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[View] discuss view related issues

it doesn't change the speed, since there are no newlines.
this looks double buffered - does REBOL use this by default?
I would think that any console text output would significantly slow 
down animated graphics
the refresh is manually limited to 50 fps, which occurs when dragging, 
and uses less than 1% cpu on my 5 year old machine.
no, what kills the speed is when you do newlines, especially if the 
lines are long.
what about the dubble buffering?
the system I am using now, is doing double buffering.  the AGG is 
rendered on the raster, and the call to show, tells view to update 
the window's bitmap so it reflects the changes to the raster.
the raster being a pre-allocated image! which I use with the  'draw 
looked flicker-free, so I assumed it was
cool thing is that if we don't blank the bg manually, we actually 
get a persistent buffer, and can do things like winamp visualizers 
but that means using face effects (and hence going thru view and 
back) which will kill the speed pretty quickly  :-(
why would this kill speed?
is it view being slow or just doing these kinds of effects in REBOL 
that is not so fast?
I thought I remembered some pretty fast animations (with effects) 
done by cyphre some years ago - he bypassed view effects for those?
image processing requires a lot of CPU juice.

 we have to render the AGG, use the bitmap in a face, apply an effect 
 on it, and then re-create a new bitmap out of it.  we aren't just 
 drawing/effecting over and over the same image memory area but creating 
 a new image at every refresh.

it would be nice if there was a complement to the 'draw function 
called 'effect.  maybe its in R3, or maybe it should be.
sure it's slow - especially at today's fullscreen resolutions - that's 
a lot of pixels to process per second - maybe a view extension for 
offloading some of that on the GPU is in the works
wrt console I/O killing gfx speed.... with my new high-performance 
chrono lib, here are the results for printing... compared to a single 
(average) call to sine. 

[print ""]

[prin "."]

[sine 45]
updated the animated vector projection tests script:

-uses the chrono library for more precise time management.

-now has option to prevent clearing the image at each refresh (feedback), 
press enter

-you can also manually increase and decrease max frame-rate on mouse 
drag using arrows.


on my system, I can easily go up to a 100fps before feeling lag.
I get 32 fps - surprised it's not higher
I also see current rate typically of 32fps/ current (max) rate shows 
as 40.00000000001 (plus or minus a zero)
hmm, I'm guessing it's not a system dependent limit - hard to believe 
that we have exactly the same specs
Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but I simply get a black 
screen when trying the latest update.  I was able to view the initial 
demo.  Tried view and
still works here
worked fine on my work laptop, but not my older desktop PC.
Same as brock : just a black screen. WinXP 32 SP2 / Rebol
interesting - I'm guessing it's the offscreen buffer - maybe can't 
be alocated or flipped to properly - maybe a video card/video driver 
issue. Brock/Didec, are the video cards you're using of the onboard 
type with shared memory?
The desktop is not an on-board graphics card, the laptop would be. 
 In both cases I'm not certain about the memory.
Hi! Hope this is the right place to ask... I'm using (not 
that it should matter for this question)...
I would like to use and re-use vid "panel" gui elements. Something 
like: view layout [style gint panel [text "label:" field 100 "0"] 
 x: gint (x) y: gint (y)]
The idea is that somehow (magically?) the panel could specify an 
aggregate UI element so I could reuse just a few styles that have 
their formats baked in. Any ideas? Or should I come up with a better 
Preferably, this would be done at view definition time as shown above.


 seems to show a way to handle it, but it's clumsier than I would 
 like and doesn't handle the text labels.
Does stylize provide what you need?
Hi JoshF, do you want a style (eg. your 'gint') that is simply replaced 
by two other styles (eg. a TEXT and a FIELD) as if you had simply 
specified them individually yourself, or do you want a panel each 
time (which contains the other faces) ?
A simple approach that might work for you is to build your layout 
spec block before passing to LAYOUT.
make-gint: func [label int][compose [label (label) field 100 (mold 

window-spec: compose [title "Food calculator" (make-gint "Elephants 
to invite" 65536)]
append window-spec make-gint "Peanuts/elephant" 5000
view layout window-spec
Check out this doc from 2007 as well.
Hi! Thanks for the replies!

Sunanda, I am using stylize (as shown in the example below). Anton, 
I don't mind having a panel because I need to keep the data grouped 
to access it generically after the user has set values. Here is a 
better example showing what I'm trying to do. Essentially, I want 
to create an "aggregate" widget using a styled panel, then initialize 
its elements the same way as is done for the built-in VID styles:

    REBOL [Title: "Node Property Sheet" Author: oofoe] 
    ; This example will not actually work as intended.
    s: stylize [
    	title: vtext red 256
    	label: text 64
    	gpath: panel [

      across  label "Path:"  field 150 "Unspecified"  button "..." 30]
    	gint: panel [across  label "Integer:"  field 50 "0"]
    	gnumber: panel [across  label "Number:"  field 75 "0.0"]
    view layout/size [
    	styles s
    	title "Project Settings"

     gpath "main" %. ; <-- I want to just specify the label text and value.
    	gint "width" 1024
    	gint "height" 768
    	gnumber "fps" 23.97
    ] 384x256

The nice thing about this (from my perspective) is that I can iterate 
through the property panel fields, find any recongized styles and 
pickup their values (that have been set by the user) using a hacked 
version of get-face. 

