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I don't know where to put this question exactly but has anyone created 
any code to generate an Outlook appointment request?
I did some MAPI test R&D a long time back, though I think I wrapped 
it in a DLL to call from REBOL. 

Can you generate an iCal %.ICS file and do it that way?
[unknown: 5]
The valuable?/potential? function would have to be updated.  It needs 
to check for value.  so it would be:

valueable?: func [arg][found? all [any-word? :arg not lit-word? :arg 
value? :arg]]
I am trying to pull some information out of a moderately formatted 
wiki and am tripping over something simple.

I have grabbed what equates to a record in a table so far that looks 
as follows.

||Key 123||Description text||Status||02/23/08||Y||

I have parse giving me this as a block of values.

Since this wiki is only loosely formatted the first field varies 
one line to the next, sometimes might just be Key, or *Key ###.  
What I am working too hard at is how to test a line is a pure Key 
### value.  I went looking using find for "Key "(with the space) 
 values but that still picks up "*Key ###" values.  I have multiple 
key types but generally it follows the pattern of trying to avoid 
the leading * lines and any line that isn't a known Key with some 
number following it.

My old procedural habits would like a simple substring so I can test 
from the beginning for x number of characters.

I have tried copy/part but am not getting the range syntax correct.

I am also thinking I should just further split the field to the key+number 
so I can test that both parts exist and have appropriate values. 

Suggestions or nudges towards enlightenment?
Umm, I'll get this wrong; but parse is the ticket.

nums: make bitset! [#"0" - #"9"]
valid: parse value [ "Key" 3 nums]

I think.
space: make bitset! " "
valid: parse/all value ["Key" space 3 nums space to end]

I'd include a characterset that excludes the * character
sorry bitset... 
nums: make bitset! [#"0" - #"9"]
skip-char: complement make bitset! [#"*"]
valid: parse value [skip-char "Key" " " 3 nums]
... something to that affect anyway.
How about:

nums: charset [#"0" - #"9"]
space: charset [#" "] 

parse wiki ["||" any space "key" any space 3 nums any space "||" 
and so on ...]
Brian, the first one seems to work for my test data, will give it 
a try on the real thing on Monday.  Thanks all for the tips, will 
keep them handy as I refine this little script.
Anyone got a clean-script that works with the new rebol syntax ?
[unknown: 5]
Is there an easy way to remove double blocks from a block.  So that 
something that looks like [[something]] looks like [something]?  
If not shouldn't we have something like this in REBOL as a mezz function?
this has been discussed before, but I think the solution has scrolled 
out of view a long time ago...
R3 can do it using the new methods that loops can use, I believe.
[unknown: 5]
Are you saying it can't be done until R3?
it can easily be done. the simplest way is:
form [[1][2][3]]
but it has limitations
[unknown: 5]
Can you expland on the limitations?
you lose bindings and it won't work on series inside the blocks inside 
the block.
oops, it should be to-block form [[1][2][3]]
there are better solutions, but that is the quickest one.
[unknown: 5]
That is how I do also Henrik, I would be interested in a better solution 
but I was thinking we need one to handle the blocks within blocks
the only other way in R2 is to process each block one by one with 
a loop
[unknown: 5]
I can build the function to loop through a block looking for others 
but am curious about the effect on bindings.
I think we made a 'flatten function once.
[unknown: 5]
good name
Tell me more about in what way you think the bindings will get lost.
with FORM you always lose bindings
try searching for flatten in AltME. plenty of references to it, I 
can see here.
[unknown: 5]
But I can only think that bindings would be lost for those blocks 
assigned as a value to a word
Seems it would still be useful for data taken from a stream of string 
I can't calculate in my head when exactly the bindings are lost, 
so I would suggest simply experimenting in the console.
[unknown: 5]
Yeah I definately think that would be the case for set-words that 
contain block values but should be no problem on passing block data 
to set-words that are currently not set.
flatten: func [blk [block!] /local res rule value] [
    	res: copy []

     rule: [some [into rule | set value skip (append res :value)]]
    	parse blk rule
[unknown: 5]
Here is a function for when you just want part of the block's flattened 
for when you reduce a bunch of data and want to use select on the 

semi-flat: func [blk /local blk2][
    while [not tail? blk][
        if block? blk/1 [
            blk2: copy blk/1
            insert remove blk blk2
            blk: next next blk
    blk: head blk
>> data: [[1 ["record1"]] [2 ["record2"]] [3 ["record3"]]]
== [[1 ["record1"]] [2 ["record2"]] [3 ["record3"]]]
>> semi-flat data
== [1 ["record1"] 2 ["record2"] 3 ["record3"]]
>> select data 2
== ["record2"]
>> select data 3
== ["record3"]
Paul, you can avoid copy blk/1 by using change/part.

And perhaps better to continue processing the data when blk/1 is 
not a block.
semi-flat: func [blk][
    while [not tail? blk][
        blk: either block? blk/1 [
            change/part blk blk/1 1
	    next blk
    head blk

semi-flat [[1 ["one"]] [2 ["two"]] "other data"]
You can also use until instead of while:
semi-flat: func [blk][
    until [
	tail? blk: either block? blk/1 [
            change/part blk blk/1 1
	    next blk
    head blk
[unknown: 5]
Yes Anton, thanks.
Anton, both of those functions you provided didn't seem to achieve 
what I was intending to do which was to format the block for easy 
selecting using 'select.
My example data contains "other data" which is probably confusing 
you, sorry.
[unknown: 5]
Anyone know what the discussions are regarding extending the alias 
function in REBOL3?  I have a bit ugly function that does something 
like that now.  What I'm talking about is the ability to alias for 
example find/only or find/case or instead of just find so that no 
refinement has to be supplied.  I submitted a wish for this some 
time ago and hoped it would make it in REBOL3 but don't know what 
is intended regarding that.
I checked the alpha and noticed that it still says it doesn't allow 
path! for its word argument.
Probably should move this question to R3 group
Gregg, thanks I will look into the ICS method.
I have a script that sends out a newsletter to several hundred people. 
Sometimes (often) the mail server will disconnect before all the 
emails are sent. What is the best way to make the script reconnect 
and continue sending?
[unknown: 5]
Here is a little function I made to handle a situation I often find 
myself in.  Say you got three words and want to do something if one 
of the words has a value other than false or none.  But you may want 
to do something else if two words have a true value or maybe all 
three and then if also if none have a value such as a default.  This 
is a very flexible function I created to allow you to do that: