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[View] discuss view related issues

Anton - is this demo related to your earlier attempt to grid system, 
based on interation, being able to hold faces including events?
hope to release my new list-view for VID some time early next year... 
basing it on the standard LIST instead now
whoo, so many lists now :-) btw I wonder why Carl did not include 
his newer version of list, which was imo bacwards compatible, improved, 
and was done at days of IOS 1.3 View initiative ...
did not know there is so many gfx libraries :-) http://dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Graphics/Libraries/
maybe as we found AGG, some small and cute 3D one plus compositing 
one could be found and integrated too :-)
nice - google search for "fast compositing engine" sports Rebol/View 
on fourth place. I just hope someone does not download View to see 
"fast" composition, real-time video transition effects etc :-) cool 
anyway that Rebol is listed :-)
Thanks for your links
list: Petr, any reference to this improved version? I think I have 
it somewhere but can't remember the name of the script.
hmm, would have to start IOS Developers. Dunno if it is still running, 
because when I instlalled my own IOS server, you know that you can't 
have more than one IOS properly installed on one system - what a 
stupid aproach ...
I can send you this by email, i think I found it off-line on my hd 
?? Why not? I'm connecting to more than 5 IOS systems.
because that is how default behaves ....
I will repeat it till death - it is plain stupid - one stupid unnecessary 
string in registry, noone needs it, it complicates your life, you 
beg for it to be removed, noone listens ... period ...
With the command line argument to connect to the IOS server you want, 
you can start the IOS client sevral times, each one on a different 
Like altme.
And can be easily guified with sdk..
question: I'm using a text-list, which I update with some data after 
the use selected an entry. I want the slider to go to the top and 
show the first entry in the list as well. Positioning only the slider 
leaves the entries somewhere in teh middle.
tl/update . IIRC its buggy, but top should work.
by slider: sl/data: 0.0 do-face sl none
tl/update not working (only sometimes so it looks).
How to add scroll-wheel support to a text-list?
If I have:
view main-gui

forever [
 wait 0.1

How can I exit the forever loop if a user closes the program by ALT+F4 
or clicking the closing X on the window?
Sorry, Robert. There is something I want to announce. :-)

http://hmkdesign.dk/list-test.png<--- a picture of the list view 
I'm building.

Currently about half done and quite usable at this time: It's resizable. 
Values are stored as blocks of blocks. All columns can be sorted. 
Input columns can be filtered so you can show only some columns. 
Columns can be freely reordered (but not in the GUI yet). One arbitrary 
column can be resized.

It has the normal range of series manipulation functions available 
in REBOL. There is also possibility for inline editing, by doubleclicking 
a line. Changed values are automatically stored in the list. All 
such operations are "bundled" in the list view VID code and you only 
need to provide whatever functions needed to store the list data 
in an external place. If a text entry is too wide, it'll be neatly 
cut with ellipsis (...).

Filtering function, to filter input by rows. Also has a scroll-to-selected-line 

It's about as fast as the current LIST in VID, since it really is 
LIST with just a whole bunch of extra functions to make general list 
views easy. There are functions possible for clicking and double 
clicking and functions for retrieving rows and columns.

Current limitations: No mouse over indication (can't make it fast 
enough). Only one resizable column. No keyboard navigation. No horizontal 
scrolling. No scroll-wheel support. It doesn't integrate 100% with 
VID yet. I'm using some of my own widgets and bitmap graphics from 
a pretty big GUI library. Stripe look, font and coloring is locked. 
No standard settings yet for the list view.

All code is about 250 lines.

