (will 
    be local)}
    data [series!] "The series to traverse"
    body [block!] "Block to evaluate each time"
] [
    foreach :word :data :body
(it is a referentially transparent argument passing variant)
The second and third arguments look like they are already referentially 
transparent, but I suppose you are ensuring this in case FOREACH 
ever changes its spec.
Has anyone got smtp to work with gmail ?
I cloned the esmtp protocol to use on port 465, and added a /secure 
to 'send so that it uses my new ssmtp protocol.
I changed  the open-proto to open-proto/secure/sub-protocol port 
'ssl in the new ssmtp protocol.
I can send like this
set-net [ [compkarori-:-gmail-:-com] smtp.gmail.com ]
send/secure [compkarori-:-gmail-:-com] "testing .. "

and a trace/net shows that it sends the message but then hangs waiting 
for a 250 response from the 'check-write
oh crap .. web-public channel ... going to get spammed now :(
mucking around, i changed the system/words/insert port/sub-port "^/." 
to system/words/insert port/sub-port "^M^J.^M^J" and that gives an 
oh crap
 <-- isn't this another peeve?
added to checklist
graham, doesn't gmail require tls? it works with ssl too?
appears to.
I've managed to send a few emails to myself using smtp.gmail.com
Rebol []

email: [compkarori-:-gmail-:-com]
pass: "password"
address: [target-:-gmail-:-com]
message: read %your-fully-formed-email.txt

state: 'EHLO

smtp: open/lines ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465
set-modes smtp [secure: true]

forever [
	S: pick smtp 1
	?? S
	if found? S [
		code: copy/part S 3
		?? code
		?? state

	switch/default state [
		EHLO [ 
			insert smtp "EHLO rebol.com" 
			state: 'PLAIN
			while [ S: pick smtp 1 	][ 
				?? S 
				if find/part S "250 " 4 [ 
					print "sending authentication"

     insert smtp join "AUTH PLAIN " enbase rejoin [ email #"^@" email 
     #"^@" pass ]
			if code = "235" [
				print "authenticated"
				insert smtp REjoin [ "MAIL FROM: <" email ">" ]
				state: 'FROM
			if code = "535" [
				print "credentials incorrect"
		FROM [
			either code = "250" [
				insert smtp rejoin [ "RCPT TO: <" address ">" ]
				state: 'TO	
			][ print "doesn't like me" break ]	
		TO [
			either code = "250" [
				state: 'DATA
				insert smtp "DATA"
			][ print "doesn't like to address" ]
		DATA [
			replace/all message "^/." "^/.."
			insert smtp message
			insert smtp "."
			state: 'END
		END [
			either code = "250" [
				print "message was sent"
				close smtp
			][ print [ "message had some error: " S ] break ]
	][ print ["Unknown state" state ] ]
This should work ...
Anyone care to help me test this?
Of course it would be easier to get the protocol working ...
gmail allows you to use their smtp server only using ssl to prevent 
spamming ...
ie. you have to authenticate as a gmail user before you can send 
using their smtp interface.
But this also means that you can now send secure emails to yourself.
the data block should check to see if it is okay to send ...
I would like to test it, but I don't have SSL:(
Just buy R/Command
I think it is kinda silly to have to get R/command just for ssl now 
.. since ssl is required for so many things
I hope it will be free ...
does proxy setting apply even for https?
petr: i think the answer is yes, but i don't remember. i'm not sure 
it has ever been tested though.
graham, what kind of testing help do you need ?  I am going to try 
the script
Just to check it works for a start!  :)
I only got this script to work once .. never again after that!  but 
it works using standard smtp port on other servers.
There's some type of deadlock occuring .... waiting for gmail's smtp 
server to respond to the insert smtp "."
Now, if you  change insert smtp "." with insert smtp "^M^J.^M^J" 
gmail drops the connection
I think, it's a shame, that cannot do this:
>> test: func[/a a][probe a]
** Script Error: Duplicate function value: a
** Where: throw-on-error
** Near: func [/a a] [probe a]
as I need so often to write something and have the name same as the 
path :(
yes, that is the limitation - you try to find out intuitive name 
for your function's refinement, but then you want to use intuitive 
names for your words. So I sometimes used underscore for words, but 
it looks ugly ...
One hack is to assign the refinement value to the refinement word 
at the start of the function:
test: func[/a _a][if not none? a [a: :_a] probe a]
You can then just refer to a.

It introduces an ambiguity though -- does none mean no /a refinement 
supplied, or that the value was none ?
in useage after all these years  I've come to realize that verifying 
the refinement itself is less usefull than ingnoring the value if 
its none.  one should usually use none as the fact its not a value, 
so therefor just like a default, or something to ignore.

this kind of useage allows one to rethrow  the function (is that 
the proper term?) with very little fuss.  in a way, this becomes 
exactly like option args in other applications,  ex:

myfunc [count /option opt][
	unless (count: count - 1) = 0 [
		if opt [
			print count
		myfunc/option count opt
many people say that rebol is mem hungry... I can say that today 
I was proven otherwise in some way.
a 10MB xml file loaded from the net and loaded with xml2rebxml  took 
about 100mb of ram.  the same file loaded in firefox  took up 600mb 
of ram.  I was pretty shocked !
10mb of string becomes 600MB of binary xml objects... this is just 
Maxim, "rethrow": I would say "recursing into" myfunc or maybe "re-calling" 
myfunc. "Rethrow" is more for error handling.