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[View] discuss view related issues

text field .. can't save as binary.
i overlooked text-field, only saw saving.
why do you want to do that, compressed in a field?
because the field is varchar(8192)
and data is being transmitted over tcp, so good to compress first
a sql-field, not a face-field?
you can use 'as-string instead of 'form. but i know no better way 
that "compress mold".
sql field
perhaps we native to compress rebol code and return as a string value, 
and not binary
you can convert a binary to a string in place, with 'as-string
I wonder if that will save okay though 

>> t: as-string compress mold [ font bold32 pen yellow red line-pattern 
5 5 line-width 2 ]

== {xœ‹NËÏ+QHÊÏI16R(HÍS¨LÍÉÉ/W(JMQÈÉÌKÕ-H,)I-ÊS0^EB°@yfJI†‚Q,^@\Z^T^T:^@^@^@}
with write/binary yes. dont know what the sql-protocol does.
>> t

== {xœ‹NËÏ+QHÊÏI16R(HÍS¨LÍÉÉ/W(JMQÈÉÌKÕ-H,)I-ÊS0^EB°@yfJI†‚Q,^@\Z^T^T:^@^@^@}

>> insert db-port [{update results set draw = (?) where rid = 174} 
t ]
>> insert db-port {select draw from results where rid = 174}
>> r: pick db-port 1

== [{xœ‹NËÏ+QHÊÏI16R(HÍS¨LÍÉÉ/W(JMQÈÉÌKÕ-H,)I-ÊS0^EB°@yfJI†‚Q,^@\Z^T^T:^@^@^@}]
>> decompress to-binary r/1
== {[font bold32 pen yellow red line-pattern 5 5 line-width 2]}
seems to work ...
if you use the 'arrow command in Draw, everything else after that 
has an arrow on it. 
How to turn off arrows after that ?
Henrik, your advice is not exactly right: "robert, what happens in 
the above code is that you replace the original feel functions with 
one ENGAGE function. that's why you loose normal field functionality"

Robert has, in fact, only replaced the ENGAGE function in the feel. 
The FEEL keyword in the layout dialect actually MAKEs from the original 
feel, with the spec block you give. eg.

	feel [
		engage: func [...][...]

actually causes something like:

	face/feel: make face/feel [
		engage: func [...][...]

So the other functions which were in the original face/feel are also 
copied in the new feel, unmodified, eg. (DETECT, OVER, REDRAW).

Nevertheless, Robert does need to look at the original ENGAGE function.
Henrik, your second example actually does "damage" to the system.

You are modifying the default FEEL object that is MAKEd from every 
time FIELD styles are created by LAYOUT.
It's basically like the following example. Here we set the ENGAGE
function to NONE to disable user interaction to the field:

	view layout [
		field with [feel/engage: none] 

But the second field also does not respond to user activity, nor 
do fields created in new windows:

	view layout [field] ; <- this field also does not respond

It can be confusing.

You have to remember that the FEEL objects are shared by default, 
to save memory.
These two examples may look the same but they are not:

 layout [field feel [engage: none]] ; this one clones and modifies 
 the FEEL

 layout [field with [feel/engage: none]] ; this one modifies the original 

The LAYOUT dialect has a FEEL keyword, and that causes a MAKE of 
the feel (ie. it is cloned
before being modified by your spec block).

The LAYOUT dialect WITH keyword, however, gets you out of the LAYOUT 
dialect and back into "normal" rebol code, but also binding you inside 
the new face object (the field) that is being created by LAYOUT.

So the "feel" inside the LAYOUT spec block and the "feel" inside 
the WITH block are not the same.
Robert, towards a solution, we need to look in SYSTEM/VIEW/VID/VID-STYLES/FIELD/FEEL, 
eg, by doing this:

	print mold svv/vid-styles/field/feel

So the first attempt should look like this, just copying the code 
from the console:
view/new layout [
	the-field: field feel [

		engage: func [face act event][
			switch act [
				down [

     either equal? face focal-face [unlight-text] [focus/no-show face]
					caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset
					show face
				over [
					if not-equal? caret offset-to-caret face event/offset [
						if not highlight-start [highlight-start: caret]
						highlight-end: caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset
						show face
				key [
					edit-text face event get in face 'action

	new-field: field
focus the-field
Oh no! We get an error message! "edit-text has no value".
Where is EDIT-TEXT ? It is not defined in the global context.
If you go looking in the system you will eventually find it here:


What happened ? The original EDIT-TEXT word, as found in the FIELD/FEEL, 
is bound to CTX-EDIT 

(it's not found in the global context, open a new console and try 
it), but we only bound our new EDIT-TEXT 
word to a new function context (ie. our ENGAGE).

