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[View] discuss view related issues

Kru, yep, definitely like your style Kru. Just skimming your codes, 
nice and clean. Your multiple colours handling looks smart, too. 
Something I haven't implemented so fully and nicely.
Anton your knobs are nice too, more posibilities than in my design
Anton if you want, use my code - this is probably enough for my purpose 
so I'm going to focus on other elements (now I've got sample window 
in my mind). BTW design of the knobs is inspired by Roland SH1000 
Kru and Anton. Both excellent demos! Should we add a folder on Viewtop 
for custom styles?
Probably yes. There are some good styles around there but it might 
be hard to find them
Draw style constest ?
Can I play too ?
do http://membres.lycos.fr/didec/rebol/stick-style.r
DiceC that's really nice! I really like it. Did you tried it with 
non-fixed positions of the stick?
Yep, but :
- Not easy to set value by mouse (as said before).

- Effect (fill-pen) is not "mathematicaly" link to stick angle (don't 
find a formula), so hard to do for any value.
très joli !! (very nice )
there is a tiny bug in your algo didec
drag the stick at what ever position stay with the mouse button down 
and you will see the pair position text to be increment every seconds
Kru nice job why not to include this kind of mad widgets to rebgui 
mad but beauty full and original way to symbolise things like meters 
can be used for example to symbolise network in/outgoing trafic :)
can ease t
some configuration range too instead of having a silder and a progress 
I like the 3 kind of widgets both of you shows ;)
shadwolf why not, what's the difference between VID and REBGui widget?
It's not a bug but an intented behavior : it's a pair input style. 
There is for steps, each step can add any value to the pair. The 
repeat speed is also a parameter.

 stick-style speed 8 steps [1 2 5 10] ==> 8 is the repeat speed (rate) 
 and 1, 2, 5 and 10 are the values added to the pair!, depending how 
 you move the stick.

 stick-style value-mode decimal! ==> value is a block of 2 decimal! 
 values rather than a pair!
Nice Dide. :)
I have been looking at  feel/redraw  in more detail for the last 
couple of days.
And feel/redraw is a nice place to detect changes to the face, eg. 
when face/data changes, you can update the visual state of the face.
You can also do face/action when face/data changes. However, I found 
that it is *not* a good place to use TO-IMAGE (which might be in 
the face/action), because the latest image of the face has not been 
rendered yet.  Redraw's 'draw action occurs just *before* the face 
is rendered. So to get a chance to make a snapshot of the face using 
TO-IMAGE, I propose a  new redraw action, 'view, be sent after the 
face has fully rendered, allowing TO-IMAGE to be used at the right 
Here is a demo showing the problem:
view layout [
	pic: image
	b: box 100x100 sky with [data: 1] effect [draw []] feel [
		redraw: func [face action position][
			?? action
			if action = 'draw [
				insert clear face/effect/draw compose [
					fill-pen navy
					box 10x0 (as-pair 30 face/size/y * face/data * 0.01)
				pic/image: to-image face
				;show pic ; causes a stack overflow

 btn "change" [print "change" b/text: form b/data: random 100 show 
 b show pic]
The top image gets the result of TO-IMAGE of the box.
Does anyone else think that might be useful, and should I post a 
rambo ticket to request that ?
I understand that this extra action might slow View down a bit, so 
perhaps it could be switched on using a flag like   face/options: 
Kru, I noticed some things in your demo code: tachomtr.r
- COPY COMPOSE not needed, COMPOSE does a copy for you already.
- repeat i 10 [...]

where i is not used in the code block (you have a couple of those)
can become
  loop 10 [...]

This saves creating a context with the word 'i in it each time (which 
is what REPEAT does internally).
Anton thanks, I'll fix it
Ok, I don't need the new action anymore; I simply avoid recursion 
possibly caused by the face/action by setting flag. Here is a demo 
showing face action trying to recurse, and redraw catching this using 
the flag:
view layout [
		pic: image

  b: box 100x100 sky with [data: 1 old-data: none doing-action?: none] 
  effect [draw []] feel [
			redraw: func [face action position][
				if all [
					action = 'draw 
					not face/doing-action?
					face/data <> face/old-data
					insert clear face/effect/draw compose [
						fill-pen navy
						box 10x0 (as-pair 30 face/size/y * face/data * 0.01)
					face/doing-action?: yes
					face/action face face/data ; action may cause recursion
					face/doing-action?: no
					face/old-data: face/data
			; the action block
			show face
			pic/image: to-image face
			show pic


  btn "change" [print "change" b/text: form b/data: random 100 show 
  b show pic]
It's good (took me hours to arrive at this simple solution :)  Now 
the action block can do whatever it likes, including showing the 
face, and redraw can handle it.
Yep, I'm so happy about this. I'll be running around all my old styles 
updating them with this trick. Now I can continue with my more robust 
Good find, I think it may be the answer to a few of my redraw problems 
as well! ;)
Might make a good cookbook entry as well.
Is it possible to make View evaluate an expression and send the output 
to STDOUT under Windows? I'm not having any luck with my attempts:

	C:\Program Files\rebol\view\rebol.exe --do "print probe system"

This just opens the View Desktop, and doesn't seem to eval the statement.
I think this is as good as it gets:
    rebol -s --do "echo %out.txt probe system quit"
    type out.txt
hmm ... that doesn't do it either. I decided to get Core and use 
that for my purposes.
(Working on rebol-helper functionality for Vim)
rebol -qw some-script.r | more
(you don't see the output if there is no redirection)
also, try -c
My problem was that invoking View's rebol.exe always seems to pull 
up the Desktop.
do you have "launch desktop at startup" set?
but, if you provide a script, the desktop won't open.
oops, yes I did have it set to start the desktop automatically
--do should override that, but currently it doesn't.
oh, okay.