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[Script Library] REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive

Shadwolf: <fine 1024 script burried one on top of another :) nice 

They are all tagged in various ways to help catalog and find relevant 
scripts, eg:

The tagging could do with an overhaui, so if you want to contribute 
to the quality of the Library without contributing scripts, then 
being a retagger is one way to achieve that.
Shedwolf..you really willnot bring the people back or interest new 
people by just repeating how everything is bad as you do now. If 
we need something, we need optimism, not negativism. Don't you really 
understand that?
Shadwolf could use rebol advocacy group.
He definitely does not do any "advocacy", except for advocating his 
own opinions
ladislav same goes for you no?
my own opinion is based on facts.  Sorry to remind you that ...
Cyphre there is no critics in what I say that's just what I see ... 
sorry If  what I see is negative.
now you can play  all is perfect in a fabulous world were we are 
all friend but your attitude toward me shows it isn't?
Cyphre asking for more clarity in R3 and R3/GUI after 2 reboot of 
R3/GUI project and 5 years of Alpha isn't an insult you know ...
110 + alpha version shows that noone including Carl knows where is 
going R3 or in what stage of it Carl will decide that's now it's 
a releasable product. We don't know after that if carl has more idea 
of evolutions regarding rebol, if the past suspendend stuff will 
be back in work and at which périodicity they will be release.  It's 
said that once R3 will be released and "stable"  then all those in 
suspension side rebol project will be updated and adapted to R3. 
But we don't know nothing else more and meanwhile rebol/service, 
rebol port , rebol/plugin, didn't changed since at least 2006
if you considere that the information buried here  is anough as way 
to share information I'm sorry to informe you it's not. that's all 
look if you are not able to do the documentation for your project 
I would prefere you to spend 1 hours with me explaining me your project 
how to contribute it's goal etc and out of this hour i publish a 
documentation french /english. See that's the level Zero of comunautary 
organisation but we don't even reach that. Each of you think has 
the time to do everything and in the end it's not.
Shadwolf, you have a problem understanding. Pekr suggested you were 
off-topic and suggested the Advocacy group. But, I suggested, that 
for your rants, the group was inappropriate as well. My observation 
still holds.
Thanks, Ladislav.
ladislav no i understand perfectly you want to isolate me to better 
ignore me ... that's your way
ladislav no i understand perfectly you want to isolate me to better 
ignore me

 - actually not, I just see, that you are trying to pollute other 
 channels to feel "not ignored". When you placed your rants properly, 
 you were ignored exactly for the reason why I do not want to have 
 your rants here.
ladislav I'm poluting ? watch your mouth please not being agreed 
with me don't gives you the right to insult me
I keep my right to maintain that you *are* polluting many groups, 
misplacing your messages where they don't belong.
ladislav problem is even going in the right group if any  existed 
then you won't talk to me neither :) basically you don't feel concerned 
by what I say all you want is the job done what ever means are used 
to achieve that basically I used to think that way too ...  But time 
passed things degradated and now r3 alpha is stuck and side projects 
like script library and View/Desktop are stuck too since they are 
related and on suspend until R3 is released ... So to me it isn't 
a miss placed  converstation since R3 futur is related to scriptlibrary 
futur ... We could is that down time to try to reflect on making 
this better but that's not a discussion you want to have anyway... 
 That's why the whole rebol world in 2011 is pretty much the same 
as it was in 2005..
I just submitted to rebol.org a 4 line script  and it took me 1 hour 
is it normal to spend 1 hours on the header formating  for just a 
copy past ?   Can't we in 2011 get ride of it and have a form that 
you fill and generate the header for your script ? This is the numberone 
pain in the ass thing that makes me vomit each time i use rebol.org 
I just submitted to rebol.org a 4 line script  and it took me 1 hour 
is it normal to spend 1 hours on the header formating  for just a 
copy past ?   Can't we in 2011 get ride of it and have a form that 
you fill and generate the header for your script ? This is the numberone 
pain in the ass thing that makes me vomit each time i use rebol.org 
sorry for the double post
ok then second point localting the contribute with your script button 
AND BE SHORT NAME IT "UPLOAD A SCRIPT" !!! Focus on those 2 points 
and i will use rebol.org waaaaaaaaaaay much more. If you want to 
go crazy fancy and make it super cool you can add a picture + text 
describtion  for the GUI based script... Those are the details that 
separate a boring website noone use and a super website use widely 
Remember what ever you do you have to make it easy it's rebol ...
member's loundge ??? OMG it took me 1 more hour to find it ... can't 
you please use things that ring bells into the commoners and stop 
using snobe description ?
Member's Lounge call it Member's profile
definatly there is too much text to read on rebol.org ... we are 
in 21th  century it's graphical and fancy eye candy era in case you 
didn't notice .. Less text Less Snobe description More images icons 
colors etc... and it's not only a CSS problem here is just I have 
to read alot and script alot scince all that could be resumed in 
1 nice looking icone bar ... pff ..
you should inspire your self from android market or app store ... 
seriously ... Make rebol.org goal like this Easy to get, Easy to 
Set. Only essential information provided ...
in my "member's loundge golf club for only snobish people that are 
snobe enough to still code in rebol"  ido you find normal to get 
the new about rebol community at the end of this page ??? I'm registered 
since 7 years in rebol.org and that's just now I notice it ..
that's the problem when you pile up things one on top of another 
without never get a second thought of ok what do i want people to 
absolutle see when they log in ?
What is the main information I want people to get their eye ball 
catch on ?  this is what lead most of the commercial website now 
in day ... Just apply that pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase !!!!
shadwolf you are looking really frustrated, I have got only two advices 
for you