Am I making sense? I just feel that there should be a way to set 
relevant panel values when you're using the style. Thanks!
It definitely makes sense, and I wanted to do this many times myself, 
but I just never got around to doing it.
It seems like the "do-facets" section in the "layout" source is the 
key (or close to the key) for doing this. There *is* a generic system 
for handling this, but it's not documented (!) and the layout source 
is far too clever for me to easily figure it out... ; - )
Possibly a style should define a function that is used by layout 
to set it's values. If so, I can do that with "with" and the problem 
is solved...
Yep, LAYOUT style-specific sub-dialects are possible by messing with 
the MULTI facet, or with the WORDS facet.
or better, with the FACETS facet.
Try this:
stylize/master [
	gint: panel [across label 200 field] with [
		multi: make multi [
			text: func [face blk][ ; <- strings
				if pick blk 1 [
					print ["Text:" mold blk/1]

     ; Do nothing (prevents the default PANEL/MULTI/TEXT from setting 
     the panel's face text).
					;  print mold get in svv/vid-styles/PANEL/multi 'text
			size: func [face blk][ ; <- pairs and integers
				if pick blk 1 [
					if integer? pick blk 1 [
						print ["Integer:" blk/1]
						; Do nothing.

      ; I was going to set the integer field's text to this number directly, 
      but the panel's

      ; subfaces haven't been created (in its PANE) at the time the MULTI 
      functions are processed.

      ; So then I thought I'd use FACE/DATA to store this value and then 
      set the field's text

      ; later in INIT, but thought better of it, since I found it's easier 
      to parse FACETS,

      ; and I don't feel comfortable using the panel's DATA facet to store 
      a value of only
						; one of its subfaces.
						;face/data: blk/1
		append init [
			;?? texts
			;?? facets
			context [
				lbl: pane/1
				fld: pane/2
				foreach val facets [
					case [
						string? val [lbl/text: val]
						integer? val [fld/text: form val]
view window: layout [
	gint "Elephants to invite" 481
	gint "Peanuts / elephant" 5000
	btn "Calc"
OK... Hang on, I'm just trying to figure understand all this...

So the "facets" value inside the init/context is just the arguments 
to the style in the original layout?
Thank for the example, Anton! Mind: Blown. I know Kung-f... I mean, 
how VID initialization works!

Here's my cleaned up (and working!) test program. It should be a 
little more generic than your example, since it will set values until 
it runs out of facets or pane items. Label styles are treated specially 
though, as you can see. Maybe now I can fix their set-face method...

    REBOL [Title: "Node Property Sheet" Author: oofoe] 
    ; Special thanks to Anton on altme/Rebol/View! 
    s: stylize [
    	title: vtext red 256
    	label: text 64
    	agg: panel with [
    		multi: make multi [
    			text: func [face blk][]
    			size: func [face blk][]
    			decimal: func [face blk][]
    		append init [
    			context [
    				p: pane  f: facets
    				while [all [not tail? p  not tail? f]] [
    					either 'label = p/1/style [
    						p/1/text: f/1
    					] [
    						set-face p/1 f/1
    					p: next p  f: next f
    	gpath: agg [

      across  label "Path:"  field 150 "Unspecified"  button "..." 30]
    	gint: agg [across  label "Integer:"  field 50 "0"]
    	gnumber: agg [across  label "Number:"  field 75 "0.0"]
    view layout [
    	styles s
    	title "Project Settings"
    	gpath "main" %. 
    	w: gint "width" 1024
    	h: gint "height" 768
    	gnumber "fps" 23.97

This is so cool! I am excited!
Here's the agg style with get-face doing what I want (returning the 
field name with everything else in a list, suitable for dropping 
into a key/value list):

	agg: panel with [
		multi: make multi [
			text: func [face blk][]
			size: func [face blk][]
			decimal: func [face blk][]
		append init [
			context [
				p: pane  f: facets
				while [all [not tail? p  not tail? f]] [
					either 'label = p/1/style [
						p/1/text: f/1
					] [
						set-face p/1 f/1
					p: next p  f: next f
		access/get-face*: func [face /local p label x] [
			p: face/pane
			label: to-word p/1/text  

			p: next p
			x: copy []
			while [not tail? p] [append x get-face p/1  p: next p]

			return reduce [label x]
Well, thankyou for asking the question. It's nice to see your working 
result, too.