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[View] discuss view related issues

Yes, I've tried to do that but it doesn't seem to work.
I'll put a wait and see
OK, I'm getting close.
Yup, the wait does the trick. Thanks Henrik.
ok, cool
yes, the wait allows the event system to act like an async system. 

just be careful though, you can get lost in concurrency and get apps 
which close all windows but don't actually close the rebol process, 
which ends up in an event deadlock.    :-)
Yes, I actually saw that in my tests as well. For now this one "wait" 
seems to be doing its job and I just hope it is not system-dependent 
in terms of the time I have set the wait for.
Can someone confirm this issue: secure allow permits all access, 
but library access still pops up security window.

>> secure allow

== [net allow library allow shell allow registry allow envr allow 
file allow]

>> dll: load/library %REb-Excel.dll
** Access Error: REBOL - Security Violation
** Near: dll: load/library %REb-Excel.dll
The problem still there even I start rebol.exe with -s option.
But if I start rebol.exe with --secure option then it doesn't pop 
up security check window. I tested this on Windows XP/2008.
So it looks -s and --secure don't behave same. Which can be a bug 
in current R2/View.
I've never had the problem. (even on w7)
I always use -qs.
secure allow should behave like that, right?
AFAIK yes.
if we don't use --secure allow or -s.
so maybe there is a bug within the secure function.  did you check 
yep, I checked rambo, no ticket for this.
I've never seen this either. But all my scripts that use load/library 
are started with -s... (or encapped)
that is strange.. I'll test it again in a few days, the PC is on 
a customer place..
This example, in REBOL/View Developer's Guide was working before, 
but now gradmul effect doesn't give the expected result. I tested 
it on View V2. and

view layout [
    backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 180.0.0 0.0.100]
    vh2 "Layout Definition:" 200x22 yellow
        effect [gradmul 1x0 50.50.50 128.128.128]

    vtext bold italic "Layouts describe graphical user interfaces."
    button "Remember" effect [gradient 0.0.0]
hmm.. if I give a second color for VH2 then it works as expected. 
Some lastest changes affected this I think.

view layout [
    backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 180.0.0 0.0.100]
    vh2 "Layout Definition:" 200x22 yellow red
        effect [gradmul 1x0 50.50.50 128.128.128]

    vtext bold italic "Layouts describe graphical user interfaces."
    button "Remember" effect [gradient 0.0.0]
because the face is transparent, and modifying it (not creating new 
images) you have to merge the background... this change occured a 
long time ago (draw V2 IIRC).

in your second example, it works only because you set the face color, 
which is then multiplied. 

first example, fixed:

view layout [
    backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 180.0.0 0.0.100]
    vh2 "Layout Definition:" 200x22 yellow
        effect [ MERGE gradmul 1x0 50.50.50 128.128.128]

    vtext bold italic "Layouts describe graphical user interfaces."
    button "Remember" effect [gradient 0.0.0]
Ok, thank you. I understand. Earlier versions of 2.7.x it wasn't 
like this as I remember. (or am I getting older?:) )
yeah, its been like that a long time, its just an edge case which 
people don't hit often.   you probably where using faces with colors 
and you didn't realize it.
There is a very annoying bug on View (, can anyone confirm 
that? Please see the code below:
fnt: make face/font [
	name: "Courier New"
	size: 14
	align: 'left
	valign: 'top
	color: white

f: make face [color: blue / 2 edge: none size: 300x200 text: "" font: 
window: layout/size [] 500x400
insert window/pane :f
loop 500 [insert f/text " "]
append f/text "test"
view window
It doesn't matter how many space character you put in to face/text, 
it always shows the text after spaces, on the second line.

I tried f/line-line: none etc. If I replace spaces with anything 
else then it works as expected. But space chars somehow ignored by 
the face.
I can only find a workaround, I use #{A0} (no-break space, alt + 
0160) character instead of normal space #{20}. Then it works ok.
no-wrap ?
as-is ?
t: join head insert/dup copy "" " " 500 "test"
view layout [text t white blue]

t: join head insert/dup copy "" " " 500 "test"
view layout [text t white blue 'as-is]
Just to make Graham's suggestion explicit.
The word doesn't have to be literal:

view layout [text t white blue as-is]
No it doesn't change the result.
To test it give a width for the text:

t: join head insert/dup copy "" " " 500 "test"
view layout [text 100x400 t white blue as-is]

 is still on the second line.