So how do we keep the original bindings of a function, when making 
a copy of it ?
SECOND gives you the body of a function.

	second get in svv/vid-styles/field/feel 'engage

We should COPY that, which keeps the bindings, then modify that copy. 
*Then* we can create the function:

	; copy the engage function body
	body: copy/deep second get in svv/vid-styles/field/feel 'engage

	; <-- modify the body here

	; make the new function
	engage: func [face act event] body

Let's test that to see which keys we want:
view/new layout [
	the-field: field feel [

		use [body at-key-block key-block][

			; copy the engage function body

   body: copy/deep second get in svv/vid-styles/field/feel 'engage

   ; modify the copy to move the block with the EDIT-TEXT word in it
			; to a new IF then-block
			at-key-block: next find select body [switch act] [key]
			key-block: at-key-block/1

   change/only at-key-block compose/only [probe event/key if true (key-block)]

			; make the new function
			engage: func [face act event] body


focus the-field
Now filter for the desired keys:
view/new layout [
	the-field: field feel [

		use [body at-key-block key-block][

			; copy the engage function body

   body: copy/deep second get in svv/vid-styles/field/feel 'engage

   ; modify the copy to move the block with the EDIT-TEXT word in it
			; to a new IF then-block
			at-key-block: next find select body [switch act] [key]
			key-block: at-key-block/1
			change/only at-key-block compose/only [
				if find "-0123456789.^H^-" event/key (key-block)

			; make the new function
			engage: func [face act event] body


	new-field: field
focus the-field
Of course you can add more conditions to the filter, to only allow 
the minus sign at the beginning etc,
but I leave that to you. :)
Graham, if you have trouble, maybe convert to base 64 using ENBASE 
arrow 0x0 turns off arrows ..
Anton: or you can double bind your code block to ctx-text and system/view
view/new layout [
	the-field: field feel [
		engage: func [face act event] bind bind [
			switch act [
				down [

     either equal? face focal-face [unlight-text] [focus/no-show face]
					caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset
					show face
				over [
					if not-equal? caret offset-to-caret face event/offset [
						if not highlight-start [highlight-start: caret]
						highlight-end: caret: offset-to-caret face event/offset
						show face
				key [
					edit-text face event get in face 'action
		] in ctx-text 'self in system/view 'self 
	new-field: field
focus the-field
first question, is how can i get the first text field to accept mouse 
click events?
Use the original feel
can i update the position of the text curser in the number field

cursor is in system/view/caret. points to the text in your face, 
use series-functions to move cursor

recycling of feel: either dump and patch as shown here, or use traditional 
inheritance/super-call as shown in http://polly.rebol.it/test/test/extend-engage.r
is there a good way to do font substitution? I can see that under 
Windows, when I attempt to use the Tahoma font, OSX uses Lucida Grande 
and Linux turns to Courier for some reason. Is there a way to control 
Henrik you can check for OS (something like 1.3.1.O.S) and then choose 
the right font
alrighty then...
Regarding the security restrictions in draw dialect, the draw block 
is not reduced and so block evaluation is prevented.
This means I can't do this ...

[pen 0.0.0 line-width 2 fill-pen none font make object! [
            name: "Sans Serif"
            style: []
            size: 20
            color: 0.0.0
            offset: 14x0
            space: 0x0
            align: 'center
            valign: 'middle
            shadow: none
            colors: none
        ] text "testing" 79x63]
I have to supply the font as a word, and lookup the font outside 
the draw block.
I think this is too restrictive ( if I understand it correctly ) 
If this is the case, I suggest that a font dialect be created to 
support fonts inside the draw dialect
This is my hack of Frank's paint.r program

paint  image [ image! none! ] data [block!]

if given an image as first parameter, it loads it.  If not, it creates 
a canvas of 300x300

if given a data block of draw commands, it applies it to the canvas
It adds freehand drawing, arrows, and text.  **BUT** can't load back 
in text yet due to the restrictions on fonts above.
if data block is empty, it ignores it.
This is a simplistic tool is to be used to mark up images to point 
out areas of interest in medical images.
Feel free to fix it for me before uploading to the Rebol.org ( forgot 
my password ... )
Frank had a very clever way of creating the draw block, but I found 
I couldn't do it the same way with all the combinations that were 
Bizarre .. loading text works in this version !
A syntax-trick: #[object![a: 123]]
try that for your font
it's working anyway now!
Ahh... I see. My other version used mold and not mold/all :(