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Thanks guys.
Other scripts with the same problem.....there are a couple. 

About 10% of all scripts have at least one extended ASCII char....But 
most of them are acceptable in LATIN-1 code page / charset (eg copyright 
symbol, some accented letters). It's just a very few scripts that 
use 1/4 and similar symbols that cause the problem.

What other editors? Windows NOTEPAD is one example of a common one 
that gets this wrong.
Vim and Editor² display the chars incorrectly.
Notepad++ shows the chars correctly.
Of the various editors / word processors I have immediately to hand:

-- credit.exe -- [my usual editor] shows incorrect chars, and has 
no option to switch to UTF-8

-- open office writer -- works fine if you take the UTF-8 option 
when asked
-- ms word -- claims file is corrupt
-- word perfect -- makes a complete mess

-- R2/View's built in editor ( editor %/c/path to my local copy//ascii-math.r) 
-- shows incorrect chars
Vim supports unicode and on my system shows the characters correctly.
Ok, so there are some editors which don't support unicode, don't 
guess encoding correctly, or can change encoding only with difficulty.

How about this suggestion; if a rebol.org script is known to be UTF-8, 
then an additional link should appear:

[Download as ASCII] download-a-script?script-name=ascii-math.r&encoded-as=8-bit-ascii
which transcodes a UTF-8 file to ASCII.
Just have to get a conversion function in place for this to work.
Sunanda: given that R2 uses the host current code page, I think the 
best way would be for the user to convert the script after downloading 
it. On Linux or Mac for eg, UTF-8 is perfect for Core scripts as 
the terminal is UTF-8. On Windows or for View scripts, you'll get 
the host code page displayed anyway, so the user has to do the conversion. 
A tool to do that automatically would be nice (I have the code, it 
will be released soon, but you may need to wait a couple weeks more).
All these troubles go away with R3... but I think it would be nice 
if R2 recognized UTF-8 and converted it on the fly; we could add 
a BOM at the beginning to make that easier.
Anton: you're right Vim does display the file correctly, although 
not by default. I guess it helps when you read the manual. :-)
Gabriele: Where is the host code page set?
On Windows, is it set differently for View and Core?

Is that why the downloaded script works as expected in View but not 
in Core?
Yes, use of BOM has its own troubles. I don't think it's a good idea.
swall, yes, strange, I can't remember configuring vim for utf-8 (I 
don't use it regularly), but it displayed correctly straight away 
for me. Must be some dark config option or something...
Thanks everyone.

I think our first step is to add a warning to any download for scripts 
that contain UTF-8 chars.

So, for that I need a function:

     utf-8?: func [data [string!] [ ...]   ; returns true or false [and 
     perhaps "not sure" in ambiguous cases]

I've done the easy part :-)
Can anyone help with the difficult "..." part ?

It is not as simple as just looking for ASCII > 128 .... some high 
ASCII is acceptable as part of, say, ISO 8859-1
I have a function which finds utf-8 multi byte character sequences 
in a string. Given the code ranges for mulit-byte characters, it 
would be rare to find such a sequence accidentally.
It's about 65 lines so rather than post it here I will email you 
a copy.
Ok, so things seem to be proceeding well. The rebol.org Library's 
support for utf-8 was actually stronger than thought, and what're 
being added are functions to help deal with legacy client apps which 
misidentify the file encoding.
It's not just legacy client apps unless you consider all Rebol/View 
scripts as legacy apps.
Yes, I do.
I understand what you mean, and obviously the definition of "legacy" 
is a bit fuzzy.
Using Peter's code (thanks again!), I've made two changes to the 
download-a-script link:

1. if we find UTF-8 chars in a script, we download it with the HTTP 
content type charset=utf-8

But that probably makes no practical difference.  A downloaded script 
will be saved by the browser, and then opened by a text editor. The 
text editor is unlikey to be passed the charset setting. So:

2. Scripts with UTF-8 encoding are downloaded with a few lines of 
comment at their top. The comment explains the possible problem.

Thanks to all for the comments and help with getting things this 
Sundanda, good job, I was hoping you'd do that, and you did.
I'm interested in the utf-8 detection function. Can it be published?
sunanda:  I have a feature proposal for you  :-)

it would be nice to be able to supply a single picture to link with 
the scripts. this image (jpg, png, gif) would have hefty size limitation 
and I think only one image per script should be enough, but having 
this alongside the various listings of the application and within 
searches, new scripts, etc would be really cool.

sometimes, if you see a thumbnail (ui grab, console example, logo, 
output gfx, whatever), it will help raise people's curiosity.  this 
could probably benefit quite a few scripts, which are possibly overlooked.

having a simple search filter of scripts with pics, could also help 
people to quickly find usefull things at a glance.