1. visit a good psychologist who would help you with your daemons 
for a lot of money (the more money, the better help.) or

2. try to forget that rebol even exists and stop to do anything about 
Oh and for your information don't tell me that this all text wonder 
site is done for small device !! I have small device  like a smartphone 
and this is stupidly unreadable on it !!!
pavel i'm frustrated and people are happy with this insane rebol.org
pavel i have an advise for you to participate more in rebol community
pavel you don't care about rebol.org simply because you don't use 
it !!!
pavel you want me to stop bitching rebol.org then do the changes 
!! even the worst blog of incompetent people looks better than rebol.org. 
you want to be taken serriously you want rebol to be considere as 
a profesional level than do things like in 2011 and not like in 1992 
thank you ...
when i enter on rebol.org it's like i enter in a cementary or a museum 
!! it's not a place that's engaging people to get there often !
pavel you mean i should do like you ? cause it's been years since 
your last post here dude :)
pavel by the way my dear pavel friend this altme world is full of 
people that have completly forgot about rebol and don't give a damn 
anymore about it and it's more because of people like you than people 
like me :)
So does the rest of the world. Which means 10 billion people!  Pavel 
don't you find sad that the last year less than a hundred scripts 
have been submited to rebol.org ? don't you find sad the gurus main 
project around R3 are located on github and not anymore on rebol.org. 
Why they are using github and not rebol.org ? because rebol.org don't 
fit their needs that's the less we can say no ? Don't blame me because 
I notice things and instead of being the hypocrit way i choose the 
frantic way I notice too my dear pavel friend that you attack my 
mental stability but you don't  propose anything to reply to the 
points I notice and which are valid and widely noticeable.
So here are some stats to help you understand what we are talking 
about. Rebol.com exist since 7 years. there is 183 registred people 
apart Carl with 145 script and notchent with 105 script submited 
 the average script submition is 4 scripts per member registred. 
 Rebol.org was supposed to be the heart and the brain of rebol community 
7 years later we can notice that 10% of this is Carl Sassenrath and 
that in the last year less than a hundred scripts are uploaded.
So from those constatation and based on my personal experience  can't 
I try to explain why this is a faillure ?
and why this main community central point interest so fiew people 
around the world?
Don't you see that all the terrific information and all the effort 
to link things up is broken because of the  sad and sorry way to 
show things ? If Carl really want this boring website which won't 
surprise me since he can't  understand we changed century and that 
eye candy is the first thing then verywell do a side set of page 
with Eye candy modern rebol.org and put a borring  text button on 
your main page. Something like "If your are not an elite snobe click 
here this version of our website is for you"
another example of insane thing that makes me crazy .. why the script 
syntaxe color isn't done by default ... Why is there an anchor link 
to this feature ?? what is the need of it ... It's like you are saying 
"hu you know we did this syntaxe color feature but we are so elite 
and snobe that by default we don't use it because only plain text 
is for us"
can you some times be aware of the things you do and how you do them 
looking forward to your improved screen design, alphe