Planning: Reordering columns via drag'n'drop. Column resizing, if 
I can figure it out. Format the font object conditionally from list 
input (make this line bold if the age column is > 45 years, etc.). 
Grid drawing. Images in list rows. And if I can get around to it: 
Single cell in-line editing ala spreadsheets. :-)
can be columns selected to be viewed/hidden, without altering data 
block? E.g. with Cyphre's version, if you want to remove some column, 
you have to remove it from the data block ...
Yes, you can freely do that in runtime, although there is no method 
for doing that within the list. All viewing and filtering operations 
are non-destructive.
Henrik - my suggestions - forget about column resizing etc. - that 
stuff may come later! I rarely use it for e.g. - what would I concetrate 
upon? Make the engine universal enough. Callbacks for double clicks, 
clicks, enter insert - simply - keyboard navigation is a must. Horizontal 
scrolling is a must. Make your engine to work with millions of lines 
of data - introduce clever caching - you can compute it - you know 
how large your grid canvas is, you can divide it by number of rows 
visible, number of columns visible. Make so called "caching window", 
having e.g. three screens of rows in the cache - once you move slider 
or press page-down several times, compute the number of presses, 
calculate new position, refill the cache, go for the display. That 
is kind of grid we did under windows 6 years ago - unbeatable ...
columns have input and output description blocks. so if you have 
a dataset with [name height weight age sex] you can select to output 
[name age] and also rearrange that to [age name] and simply refresh 
the list. also adding and removing columns can be done on the fly.
I prefer having grid with nice and open/extensible functionality, 
than with knowing it is based upon 'list or other style - make it 
from scratch, if necessary :-)
Henrik, NP solve the last question my self ;-))
And nice announcement. Be sure to integrate it into RebGUI as well.
The caching stuff you mentioned is something I partially did for 
my old listview. Correctly the listview was very fast, but also very 
memory hungry, took a long time to initialize and the code was 5 
times bigger and a lot harder to maintain.

This one simply doesn't paint anything other than what is seen, so 
if you have a million rows, only 15 will be painted, if you have 
15 visible rows on screen. The backside to the LIST which this one 
is based on is that it uses iterated faces. This means that if I 
only do a small change to one face, it has to repaint the entire 
list view with all rows. That's why mouse over became too slow to 
be practically useful. I'm not sure yet how to fix this problem.
And please, add auto-filter functionality a la Excel to the columns. 
Very handy for most programs as it frees you from having to develop 
a query-dialect.
robert, explain? The current filter function is a simple one which 
allows you to only show rows in which at least one cell contains 
a specific sequence of chars
Henrik - auto function - you will add small icon to the header (like 
there is for sorting). It will be drop-down (combo?) style. You will 
fill-it-in with unique values for particular columns .... (in your 
example Gui tools, bug database, HVIT ...., selecting one will show 
only those related items) ...imo that is what Robert means here ....
pekr, I could solve that by making the filter function column specific. 
currently it just searches all columns....
already in the bug database actually :-)
If I can make it 100% independent on my GUI library, I could try 
to make a release? It'll require about a days work though.
Yep, that's what I meant. Columnwise drop-down box with unique values. 
For example you can filter just all bugs that have high priority.
that's doable once I get filtering to work on specific columns, yes....
Henrik, I advise building this style from FACE (ie. not an existing 
style, like LIST). Makes it less dependant on other code, more portable 
(ie. to RebGUI), and you will be forced to write your own pane function, 
which you will need to do anyway . :)

I based a lot of styles on existing styles, and this is a great way 
to learn, but I found as existing styles were changed (bugs fixed 
or ottherwise), my styles would break. Then it's a run-around to 
do a version-dependant fix for the problems.
Petr, no it isn't.
anton, I'll see what I can do about it (would also learn a bit about 
iterated faces), but I'm focusing on getting things to work for now 
As you wish.
If I were to create it purely derived from FACE, how do I add it 
as a style under VID?
look at Cyphre's devcon presentation papers .... I think stylize/master 
is the way ...
I found the set-style function, which could do the trick, but it's 
unfortunately not documented (grr)
just returns an error. might be a context problem, since it's internal
>> a: get-style 'button
>> set-style 'test a
>> view layout [test] ; displays a button

but it doesn't work on my own face...
look at source of get-style ... it is only short-hand func to get 
style out of system/view/vid blabla path ... because - if you probe 
e.g. button in normal way, you will get nearly endless source output 
... hence get-style is handy ... imo