what do you think?  it could start out really simple, and slowly 
thumbnails could creep into various listings of scripts.
maybe, we could eventually have more than one picture, like pics 
which are specifically tagged as gui screenshots, for example.
Nice idea, thanks ..... Let me think about it.
cool, let me know if you want to test it, I'll be happy to supply 
imgs for my scripts.
re:pictures. Some but not all scripts also have docs, so that might 
be a good place to add them.For those that don't,a clickable small 
you mean add the pictures at the header of docs?  or allow us to 
use the pics within the docs?
Max, I assumed you meant have the pic on the main page for the script, 
eg for liquid.r you'd see a thumbnail here:
That's a nice idea, though there are some technical CSS issues......For 
example, the actual script is displayed in a <pre> block. That means 
images may not float where you'd expect them. It'll take some experimentation 
to find the best way to do it.
....Maybe a better slot for a thumbnail would be in the LHS menu, 
just under the <Script Library Home> link. That would keep it out 
of the flow of the page.
Please suggest better ideas :-)
Hi, I am very new to Rebol so appologies if my questions are very 

I have been trying to use functions & examples from the library by 
pasting them into the REBOL/View console. When I do this I find most 
of them produce errors or lock up the console so I have to restart 
it.  What am I doing wrong please? Is there some trick to this that 
is so obvious that no one has mentioned it?

give me an example of such script. The thing might be, that some 
scripts are already dated, but most of them should work ...
There are two file versions in the library, one for viewing, one 
for downloading. Did you use the one
from http://www.rebol.org/download-a-script.r?script-name=....r
Maybe the other ones have problems.

I checked your library example from the I'm new group producing errors.

There is probably a weakness, as the script does not regard comment 
A short enhancement would be
parse-ini-file: func [
    file-name [file!]
   /local ini-block
 ini-block: copy []
    current-section: copy []
    foreach ini-line read/lines file-name [
		if #";" <> first ini-line [ ; do not process comment lines
			section-name: ini-line
			error? try [section-name: first load/all ini-line]
			either any [
				error? try [block? section-name]
				not block? section-name
				parsed-line: parse/all ini-line "="
				append last current-section parsed-line/1
				append last current-section parsed-line/2
				append ini-block current-section
				current-section: copy []
				append current-section form section-name
				append/only current-section copy []
			] ;; either
    ] ;; for
 append ini-block current-section
 return to-hash ini-block
Thanks, sqlab......That works fine. (I should read the documentation 
in future before writing the script :)
I've updated the script in the Library:
Thanks for your attenton to my questions. 

It seems I stumbled across the need for support of comments in ini 
files. I was also trying to cut & paste from the viewing version 
of some scripts, rather than the download version as I did not realise 
there was a destinction.  It is also possiable that my cut & pastes 
were not complete perhaps, as the scripts that would not run like 
that before seem to work ok now.

I notice that a lot of things show anomolous behaviour when used 
by inexperienced users who lack confidence. It is like they know 
who they can play tricks on, & who won't stand for it.
Cut'n'paste ought to work. Though the download format is safer as 
it has been less processed (no escaping of embedded HTML codes etc).

I can sympathise -- I generally notice _any_ new device I buy (from 
computers to wrist watches) won't work for the first half hour or 
so, But as soon as I start to think that either it's defective, or 
I am very stupid, then it starts to play fair.

Animism is still a good first attempt at understanding the universe 
sunanda, sorry I missed the post where you added image support!  
wow.  will check it out immediately.
sorry, misread the post... you where asking for comments... not saying 
you did it hehehe.
yes, in the script description above the start of the script, under 
the :

     [View in color]   [View discussion [1 post]]    [License]   [Download 
     script]    [History]  [Other scripts by: moliad]

menu... just a list of uploaded images with a one line caption when 
you click on it, showing the full image. obviously, you should impose 
strinct size limits, enforcing proper compression.  and potentially 
a maximum size.
strinct = collation of stringent and strict   ;-D
I meant to say "merge of"
Thanks Maxim, that's helpful.......Not sure when I can start twiddling 
with something like that, but it's on my list.
Just replied to a Feedback message sent to REBOL.org about the Script 
> When will the current script library "die"?

[The questioner suggests that R3 incompatibilities may mean we simply 
purge all R2 scripts to create an R3-only Library]

My response......

Thanks for the question. The simple answer is: I hope never.


Coincidentally, I have just started an exercise in seeing how many 
of my contributions to the Script Library will port with few or no 
changes.  The results are encouraging so far:

I know some of my scripts will be obsoleted by R3. They can stay 
in the Library as R2-only resources.  I am hoping many of the rest 
will be code compatible between R2 and R3, so they will work either 


Ladislav has also commented on his early porting experience:

There is some discussion of the issue on the REBOL3 AltME world:


The Library has a flexible tagging method for scripts, see:

We can very easily add tags for (say)

Or whatever seems the best set to help partition the scripts into 
R2, R3, or both.

Hope that helps a little!
The Needs header works in R3, and is only checked on DO, not LOAD.
The explicit named Needs loads modules rather than checks components, 
but the straight version Needs works the same.
I'd noticed that change -- it's a good one, thanks.