I tried as-is, line-list: none, I need to use wrap?: yes. Otherwise 
I have to my own wrap function which I don't have time to do.
Here is the difference:
t1: join head insert/dup copy "" #{20} 500 "test"
t2: join head insert/dup copy "" #{A0} 500 "test"

view layout [text 100x400 t1 white blue as-is return text 100x400 
t2 white red as-is]
I would call that a feature, not a bug.  The (normal) breaking space 
allows word wrapping to split between words, rather than in the middle 
of words...
How can you call that a feature? The text field is 100 pixels width, 
I put 500 space chars and then a word after that, and the word appears 
on the second line of the text field. Where is that 500 chars? Even 
if you insert new spaces (let say 1000 more) the word position doesn't 

If you think it as a html document (all whilte-spaces treated as 
one space char) then why it stands on the second line?
And the problem is you cannot read a file and put it into a face/text 
IF the document have lots of spaces at the beginning, even if you 
use as-is.
This should show you what's going on:

view/new layout [T: text 100x400 {Text} white blue as-is]
loop 50 [insert T/text { } show T wait 0.2]
Endo, this behavior is common to many, if not most, word wrapping 
algorithm. It makes no sense to wrap the spaces themselves to the 
second line; OTOH, it can be argued that it makes no sense to have 
more than one space in a sequence as well, so it's hard to say what 
is the best behavior.
Graham: I know this, but what if you should have those spaces?

Izkata: Yes this could an example as well. My second example shows 
the problem exactly.

Gabriele: I think the best behavior is to keep text as it is. (at 
least we should have this option, using as-is etc.)

If a text document is formatted with spaces (think that using a propotional 
font, take the old Amiga Autodocs files as example) you can never 
put those texts into a face/text. Face/text is not a document like 
html, even if it would be more than one space chars should be treated 
as one space char. 

So I'm still thinking that it is a word-wrap bug in the View engine.
Keeping text as is means not breaking lines. If you break them, you're 
not keeping it as is, and have to make a decision where to break 
Should you break it at any point? Only before a space? Only after 
a space?

Imagine you have "aXXword" where I replaced spaces by an X. How would 
you break it?




You're saying that REBOL should do like in the second example. That 
would be unacceptable in most cases though; REBOL does like in the 
third example, which is what makes the most sense in the most cases. 
You have a more specific case, where it's probably best to just use 
NBSP or to come up with your own line breaking algorithm.
Take the Izakata's example: you are inserting spaces to the beginning 
of a face/text. It "works" to some point and then it stops changing 
the face/text. (well it changes the text itself but doesn't show 
it on the face)

I mean that, it should somehow break the line even if the line has 
spaces (wrap before/after/somewhere). Take any text editor, they 
somehow does word-wrapping.

Think that you have two paragraph text and there are, say 100 spaces 
between them, you don't have a chance to put that text directly into 
a face/text. Replacing all spaces to NBSP is not a complete solution 
because NBSP is not a whitespace char so they are not wrapped until 

In the current situation: "if your face is 50px width and word wrap 
is on, then you cannot put 100 spaces between any two words in the 
face/text (face cannot display those text correctly)"
This looks still a major bug to me..
The situation you describe is in no way different than the above 
examples. Just increase the number of Xs - you only end up with *more* 
possibilities of where to break. Where would you break? From the 
way you describe it, you seem to want to break like in example (2). 
Show me anything that does *word* wrapping and produces the result 
as in (2).
Ok, I tried different text editors to see the word wrap behaviours, 
they all have different behaviours. Now I see your point.

I thought that it is a bug (and still feel like that) because "it 
doesn't matter how many spaces you insert to the beginning, "test" 
doesn't move after some point" (How it should move? you asked, I 
don't know, but it SHOULD move somehow if I constantly add more spaces)

All the other tools (notepad, notepad++, editplus etc.) behaves different 
than each other. They wrap the line, if you add more spaces after 
some point they move (push) the text down or right or somewhere. 
But they move it anyway. They don't stop somewhere.
Anyway, thank you for your time & responses.
The best solution would be to have options you can set so you get 
the behavior you want. Alternatively, access to the lower levels 
so tthat you can do the typesetting yourself. Too much abstraction 
is as harmful as too little.
view layout [f: text-list data ["aaa" "bbb" "aaa" "ccc"] [probe f/picked]]

When I click on "aaa" both lines are selected. Do I missing something 
or is it a bug in text-list?
When use CTRL click, no chance to get both "aaa" in f/picked