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[View] discuss view related issues

Levelarc is nice but unfortunately shows some small but noticeable 
inaccuracies in agg (implementation ?). Not a showstopper and hopefully 
they will be fixed in good time.
Anton, here's small idea for future improvements - leverarc should 
be able to change it's colour from green through yellow to red when 
changing value :)
Mmm. I think I've seen that somewhere...
I'll stick it in the ToDo list. :)
[unknown: 10]
Actualy it would be nice to see some final Linux 1.3 this month... 
Im leaking intrest currently while only Windows version is released.. 
Its a pitty..
IIm not often complaining but Im getting a bit disapointed about 
this.....Well anyway.. Im killing GUI time here with some alternatives...Hope 
RT do  thier best..
We should not complain here probably, as this group has web-public 
flag and is web-visible :-) But, you are probably right. Rebol is 
meant being cross-platform. It was said SDK and other platforms will 
come shortly after. We all probably differ in what does "soon" mean. 
E.g. no single last year devcon announced technology change was delivered 
yet, and that is not a good signal.
RT showed very good signal when they choosed few of community members 
to bring us View 1.3. But I thought things will go faster. Some kind 
of Rebol DLL was talked about in the past, which would bring us some 
parts of Rebol open sourced, to be ported faster. Now we wait for 
Linux "recompile" of View 1.3 for so long and noone does know why. 
I would expect blog article covering "What's next" and especially 
Although blogs are meant to be personal, being RT I would really 
ommit articles like "Yep ... REBOL summertime", as it shows RT in 
VERY bad light, being kind of one-man home company, which simply 
sends message like "we are on a vacation, don't expect much activity 
in upcoming weeks" ....
But maybe otoh it is better for us to know reality = there may be 
some slow-down, instead of thinking we will get product updates tomorrow 
Other strange factor I noticed, and correct me if my feelings about 
it are wrong somehow. The same way as Altme "has stolen" some life 
from ml, once there are some business oportunities for top rebollers 
(and I really wish it to all of them), community seems to be kind 
of dying. We can see ppl like Cyphre, Doc being almost invisible 
in the sense of community activity (posts to ml, or even here on 
altme) ...
... currently there is probably no single project running (well, 
maybe except RebGUI). Maybe it would be good if Rebol.NET would feature 
links to some top rebol products/projects (Maarten's bundle?) IIRC 
Carl mentioned it is a good idea, so maybe I could put small reminder 
about that in RAMBO? (if this is the right place, but I think it 
is ...)
a nebo rovnou trista tisic
ALtME always pops to front and I did not notice
never mind, just gimme those 300K :-)
Kru: settings -> unseect activate window on new message or some such
Now we wait for Linux 

recompile" of View 1.3 for so long and noone does know why." You 
do. Fonts.
What is with fonts - it was said - "it needs to be decided". Doc 
decision takes so long? If that is not solvable, we have to think 
about font-engine licensing or creation of our own, or is there any 
other way?
Doc = Does
Tomc: thanks!
http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/fonts.html, they say "The GD, Agg, 
and Paint backends all support freetype fonts, which provide high 
quality, anti-aliased font rendering to PNG and JPEG output without 
X support.". Not directly usable for us, its a python plotting lib. 
But maybe something can be learned from the source, or asking them?
http://freetype.sourceforge.net/license.htmlfreetype can be credits-bsd. 
and i guess every distro has an easy way to install it, if it is 
to big.
http://www.freetype.org/freetype2/index.html"can return the outline 
data (and control instructions/hints) to client applications", i 
guess thats what is needed for vector-fonts?
When installing view (1.3), the dirctory containing %public/, %desktop/ 
folders, etc, can be put anywhere in the filesystem, but is there 
a way to find out where they are stored from within rebol? system/user/home 
would have been an obvious choice for me, but it is 'none.
Searched around in Notepad (write %System.txt mold system) to find 

>> skip find mold system {RebOSFiles} -30
== {  view-root: %/c/Izkata/Rebol/RebOSFiles/
        pop: unset
        screen-face: unset
        save-user: func [
>> ? view-root		;Thar ye go  =^)
VIEW-ROOT is a file of value: %/c/Izkata/Rebol/RebOSFiles/
Thanks Izkata,

seems today is the day of "learn to do it yourself" ... ;-)
Interesting how much you can find, if you remember how to do it.
Is this a bug?
view layout [
	btn "Press me" [
		show-popup layout [btn "Close" [hide-popup]]
While you close the popup, event loop ends.
It give same result uner 1.2.48 and 1.3.1
OK, bug or not, it works with 'inform instead of 'show-popup.
if you use show-popup then you need your do-events. see inform. :)
I have a iterated face that draws some text at different x-offset 
postions. Than the user can change some things and text will be drawn 
at other x-offset postions. The problem is, that the text drawn first 
is still there. The face isn't cleared... how can I do this with 
iterated faces?
Using Draw dialect or face/text ?
Showing the face does not update the display as expected. Hmm.. Show 
us the code ?
Just the iterated face definition.
update-calendar-weeks: func [face index /local tmp-face][
	either integer? index
			if index <= length? cw-positions/(face/month) [
				tmp-face: calendar-week-faces/(face/month)
				tmp-face/offset/x: cw-positions/(face/month)/:index/x
				tmp-face/text: cw-positions/(face/month)/:index/y

				return tmp-face
			return face/month
I'll look at this code, but I just hacked a demo which might be interesting 
for you:
view center-face layout [
	size 600x400
	list-face: face with [
		size: 500x300
		color: 170.165.160
		init: []
		data: ["hello" "there" "Robert"]
		spacing: 1x1
		ioffset: 0x0
		subface: make face [size: 100x24 effect: [merge luma 20]]
		pane: func [face id /local index][
			if pair? id [

    return 1 + first id - ioffset / any [all [subface subface/size + 
    spacing] 1] ; convert offset to row number
			; id is subface ("row") number (an integer)

   ; update subface to the correct offset, call subfunc for each pane 
   of subface
			if subface [

    subface/offset: subface/old-offset: id - 1 * (subface/size + spacing) 
    * 1x0 + ioffset ; spread horiontally into columns

				if subface/offset/x > size/x [return none]

    if subface/show?: all [data id <= length? data][ ; <- this will need 
    to be improved when scrolling added

					index: 0
					if object? subface [
						subfunc subface id index: index + 1

					subface ; return subface so it is shown by the view engine

  subfunc: func [face [object!] id [integer!] "row" index [integer!] 
  "column" /local val][
			;face/text: ""
			;face/data: none
			if all [
				val: data/:id ; "row"
				face/text: val ; "column"
	btn "change data" [
		list-face/data: random list-face/data
		show list-face
	btn "change x offsets" [
		list-face/spacing: random 40x0
		show list-face
I think your above function is a SUPPLY function, isn't it ?
My demo is programming the pane function directly.
Robert, would need to see more code. Nothing is jumping out at me 
yet. Have to go to sleep now, so perhaps tomorrow.
It's just a simple iterated face-function is described by Carl in 
his blog and view-doc.
show the parent-face
Will try this.
Can anyone help me with what's going on here?
view layout [box 50x100 effect [arrow red] origin box 50x100 effect 
[arrow red rotate 270]]